
New World

"Wake up!" A cold female voice sounded, causing a young man to suddenly awaken. sitting up, confusion filled his eyes while he looked at the woman who was standing at the door, snapping her finger at him. 

"Hurry up, all you do is leach off us. go and cook my breakfast and clean my clothing, I have places to go." She said with an annoyed look seeing how the young man was just looking at her with that stupid look. with a look of disgust and disdain, she turned and left leaving question marks floating above the young man.

"What?" the young man said with a lost look. one moment, he had broken into Area 51 to get his hands on an item. He was a spy and was about to finish up his last spy job. after which, he would have sat back and begun trying to live a normal life. everything was going smoothly, he had almost completely the mission when he was backstabbed.

his allies turned against him, framing him as having betrayed them. He had managed to kill his way out of danger, but not without suffering a great degree of damage. in the end, he died with that item he had stolen in his hands. now he woke up here, in this new body.

As a spy, he knew many things, he could speak over 50 languages, was a make-up wizard, and was up to date with what was popular. He knew things about transmigration, so he quickly understood what happened to him. this was confirmed even more so when he looked outside his window, only to see a world completely different from Earth.

I mean, it was about 80% to earth. humans of all races walked outside the streets, but the main difference was the buildings. they looked like drawings taken out of the future. many looked as if they were made out of silver, they were smooth. floating cars were on the streets, while humans who could fly could be seen.

I was stunned at such a sight, before going on to look around where I found a phone. picking up the phone, the phone unlocked. This phone was weird, it was see-through and was as thin as if it was a thick paper. 

I tried looking for buttons, or anything. but it was flat, without anything to tell if it was the back or front. If one placed it down, it might be perfectly see-through, leaving me to question who would be foolish enough to create such a thing when it could be so easily lost.

He went through the phone, but before I could scan through the information of this world, my head suddenly began to hurt. frowning, I felt a new memory slowly fill my head. the pain was great, but I could easily withstand it. I learned from a young age to be able to handle and endure pain and even learned how to turn off my sense of pain.

"So... my name is Alexander Williams," I said softly, Alexander Williams was the young master of the Williams family. One of the 4 richest families of the Blazing Phoenix Empire. the Blazing Phoenix Empire was split into 4 regions, these 4 regions were watched over by 4 families. These 4 regions were large, holding over 40 countries they managed.

Above these 4 families was the royal family. Alex was the child of the Williams family head, his father was its head while his mother was from the royal family. now, one must question why someone with such a powerful background is being ordered to cook for others while being forced to wash their clothing.

It was the family trial. Alex along with his other siblings had to start from nothing and rise to make their name. Alex sadly didn't have any skills. because of this, his mother arranged for him to marry into a rich household, but that was the most she could do for him.

Alex was currently 22 years old, he had 8 more years to make a name for himself, or else he would be considered to have failed the trial. at which point, he would be given some money to go and live an alright life.

Alex was currently married to Hannah, a beautiful woman who had managed to take over her father's business and was currently trying to make a name for it. She wasn't only talented and running the business, but she was also a talented mage... oh, yes. this world had magic.

This wasn't Earth, instead was called Terra. there were over 4 continents. The continent was split between a few races of this world. The human continent, The beast-man Continent, The Elven Continent, and the forbidden continent.

the human continent was home to all of the human kingdoms. each kingdom was unique, the Blazing Phoenix Empire was a kingdom that was not against the concept of allowing nonhumans to live amongst it. but the Human Sovereign Empire was a kingdom that enslaved nonhumans, believing that all who were not humans should be enslaved and that only humans were supreme.

Back to Hannah, she only accepted the marriage due to the fact she didn't want to marry. Many wanted to marry her, but she never married... well, she was lesbian. Alex knew but could do nothing about this.

as for that woman who just woke him up, it was his mother-in-law. She thought Alex marrying her daughter was the worst thing that had ever happened to her family.

"What a pain," I said while rubbing my forehead, my spy skills were great, and could be considered the best back on earth. I was trained by my father from the moment I was 2, my father was under the idea that genius is not born but created. so he did just that, creating a super spy.

but my spy skills before magic... well, I didn't think I could get far. sure, I could make realistic skin, and give myself complete make to look like just about anyone. sure I could perfectly change the pitch of my voice, and sure I was a master of martial arts... but what was it before magic?

