
The Relectunt Heir To Death

{Sign a contract to kill an immortal, or face certain death.} For Asher Whitlock, there's no time to consider the consequences. Catapulted into a realm of cultivation and cosmic powers, Asher must evolve or perish. His mentors: a colossal hunter and his lethal spouse. His first impossible task: assassinate an unkillable being. In a multiverse where lies are currency and even gods can fall, Asher's toughest battle may be saving his own humanity, as system continues to give him never ending impossible tasks. Earth's fate hangs by a thread. Reality itself teeters on the brink. [ The tutorial begins now, Asher. Survive, adapt, kill... or lose everything. ] What to expect: 1. System/Isekai/cultivation/Progression fantasy with an Original power system. 2. High stakes, realistic, ambitious characters and lots of tactical manipulation. 3. A smart/quick MC, who denies being a pushover. 4. A detailed and throughout extensive worldbuilding.

Midnight_Mistique · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Mysterious Morning(Prologue)

The heavens loomed above, their infinite wisdom an oppressive weight upon my shoulders. From my earliest memories, my mother's whispered warnings echoed in my ears. "Never speak ill of their realm," she'd hiss, her eyes darting nervously as if the very walls might betray us. Our meager existence, a stark contrast to the opulence above, served as a constant reminder of our place in the cosmic hierarchy.

My father, a man of few words but iron resolve, instilled in me a different kind of reverence. His calloused hands would grip my shoulders, eyes burning with intensity as he spoke of strength and cultivation. "One day," he'd growl, hope and determination warring in his voice, "you might ascend to their ranks." The possibility dangled before me, tantalizing yet forever out of reach.

But it was my grandfather who truly shaped my perception of the heavens. His body, a canvas of twisted scars and gnarled flesh, told a story far more eloquent than words. In the flickering candlelight, he'd lean close, his breath heavy with the scent of bitter herbs and ancient secrets. "The heavens," he'd rasp, his good eye gleaming with a mixture of fear and defiance, "wield power beyond your wildest nightmares, boy. Never forget that."

As the years passed, the weight of their expectations and warnings pressed down upon me like a physical force. The air grew thick with unspoken rules and veiled threats, each breath a struggle against the omnipresent gaze of those above. And so, in a moment of desperate courage or foolish rebellion – perhaps both – I made my escape.

The chaotic realms below beckoned, a siren song of freedom and possibility. My journey was solitary, marked by the passage of countless years that blurred together in a kaleidoscope of experiences. Each step took me further from the stifling order of my youth, each breath filled my lungs with the intoxicating air of autonomy.

Chance meetings became the cornerstone of my transformation. A wizened hermit in a cavern of pulsating crystals taught me to harness the energy flowing through all things. A warrior-poet atop a mountain of shifting sands showed me the power of words and will combined. In the depths of a primal forest, a being of pure light and shadow reshaped my understanding of reality itself.

These encounters forged me anew, expanding my mind beyond the narrow confines of my upbringing. Strength, both physical and metaphysical, coursed through my veins like liquid fire. And with this strength came an insatiable curiosity, a burning desire to explore every facet of the myriad realms in all their terrible beauty.

I traversed landscapes that defied description – floating islands of impossibly delicate crystal, oceans of living flame, deserts where time flowed like sand through an hourglass. When even the most fantastical realms could no longer sate my wanderlust, I dared to venture into the ominous void itself.

In that place beyond places, where existence frayed at the edges and reality bent upon itself, I gained insights that both enlightened and terrified. The void whispered secrets of creation and destruction, of cycles so vast they made the rise and fall of empires seem like the blink of an eye.

When I finally returned to my home realm, power radiated from my very being. The heavenly army, those paragons I had once viewed with a mixture of awe and fear, now regarded me with grudging respect. They granted me a position befitting my prowess, though I could sense the unease that rippled through their ranks at my presence.

