
The Rejected Fate

Mates are everything to a werewolf, they define social status and a bunch of other things. It is a special creation of the moon, to bind two souls together. Mates are meant to be a pillar for each other, both as strengths and as weaknesses. They are to love and to cherish, to hold and to care, to never leave and never forsake. However, this is not always so. A bond much anticipated and celebrated is not always perfect. What if, just what if I become the rejected?

zaiva · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Chapter 12

In the pack house, earlier that day.

A group of men were seated together in a meeting room around a rectangular table.

The faces of the men were grave and they seemed to be deliberating something. Most of them were important men in the Sun pack, the rest were from neighbouring packs and had been invited for the meeting.

A dark brown haired, black eyed man stood up to address the group. He was of an average height but commanded a powerful aura that made all of them respect him. He had a slightly bulky build with a stuck up attitude.

He was the alpha of the Sun pack, Dian's pack.

"A few of you are aware of why we are here today" he said.

His voice was thick and powerful. It was the finishing touch to his aura.

Some of the men nodded in agreement while the others listened attentively.

"There was an issue very close to the western border" he continued

He turned to his beta who was seated at his left and nodded.

Immediately, a video was displayed on the screen.

The attention of everyone in the room immediately became fixed on the screen.

A girl was running very fast.

Behind her, two men were hot on her heels. She appeared very scared.

She turned left into a clearing surrounding by huge rocks with only one entrance.

It was a mistake on her path. she seemed not to have realized immediately but they knew because the screen showed the entire picture. She looked around her and slowly came to that realization herself.

The two men followed shortly, one blocking the exit and the other walking towards her.

She grabbed as many stones as possible and hurled one at the man walking towards her. She hit him but the stones soon dropped to the floor.

The one walking towards her seemed to be speaking but there was no audio In the video so they couldn't hear what he said.

They were very curious and so their attention was sustained.

She tried to put as much distance as possible between her and the man who was coming closer to her.

his hair was a dark blonde, very close to brown.

The men in the room pitied her in their hearts.

Why wouldn't they?

She was for all they knew, a weak and powerless girl with no one to defend her.

Almost all of them sighed and shook their heads.

The only ones without any emotion in the room were the alpha, his beta and another man who sat amongst the men.

He knew he had to be on guard. Such meetings were not usually called and they almost always never ended well. He suspected where the meeting was headed but he couldn't be too sure lest he be taken unawares. He wasn't sure he could save her but he had to try. She was his daughter afterall and fathers were to protect their children.

Internally, he was in turmoil. He couldn't help worrying about her.

He had not set eyes on her since she was admitted into the hospital. Was she fine? Will she get better? Was his future grandchild okay?.

He did not know how she fared. He wasn't allowed to see his own daughter.

However, his aura and his facial expression were as calm as a lake.

Some of the men who knew him stole glances at him and pitied him even more than they did his daughter.

A ball of what looked like flame was hurled at his daughter.

It took every ounce of restraint he had to remain seated and maintain his composure. He couldn't let his emotions rule him or else he would miss out on something important. Every bit of information counted.

All of a sudden, his daughter had flown above the ground.

He was conflicted.

He wanted to be grateful to the deity for saving his daughter but knew better than anyone that it would ruin rather than save her. he was starting to slowly feel fear.

Not for himself, but for her, his only daughter.

The men began to whisper amongst themselves.

The girl had avoided the atack by leaving the ground and standing on air. It seemed she wasn't normal.

She was attacked again through the same method but avoided it staying afloat.

The men shared meaningful looks amongst themselves.

'could she be a witch?' they wondered.

she couldn't be a witch. they couldn't have lived in the presence of a witch for years without knowing. Unless of cause, her parents had been hiding her the entire time.

The alpha's face was grave, staring at the screen with hawk-like eyes.

The attackers stared at the girl in awe and made brief eye contact. In a flash, the one guarding the only entrance flew up to her and attacked. At the same time, another ball of flame was thrown at her.

She looked surprised but managed to avoid both attacks.

it seemed like she was injured but they couldn't be completely sure.