A spell that could transform a person down to their height and weight existed, with spells to help one see through such magic. as for my martial arts... what the hell am I going to do before a fireball?

{Ding... fusion completed. greeting host.} Suddenly a voice sounded in my head, making me sigh in relief. I had a system, Alex had no talent for magic. I didn't think his talent would up and change just because I took over.

'greeting system, might I know of your capability and other such things?' I asked calmly while getting up to go get dressed.

{I'm the Harem system. As for my capability, it's random. I will give you a mission, and in return, I will reward you. but before that, would you like your starter pack?} The system asked, making me nod my head slightly.

{Opening the starter pack... congratulations host. you have gained [Favorability Meter] and [Eye Beyond Sight]} the system said,

[Favorability Meter (S tier)]- you're able to see the favorability of others. from -100 being a hatred aimed towards you that even after death they would raise to hunt you, to +100 being complete trust and loyalty. even at death's door, they would keep fighting for you.

[Eye Beyond Sight (SS Tier)]- Your eyes shall be evolved, allowing you to see what normal human eyes could never see. you can read the movement of energy with great ease, see your father, find weaknesses, and so on. it even has the added benefit of boosting one mental capability

Lvl 1: You can see more colors, and energy, and see the small twitches of one's muscles, allowing one to be able to read them.

{Name: Alexander Williams

Age: 22 years old/ 100 years old

Status: A Good For Nothing Son In Law

Bloodline: Williams Family Bloodline (sealed)/ Blazing Phoenix Bloodline (sealed)

Abilities: [Favorability Meter (S tier)], [Eye Beyond Sight lvl:1(SS Tier)]

Spells: [None]

Items: [None]}

'I could see more colors.' I thought while looking at new colors I had never seen before. I wasn't color blind, I had perfect eyesight, capable of seeing the smallest of details. Humans could see around 1 million colors, but there were countless colors a human eye couldn't see. I could see more of them, maybe 5 times more.

After looking at the new colors around me for some time, I reached out with my palm, leading the phone I had placed on my bed to fly over. there was a reason it was see-through, it's because these phones were magical. they were linked to one mind, allowing one to be able to locate it with a thought among many other benefits.

{Host, you have a mission.

Quest: Show Your Worth

Description: You are called the Good For Nothing Son-in-law, your wife looks down upon you while she secretly sleeps with her girlfriend. Go ahead and show your Worth before Your Wife and get the Favorability of 10%

Reward: [Lustful Touch] 

Punishment: [Favorability Meter] will be sealed for 1 year]}

'system, do I not have a time limit?' I asked while going downstairs to cook for the family, 

[there is no limit. but if Hannah's favorability drops by 10, it would count as you failing.} the system said while I nodded slightly. I guess I should go all out and show them my cooking skills.

"what's that smell?" From Upstairs, a beautiful young woman came down, unable to help herself upon smelling something good. this was Hayley, Hannah Younger's sister. She walked into the kitchen, only to see me cooking. She knew I could cook, but it was never some 5-star meal.

Hayley's mother also came down, and soon the whole family was standing there with a lost look, watching me cook. Hayley's mother was a blonde-haired woman. she was in her 30s, yet she still looked young as if she was in her 20s. Next to her was Hannah, a beautiful blonde-haired woman. standing among them, she stood out.

She had a perfect figure, her eyes were beautifully blue, with a face that could be said to have been personally created by the gods. the family of 3 were all beauties, but among them she stood out.

"You're all up..." I said softly while serving the food at the dinner table. 

"what's all this?" Hannah asked while looking at the food which caused her stomach to rumble. I looked at her for a moment, before shaking my head.

"It's nothing... just a thank you meal for taking me in," I said while going upstairs, leaving her stunned. I went on to wear some shoes before leaving, leaving them all too stunned to do anything. 

"what just happened? Did he just up and leave?" Hayley asked confused while walking up to the food, where she went on to take a bite. but as soon as she took a bite, her eyes widened in shock. it was perfect. Alex had realized that with his eyes, he could almost perfectly time his cooking, allowing him to make sure his food could be a perfect blend of taste, flavor, and while keeping all of the food nutrients.

"What did he use to cook this? those 5-star restaurants need high-end ingredients to cook such things. did he use those simple ingredients?" Hannah said too stunned for words after testing the food. she was moved.