In an attempt to anchor myself to this familiar yet changed world, I established a family. The joy of holding my firstborn, of watching my children grow and thrive, filled a void within me I hadn't realized existed. For a time, I dared to hope that I had found a balance between the extraordinary and the mundane.

But fate, that cruel and capricious force, had other plans.

The day the heavens betrayed me is etched into my memory with painful clarity. The air grew heavy, charged with an oppressive energy that made my skin crawl. I returned home to find my dwelling surrounded by ethereal warriors, their armor gleaming with an unnatural light. Before I could react, they seized my family – my precious children, my beloved parents – their faces contorted in terror and confusion.

I watched in helpless horror as their flesh was used to construct a grotesque altar, a monument to sacrifice and betrayal. The scent of blood and ozone filled the air, mingling with the acrid stench of burning incense. My cries of disbelief and anguish echoed across the realm, a primal sound of loss and rage.

"Why?" I demanded, my voice raw with emotion. "What could possibly justify this atrocity?"

The supreme beings appeared before me, their forms shimmering with barely contained power. In tones of cold logic, they presented their explanation – a justification that shattered the last vestiges of my trust.

"Your bloodline carries traces of ancient void entities," they intoned, their voices a harmonious chorus that sent shivers down my spine. "By harnessing this latent power, we can stave off the corruption that threatens to consume the realms. It is a necessary sacrifice to preserve countless lives."

Their words washed over me, each syllable a dagger to my heart. But even as my mind reeled from the betrayal, a part of me began to see beyond their carefully crafted explanation. The pieces fell into place with sickening clarity. The realms were not decaying as they had proclaimed. Instead, I saw the truth hidden beneath layers of deception. The heavenly army advanced unchecked, reclaiming territory and reaping the bounties of the myriad realms.

Their callousness and deception struck deep, but I refused to submit to their whims. Even as my lifeblood fueled their efforts to curb corruption, a part of me remained vigilant, searching for any opportunity to escape their control.

As fate would have it, a mysterious entity suddenly attacked the heavenly realm, causing chaos and confusion among the supreme beings. In that moment of distraction, I seized my chance. With every ounce of my remaining strength, I projected my essence into the very heart of the heavenly realm, where the divine creation resided.

There, amidst the swirling energies of creation itself, I found sanctuary. My consciousness intertwined with the divine creation, allowing me to hide from the prying eyes of the heavens. As the attack subsided and the realm returned to its usual order, I remained undetected, a hidden spark within the source of their power.

Now, I bide my time, carefully plotting my revenge. The divine creation pulses around me, its vast power at my fingertips. With patience and cunning, I study the intricate workings of the heavenly realm, learning its secrets and vulnerabilities.

Each passing moment brings me closer to my goal. I will dismantle their oppressive regime, piece by piece if necessary. The myriad realms will know freedom once more, balance restored by the very force they sought to control.

Let the heavens remain ignorant of my presence, for their day of reckoning approaches. They may wield vast power, but it pales in comparison to the strength I'm gathering within the heart of their own domain. The cosmos itself will bear witness to my vengeance, as I prepare to unleash the full might of the divine creation against those who betrayed me.

I am the hidden blade, the unseen threat. And when the moment is right, I will strike, bringing an end to their unjust rule and ushering in a new era for all realms.


"Oi!! Asher, wake up! You're gonna be late for your first day at the academy," his sister's voice pierced through the thin walls of their run-down home.

Asher's eyes snapped open, a fleeting look of something unreadable passing across his face before settling into a carefully neutral expression. He rose from bed, his movements deliberate and controlled, as if each action was carefully calculated.

As he made his way downstairs, the floorboards creaking beneath his feet, the smell of weak coffee and meager breakfast filled the air. In the small, cramped kitchen, his family bustled about, their faces a mixture of emotions hard to decipher.

"Morning, son," his father said, looking up from a pile of papers, dark circles under his eyes betraying sleepless nights. "Ready for today?"

Asher nodded, his response measured. "As ready as I can be."

