

The protagonist, Camilla, turns eighteen expecting a significant change in her life as she hopes to finally manifest her werewolf abilities. However, as a "runt" in the werewolf pack and working as a stripper, her life is far from glamorous. Despite the prejudices she faces, she secures a job at a werewolf-exclusive club. The owner, Rick, offers her a well-paying private dance gig for a group, but when she enters the room, she discovers her tormentors from the pack: Lisa, Peter, and Chris. To her shock, they reveal Tyson Woods, the future Alpha and their leader, as Camilla's mate. Tyson, however, reacts with disdain and rejects her publicly. Humiliated, Camilla is subjected to a degrading private dance for Chris, Peter, and Tyson, who is making out with Lisa. The rejection is finalized when Tyson officially rejects Camilla as his mate, leaving her devastated...

Laxman_sedai · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

I realized I was getting too used to this lifestyle when I woke up the next morning and sat in bed waiting

for someone to lay out clothes for me and bring me breakfast.

I sat for five minutes before I realized how ridiculous I looked and went out to do it myself. Tying my

corset was almost impossible but I somehow managed it and even after so many days of wearing one-

I still hated it.

As I went to pick out an outfit, I caught sight of my bag at the bottom of the wardrobe. It looked

completely out of place there and I remember the day Ryker had it brought for me, he stared at it like it

was infected. He suggested burning it but even though I wanted nothing more than to put Tyson behind

me, a part of me didn't want to let it go.

I let my hand brush over the rough material softly before I pulled away and took out a simple grey outfit.

I put it on and wore the pink fluffy slippers that Ryker had given me and made my way down to the

kitchen to find something to eat.

When I got to the kitchen, I was shocked to see Lauren there. She was in a heated conversation with

the maid who usually brings my things- I should really learn her name soon. The maid gasped when

she saw me effectively bringing the conversation to an end.

"I am so sorry," she began, "I was talking to Lauren and I must have lost track of time. I will have your

breakfast brought upstairs in less than a minute."

"It's alright," I assured her with a small smile, "I'm right here; I can always have it downstairs." I turned

to Lauren, "Hi, 1 didn't know you were coming today."

"Well, it is my job to babysit you; of course I have to be here." She said through a forced smile, "What

do you have planned for the day?"

"Nothing; I'm just going to explore the house."

"You can't," I was shocked by her harsh tone, "Ryker does not like people going through his stuff and

that includes his house; so if there is anywhere that you want to go that is allowed, I will take you.

I didn't know how to respond to her and even if I did, I wouldn't. I know people like her. It is like dealing

with Lisa all over again and I know she's just trying to mark her territory. I wish she knew that I didn't

want anything to do with Ryker. In fact, he is the one who refuses to reject me..

From the way she was standing, I knew she was expecting a response from me and I wasn't going to

engage in the conversation so I turned to the maid who was watching us both with wide eyes.

"Can I have breakfast now please?" as soon as the words left my mouth, she spurred into action and

swiftly assembled a plate of eggs, bacon, ham and toast with a side of sliced fruits and orange juice.

She knows I won't finish it, but I assume that Ryker instructed her to pile up my plate because no

matter how many times I tell her that she gives me too much, she never reduces the quantity.

I took my tray from her and made my way to the dining table that I passed on my way. In all my days in

the house, I have never seen it used so I figured it was just for decoration and sat at the head of the


I was eating when Lauren walked in. As soon as she saw me, she stormed over to my side and stared

at me with folded hands.

I didn't know why she was standing in front of me so I ignored her and kept on eating.

She must have gotten annoyed because she finally spoke, "You're in the wrong seat.

I finally looked up at her. There was no one here when I got here."

"That is where Ryker is supposed to sit. You shouldn't be sitting there. It is reserved for him or his


"But I am his mate," my voice came out quieter than I expected.

was being honest, I was terrified of her in that moment.

"He doesn't love you, and he will never make you Luna," she spat, "Why do you think he picked me of

all people to watch you?"

"He said it was because you were the best."