That was a short coming in the CCTV footage. it abandoned the little details for the bigger picture.

she continued defending herself to the best of her ability.

The men watching marveled at this and slowly, bit by bit, fear crawled into their heart.

They became afraid of her, afraid of what she represented, afraid of the power she carried.

They were afraid that she would be dangerous to them and resolved in their hearts to get rid of such an "abominable creature".

They believed that someone like that shouldn't exist in the pack. She was too dangerous.

Her father shed tears in his heart, he knew what they were thinking and felt powerless. He felt like there was nothing he could do. He didn't want to fail his daughter.

The girl managed to avoid the rest of their attacks and run out of the clearing.

She continued running for a while.

She escaped and her attackers were no longer at her heels.

The men in the room felt their fear grow.

'she would've been better off dead' they thought.

They knew they had to get rid of her but they didn't want to get their hands dirty.

The video shifted scenes and was fast forwarded.

The girl looked drained and significantly weakened. She struggled to move falling continuously. Eventually, she began crawling.

She was moving very slowly her face was filled with the determination to live.

Suddenly, she stopped moving.

The men paid even closer attention. She must've reached her body's limit.

She forced herself up and tried to walk forward but was flung on getting to a point. She landed on the ground, wincing slightly.

She walked on her palms and knees to the point where she had reached and put her hands out. She immediately drew them back. She looked more frightened than before.

It seemed like there was a wall she could not go through.

She stood up and ran back to where she had come from.

She was once again flung at a certain point.

She tried both her left and right sides, then, returned to the middle.

She didn't move, she kept looking around her in alarm.

The men were confused. They could see she was free but she appeared stuck.

She acted like a rabbit caught in a trap.

There was no such thing as an invisible wall.

They wondered what could be wrong.

She kept looking at all her sides in unhidden alarm.

The next thing they saw was her bending over and clutching her neck. It was like she was short of air.

The men were more confused. It was impossible as far as their small minds were concerned.

She was unconscious. She looked limp and her body seemed to weigh a thousand times more than usual.

Shortly after, her attackers or should I say pursuers appeared from absolutely nowhere. They walked towards her with confidence. They had won, succeeded and she had put up a useless fight.

Everyone in the room, including the intimidating alpha couldn't help but wonder what they could've been after.

They had pursued relentlessly.

The one who could conjure fire in his hands waved his right hand and an invisible film seemed to clear.

It wasn't something that could've necessarily been explained. All they knew was that something that had been there before was gone.

It was too much for them to understand. It may have been a concept they could have understood easily if they had the necessary information. They didn't know and they couldn't know because no supernatural species truly knew the depth of power of the other supernaturals. They were all ignorant of the strengths and weakness of each other. It was how they maintained the peace.

One thing was sure though, she had indeed been trapped by invisible walls.

Before her attackers could get closer, she jumped on her feet surprising her attackers and those watching.

Her eyes were bloodshot and she emitted a fierce aura. She was no longer unconscious.

Her attackers made brief eye contact and seemed prepared to attack.

The men watching refused to take their eyes off the screen. Their attention level was at an all time high.

She raised her head to the sky.

She looked very calm, a bit too calm for someone who was fighting for her life...

She raised her arms up and closed her eyes.

She was being very silly. She was supposed to have taken the opportunity and ran the minute they lifted the barrier.

She was obviously not very wise.

In less than a second, the ground started to shake.

The footage was also shaking. The men could hardly get a good look at the situation. It was like there was an earthquake. There was a very strong wind that shook the footage even more. They were definitely not going to get a full view of the situation.

The trees were swaying gently.

She positioned her hands at 180° to her shoulders, her eyes remained shut.

Immediately, there was a blast and her attackers disappeared.

The last thing they saw before the screen went black was her slumped on the floor, trees falling to the ground...


I did it again.

I know it sounds like an excuse but I've been dealing with a few important life changes. I'm sorry I'm a day late and I genuinely hope you guys can forgive me.

I'll do my best to update Monday next week. Until then, I give you all my love.

Happy reading

zaivacreators' thoughts