His mother turned from the stove, wiping her hands on a frayed apron, her eyes searching his face. "We're just so glad to have you back, sweetie. Are you sure about this? It's only been a few days since..."

"I know it seems sudden," Asher said softly, his tone giving away nothing. "But trust me, this is necessary."

His younger sister piped up, fidgeting with a worn-out toy, "But what if something happens? What if-"

Asher ruffled her hair, cutting off her concerns with a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "That's why I need to do this," he explained, his words carefully chosen. "Things have changed. I need to understand how."

As the family ate their meager breakfast, Asher observed them closely, his gaze intense but unreadable. The worn surroundings seemed to fuel some inner resolve, though its nature remained unclear. His eyes lingered on the patched clothing, the chipped dishes, the way his parents' shoulders sagged with unseen burdens.

"Things will get better," he stated, his voice carrying a weight that made his family pause, unsure of its implications. The silence that followed was thick with unasked questions.

His parents exchanged glances, a mix of emotions flickering across their faces. "We're just happy you're home, Ash," his father said, reaching out to squeeze his son's shoulder. "Whatever you're doing, we trust you."

As Asher prepared to leave, there was a moment where he seemed to be restraining something, though what it was remained a mystery. His hand clenched at his side, then relaxed, as if he'd made some internal decision.

"I should get ready," Asher said, his voice quiet but firm. He turned and headed to the small washroom, closing the door behind him.

Inside the cramped space, Asher splashed water on his face, the cool liquid providing a moment of clarity. [...] As he raised his head, focusing on his reflection in the cracked mirror, he noticed something that would have once sent a chill down his spine.

The bathroom, usually bright despite its state of disrepair, was suddenly shrouded in an unnatural darkness. Shadows crept in from the corners, lending an eerie quality to his surroundings. Asher's gaze shifted beyond his own reflection, and there it was.

A door, grim and rusty, its surface adorned with silver skeletons. The macabre figures were dressed in thorny iron, their clothes tainted with what looked disturbingly like congealed blood and rust. It was a sight that should have been terrifying, yet Asher felt no fear.

As he stared at the grim door, memories flashed before his eyes. Times when this very sight had filled him with dread and unease, moments when its appearance had heralded danger and the unknown. But now, those feelings were conspicuously absent.

Instead, a sense of familiarity washed over him. The door, once a source of terror, now evoked an almost nostalgic feeling. It was a reminder of how far he had come, of the changes he had undergone. Where once he would have recoiled, now he stood steady, unfazed by its grim visage.

Asher's lips quirked in a small, wry smile. The lack of fear, the absence of that old, gut-wrenching discomfort, was perhaps the most tangible proof of his transformation. He had grown beyond the terrors that once haunted him, become something more than the boy who used to tremble at such sights.

With a slight nod to the reflection, as if acknowledging an old acquaintance, Asher turned away from the mirror. He composed himself, features settling into an inscrutable mask that hid the depths of his experiences. With purposeful strides, he left the washroom and headed out of the house, ready to face the day.

As he walked away, his family watched from the worn-down house, unaware of the silent confrontation that had just taken place or the profound changes it represented in their son and brother.

And in the small washroom, unnoticed by all, the mirror once again reflected only the peeling wallpaper and rusty faucet. The grim door had vanished, leaving behind no trace of its existence save for the quiet confidence in Asher's step as he strode towards the academy and whatever challenges lay ahead.

The journey begins...

Welcome to a project that has been my passion for quite some time. I invite you to join me as this tale unfolds—I promise it will be worth every moment of your time.

You can expect a consistent release schedule and my commitment to seeing this story through to its conclusion.

Your engagement means the world to me. Please share your thoughts and reviews, and consider adding this story to your library. Each of these actions provides immense motivation and helps this project grow.

I hope you'll come to love this story as much as I do. I'll do my utmost to do justice to the characters and world I've created.

Thank you for being here. Let's embark on this adventure together!

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