"Don't tell me that you are really that naive," she scoffed, "He wanted to make sure that I let you know

your true place. I am the one he wants to be with. Why else didn't he wait for you? He was satisfied

with having me on every surface of this house."

"The clothes you're wearing, even the room you're staying in, they are all mine. You are just an

inconvenience to him and he doesn't know how to handle it."

"Please stop," I hated the way her words seemed to pierce through my skin and it took all my willpower

not to cry, "I don't want to do this."

"We're not doing anything sweetie; I just want to make sure that you understand."

"I understand; please stop."

The last thing I wanted was another case of Tyson and Lisa but I knew that was exactly what I had just

walked into. The victorious smirk on her face was a reminder of everything I already knew- there was

no way that Ryker would want me of all people. He was just keeping me because he had to.

I looked down at my plate but I had lost all my appetite. I pushed it away from me and rose from the

seat. I left it on the table knowing that the maid would pick it up and I started to make my way back

upstairs when Lauren stopped me.

"What the hell are you wearing?" I turned to see a furious expression on her face, "I asked you a


"Clothes," my response was more of a question if I was being honest.

"Not on your body, on your feet," she walked over to me, "Where the hell did you get those? I spent

weeks scouring for those and I had them brought in by a special service."

"Ryker gave them to me. I was hurt and he got them to help me feel better."

"Take them off now," I was stunned and a part of me wanted to refuse. She must have seen it because

she stepped into my space and reduced her voice to a menacing whisper, "I won't ask again."

Against my better judgment, I took them off and handed it to her. As soon as she had it in her hands,

she clutched it to her chest with a small smile.

"You better learn your place you little-," she trailed off and in an instant her entire demeanor changed.

She conjured up the sweetest smile I had ever seen and looked down at me as if I was this precious

gem worth protecting, "I hope you're okay."

I was about to ask what she was going on about when I heard footsteps. I turned towards the door only

to see Ryker walk into the living room. She must have heard him approaching with her werewolf

senses. This is one of the few times I wish I had a wolf so I could have known too.

"I see you've officially met Lauren," he said, "I wanted to be here to do the proper introductions but I got

called out to a pack meeting."

"It is fine," Lauren waved him off, "We already did that; she was actually just going back to her room."

I took that for what it was- a dismissal. I made my way towards the stairs and had taken one step when

Ryker called out my name. I froze on instant as he made his way towards me.

"Where are your shoes?" he asked.

On instinct, I turned to Lauren and she discreetly shot me a death glare. Ryker already noticed the

direction of my stare so

he turned to face her as well.

"Where are her shoes?"

I expected her to panic a little but she was the epitome of calm as she brought it out from where she

was hiding it behind her back. I was shocked at how easily she was going to admit to what she did

when she was just trying to hide it.

"I complimented the slippers and she was saying she didn't like it and asked if I wanted them. Of

course I said and she took them off and gave them to me," the lie flowed effortlessly from her mouth

that I couldn't help but stare at her in awe.

"Is that true, Camilla?" I wanted to tell him no but the look Lauren shot me promised evil things if I didn't

agree so I nodded, "You should have told me, I thought you loved them; I would have gotten something


"It is fine," I lied, "I just want to go upstairs now."

"I'll have new slippers delivered for you before the end of today." I couldn't respond because what

would have escaped my lips would have been a sob so I settled for a nod, "I'm glad you guys are

getting along: I have to go back now."

I nodded again while Lauren gave him an enthusiastic goodbye.

After he left, she turned back to me with those hate filled eyes, "I'm glad you at least have some sort of

self preservation," he lips turned into a cruel smile, "Thanks for the slippers."

I watched her walk away as a lone tear escaped my eyes. Those slippers were the first things I truly

owned that were my own They were not bad or faulty and I did not have to steal them or work really

hard for them- they were given to me.

It was the first actual gift that I got and I loved it. I should have known that it wouldn't last. The things I

love tend to be taken from me. As she walked out of the room, I felt a piece of myself leave with her.