"... That bastard, he should have used our money or something to buy it. now he thinks he could run away?" their mother was enraged, unwilling to believe that Alex was so capable, that trash was living with her for so many years and now he shows such capability? something fishy was happening here.

She ran after Alex, but she was too late as Alex could be seen entering a Taxi and driving off. She was enraged and quickly pulled out her phone to call him.

"Hallo?" Alex asked while picking up the phone, 

"just where do you think you're going? get back here or else." She said angrily, Alex sighed softly before speaking softly.

"I understand you hate me... I'm going to go get a job and get out of your hair. As you always wished, I will leave Hannah. I'm sorry for being a leach, I will repay you. I will sign a contract if you want." I said softly, leaving her stunned. her face turned dark, but before she could say anything I had hung up. She returned home, her face bright red from rage

"What happened?" Hannah asked calmly, she looked at Hannah for a moment before she smiled after some thought.

"He wants a divorce... he plans to go get a job and stop leaching us." She said with bright eyes, this was a joyful event. why on earth was she so upset? now her daughter could go on to marry someone worthy of her name.

Hannah was stunned at her words before she frowned deeply at her words. Alex was someone she did look down upon, but she didn't dislike him, but she also didn't like him. Her favorability of Alex was -1. but after eating such food, I went up by 2 points. no matter what, hearing that he wanted a divorce, left her displeased.

meanwhile, Alex stepped out of the taxi, appearing before a huge restaurant. he looked at the restaurant for a moment, before stepping in. I went on to look around for a moment, before asking a worker if I could see the manager of this place. although confused as to why and who I was, I was allowed to see the manager. public image was important to this restaurant 

"Greetings sir, might I know why you wish to see me?" the manager, a middle-aged man who had on a suit asked with a slight frown while sizing me up.

"yes... I want a job. I wish to show you my cooking skills." I said with a smile, making the manager frown deeply.

"I will buy my meal, let me cook it for myself. If you like what you see, then let's talk. if not, you can band me from ever stepping foot here." I said to which the Manager's face dropped slightly. but the confidence I gave off made him wonder, so he nodded after some thoughts to himself.

I went to the kitchen, where I ordered something simple to cook. with all of the chefs and managers watching, Alex went on to put on a show. a smell like nothing they had smelled before filled the air. back at Hanneh's home, he cooked with the same ingredients, but here... well, I was cooking with high-end ingredients 

after a few minutes, the plate was placed before the manager. I nodded towards him to try it, and the manager did just that. honestly, with my eyes, my cooking skills were nearly perfect. It said that one could taste things that they are looking at. I could do just that, allowing me to taste the food, while not needing to put it in my mouth,

"beautiful." the manager said with a lost and moved look. he looked at me, not daring to believe that such food could exist. I smiled at him while having everyone else enjoy the meal as well, and they were all stunned.

"So, did I get the job?" I asked, the manager nodded slightly. After taking the plate away from the chefs before they could finish it. He had me follow me to his office, where we went on to talk about my job.

"Can I be like a V.I.P only chef? I want to have a high pay... I want 10k a month." I said with a smile, making the manager frown slightly. that was a bit too high, wasn't it?

"with my cooking, you would have more people coming here to eat. Just say that those worthy of eating my food should pay more. you don't think that people should pay $100 for my cooking or something. it should be around 300 to 500." I said calmly, making the manager hesitate as I had a point. plus, if those truly rich people came to eat here, wouldn't the fame of this restaurant increase?

this restaurant was called Heavens Plate. it was one of the only 4 restaurants within Lluvia city. The city was split into West, east, south, and north side. these 4-star restaurants take up each side. Heavens Plate was located on the east side.

"Alright... we can put it to the test first. when do you want to start?" He asked while pulling out his phone.

 "tomorrow would do," I said and he nodded slightly while holding out his palm, I held out my phone, and suddenly the file that was on his phone moved to my phone.

"Sir Williams, go on and sign those and send them back to me. I will make sure everything is ready for you tomorrow... you might have to work hard as tomorrow the famous Stone family will be coming for a birthday celebration." He said remembering tomorrow's event

"Then, I will make sure to show off before such a powerful family," I said with a smile, to which the middle-aged man nodded seriously. The Stone family name held great power within Lluvia city, they were one of the richest families in the city.

Next chapter