
Chapter One: Waking up in the new world

Louis woke up in a mysterious place. He didn't know how he got here or what had happened before. All he remembered was a bright flash of light and a sensation of being pulled into a different world. He couldn't recall much else, only a vague sense of peace and calmness.

The darkened atmosphere around him felt eerily familiar, like he had been here before.

He slowly rose to his feet, his body humming with the immense power of a His body continued to hum with an immense amount of power. It was like he could feel the essence of the world around him.

He looked around, taking in his surroundings. All he saw was darkness and shadows, like he was in the middle of a dense forest. Yet he felt no sense of fear or danger, only a feeling of purpose.

Then, from the shadows, he heard a mysterious voice.

"Are you awake, Louis?" Louis looked up to see a shadowy figure standing before him. The figure was cloaked in darkness, but he could feel its presence like a physical presence.

"Who are you?" Louis finally ask.

"I am the Guardian Spirit of this world, sent to help you on your mission." the spirit answered. The spirit's words seemed to send a chill down Louis's spine. His mission? What mission was that?

Louis had no idea why he was here or what his purpose was, but the spirit's words made him feel a surge of energy and determination.

"Don't worry," the spirit reassured him, "I'll be by your side to guide you on your journey."

Louis had no time to ask any more questions as the spirit faded away, leaving him alone in the darkness once more.