
The Rejects Club | Lonely Hearts Club

“I’ll see you there,” Jasmine said as she slipped a paper over to the girl. Kyra took the paper as she gave the other a confused look. “Where am I seeing you?” She asked as she brushed a strand of her white hair behind her ear. Jasmine only gave a smile and a giggle as she stood up with her backpack. “The Rejects Club, of course.” ()()()()()()()()()()()() Jasmine Ender is the definition of spontaneous. Not only does this girl do just about everything, but she's the biggest social butterfly anyone's ever met. On top of being an actress, she's also just started the school's very first Rejects Club. Now who decided that the Rejects had to be alone? Mark Nijer might be average but that doesn't mean he's not just as impulsive as his best friend. Being best friends with the school's resident extrovert might have rubbed off on him a bit. Doesn't mean that he's perfect but he's at least the smiling face in the morning. Who doesn't need one of those? Kyra Kingsly just wants to disappear. With the nickname of Detective Purple Hair after solving one of the biggest cases in her small home town, she's been plagued with people knowing who she is. She just wants to be left alone and forgotten so that she can get her work done, without fear of her grandfather's anger. Is that too much to ask? Cleopatra Blackheart is known as the school's bad girl. Last year, she made herself known as the bad girl from Lockwood with her best friend, Bailey, but this year, she's on her own and she apparently more scary this way. Cold and unmoving, it's no wonder that no one likes to be around her. Cleopatra and a handful and a half. Who wants to be the one to have to deal with that? And then there's Monet Ivory. If you were to ask anyone who she was, they probably wouldn't even know she existed. Monet's that one kid who never speaks, never looks you in the eyes, and barely passes her classes. She blends into the background and it seems like she's rather keep it that way. She's not so much of mystery as she is a ninja, in and out without anyone knowing. But who is she really and why is she always so distant? And that's the reason that the Rejects Club was made in the first place.

Ursula_Inc · Teen
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23 Chs

Table of Contents

Introduction - We just ruined our careers

Episode 1 - We Just Did A Bad Thing

Episode 2 - a lot of pointless talking that makes sense in the future, i swear

Episode 3 - Kyra, Jasmine, and Mark really have nothing to talk about

Episode 4 - Cleo thinks she can skip school and Monet likes to teach, wow


Episode 6 - Mark's favorite form of torture is movies

Episode 7 - The strongest people aren't ever perfect

Episode 8 - Kyra, spill the tea

Episode 9 - Homecoming is another word for drama, add that to the dictionary

Episode 10 - And the prize is...!

Episode 11 - Homecoming - Noun: The cause of drama

Episode 12 - Okay, maybe Cleo and Kyra don't hate each other

Episode 13 - You didn't think it ended there, did you?

Episode 14 - You know, episode 2's title was a lie. Maybe.

Episode 15 - Bittersweet Tragedy, really

Episode 16 - This is why Jasmine can't leave

Episode 17 - A little rebellion never hurt anyone

Episode 18 - Lockwood has some issues

Episode 19 - Cleopatra jinxed us