
Chapter One

"Will you marry me?"


"Adrian! It's Clare!"

"L-Love? Clare?! Clare!"

"Darling, just hold on. Don't let God take you"

"What happened to my daughter?!"

"Sir, leave it to us"

"Please save my fiancée!"


"Again. Clear!"

Her eyes opened when those voices lingers in her head. Those familiar voices she can barely remember. Those voices she wanted to hear. The owner of those voices she's wanted to see.

At first, her vision was blurry so she rubbed her eyes and blink multiple times, and the moment her vision became clear, "Argh!" she exclaimed and looked away as sharp rays from the unknown light hit her eyes.

She quickly blocked the bright light that pierced her. Few minutes later, she can finally bare the brightness after multiple blinking, she let her hands dropped on the ground and stared above.

It was all white, It wasn't a ceiling nor a sky. It's all pure white. There's no sun nor clouds nor birds. She looked around and questions began to surround her head.

Why am I lying in a place full of flowers?

She managed to sit and looked around but the only thing she can see is flowers. It's like paradise

Where am I? she thought.

She stood up then the cold breeze blew and touched her skin. Then she felt something new in her body so she looked down and just realized that she's wearing a frilly white dress. 'As far as I can remember, casual clothes were my last outfit' She disregard the thought and turned around, searching for people but even a figure was never seen. Now I'm lost in a Garden of Paradise. Where exactly am I? How am I supposed to find a way out of this place? She took a step forward while her eyes scanning the area and head to the east. She can even feel the blossoms hit and how it brushes her skin smoothly. Everything is so colorful.

She was walking to a never-ending journey in a paradise-like place. She felt terrified as she scanned her surroundings. Her heart couldn't stop pounding but somehow the fresh air lessen her fright.a smile curved on her lips as she touched every blossom as she passes by.

She didn't even know how many hours she spent from walking but she felt tired already so she decided to stop and dropped herself to the ground. The flowers were now above her head. She hugged her knees and a tear fell from her eye.

Too tired and feeling lonely that she decided to lay down to calm down but as soon as she was about to close her eyes, a loud creaking metal echoed in the bewilderness.

She immediately sat up, turned her her head from left to right repeatedly, looking for that sound. She stood up and followed her instincts, letting her feet lead the way.

She stopped when she saw a huge thing that shocked her and woke up her whole consciousness.

Her mouth gaped because of that huge, white thing. It's sparkling as the rays of the unknown light hit it's crystals. It is a huge white closed-gate.

Hope arises within her when she saw the crystal gate. She felt joy and excitement, making herself believe that she can finally get out of that place. She gathered her strength and ran to it, purposely bumped her whole body to the gate to open it but it remain closed.

It's so hard that if she bumped her petite body to it again, her bones would crack. Never thought someone would think of making a gate made of crystals? She thought. And it's amazingly massive and looks really expensive. If thieves get to pass the area, they would surely pull out sharp things and carve the crystals because even a tiny one would really cost big time.

She glanced of what's inside it and can see white floating things. The ground is like a thin air and can't see beyond from it because of the bright light.

"Hello?" she spoke, hoping her voice reaches someone.

"Anybody?" she spoke again, feeling impatient.

"P-Please! Anyone?! Can you please help me find my way back home?" she pleaded but still nobody answered. Fear started to rise inside her. She was about to scream again when a sound was heard.

That sound caught her attention. She took a step backward when she heard a familiar sound. The sound of a trumpet. It's like her whole body was moving on it's own and her own feet brought her to the place where the trumpet's sound came from. She ran as fast as she could like someone's chasing her.

'Maybe there are people where the triumph's sound came from. I must go there!' She thought. While she was running, she noticed white smokes from above and a familiar chugging sound.

Then again, her mouth gaped when she saw HUGE trains in front of her. Her eyes were bulging of what she saw. It was a huge train with fully packed passengers in there. The train was like a hundred feet tall with many railroad cars. The trains were ready to go and even have passengers inside it.

The first five train's color was pure white. I could see people in there were happy and their eyes were full of joy. I could hear the noises they made in that white train. I could see them through the window of how happy they are, they were chattering, dancing and even singing. I could see they were having fun with each other.

The second five train was color black, the people in there were calm and silent. They were just sitting still in their seats, some were even looking outside and based on their faces, they were thinking deeply. The train's atmosphere was gloomy and creepy. None made a sound and they were staring off to space.

The third five train was color red. The third train is indeed an ugly train. It's outer appearance is full of rust like anytime it'll break. The people in there were shivering in fear. I can see some were crying and some were acting wildly like they have a mental illness. Some were even killing and hurting each other. I could see them from afar through the window jumping and smashing the train. Even though the train was closed by hard metals, their noise was heard in my spot.

The three color-coding trains have railroad cars attached to each other and what separates the colors is one railroad car that is used as a stock room. It means all of them are one and each of them has five railroad cars depending on its color. The first five's were the white one, the second five's were the black ones, and the third five's are the red ones.

It wasn't a typical train station in the real world. It was just a simple train station with massive trains. It's railways were intact with the cloud-like ground. There's only one table in front and it's probably a ticketing area.

Then she heard the trumpet's sound again so she turned to her left where the sound came from. There she saw people falling line so she ran towards them and stood behind the last person in the line.

"Excuse me, if you don't mind me asking. Why are we falling in line here? What is happening?" she asked the woman before her. The woman turned around and smiled but it was a sad one.

She was wearing a white dress like her. She have this medium layered brunette, and deep set eyes and long lashes that slightly graze her lids.

"It's a trip to eternal world. Where we permanently belong" she said. Clare felt like her breathing stopped when she heard that. Eternal world? Where is that place? Why do we- they have to go there? Do I also have to go there? she thought. A part of her wanted to believe what the woman said but a part of her denied. In her mind, it sounded funny but to analyze the situation, it's not the right time to pull off some joke.

"I don't get it. Eternal world? Is there such a thing?" she asked and gave her a perplexed look. "Are you a Christian?" the woman asked and she nodded. "Then I supposed you are familiar with heaven and hell" the woman said that confused her more.

Heaven? Hell? I don't understand. What's the connection of the two worlds with these stuff? Does she mean that those trains will bring us either of the two worlds? She thought confusingly.


'Wake up, Sweetie! Don't give up. You're going to be alright'

"So that means...." Tears escaped from her eyes when she realized the situation she's in.

"Yes, everyone here is dead. We are all souls" the woman said and sadly smiled.