
The Reincarnation of a Kryptonian Hero

It was an end of the Crises war. but the victory archieved was too costly, and it seems like it wasn't over just yet. But the Over- Monitor hasn't given up yet, he still has one more card to play. And his was a wild one.

vtorx_0867 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

The Over-Monitor's Gamble

It was of a time before time. A world that existed before the order of the dimensions were appropriated to their various aspects and individuals.

Deep within the immaterial recess of chaos, three beings of unimaginable powers stood at an impasse. The time of creation was at its dawn. But even before it begun, its integrity was already in endangerment as a result of their progenitor. So they deliberated, scoring for every possible options to prevent it. For an unperceivable spell, hypothetical timelines were created and destroyed. Ideas discarded for their faultiness. And so it continued until each of the all-powerful creatures arrived at a conclusion.

But alas, they were in contrast with the other.

"Destruction of all things for their latent energy, is the answer my brothers." A being spoke, his voice shook the faceless chaos as he declared what would be the ultimate salvation. "For there is no other way, I assure you. The enemy, our Great Mother is too powerful for even us to handle, so what hope is there for the coming beings of creation. So my propositions rings thus 'let time begin, let the gods  and  mortals  alike nurture in their states, and when the time is right and all things has reached their zenith, we swoop down and harvest them all. Turning them into our supplicants and with their existence, nourish us with enough to transcend our own states, becoming one which dwarfs even Our Mother."

The being opposite him shook his head. "But that defeats the entire purpose, my brother." He replied blearily. "For what, and who do we fight for if not the coming creation, to turn them into nutrients would only makes us in the image of the one who we abhor."

"Then what of mine" the last rumbled, his eyes closed even as he spoke. The ensuing silence that followed was his sign to continue. "My brothers." He began. "For an untold amount of time, we have argued. For an untold amount of time we have experimented. But I believe there is one thing you all can agree with me on. The beings of creation are not perfect, and that is an undisputable fact." Seeing that the second was about to cut in, the third lifted his hands quelling him. "Peace I do not mean it as affront, but rather it is a truth wedged their very souls that cannot be changed, no matter how hard we try."

The first being folded his arms akimbo, regarding the third "And how does it concern the root conundrum, for as much as it is true there is nothing we can do about it? For that is how it is meant to be." He ended in rhetorical satire.

"But that is only if we let it be so brother."

"Ho~" With intrigue, his attention fully arrested he asked "let us hear it then, what do you believe will be the proper course of action."

"The formation of the world in a proper image. The beings of creation consists of nothing more of frolicking children. They need a guide, a shepherd that will steer them in the right way, and my proposition is that let us be that guide as in this way, Mother's harvest of the Crises energies will be ebbed and the world will be in turn prepared for her arrival."

"But brother if we do it like this, then what will be the difference between us and our Mother?" The second asked. "For is it not because we feel encumbered by Mother's hand that we left her bosom? And if we begin what you have suggested, then soon even an eon from now, a soul will rise up against us in mutiny, inspiring others to do the same so as to be free from our guidance."

"So what do you propose we do brother?" The first asked with a tint of exasperation. "You find my proposal too inhumane and his too cumbersome. Speak, what do you feel is the right way for us to save all things."

With a sigh born out of serenity, the second replied. "We should look after them… watch over them. But not in the way of Lordship, but rather in amiable mutuality. Inform them of what is to come, the twilight that breaks as Mother arrives to devour, I am sure that some will listen… an ample amount to be sure and we brothers shall serve as their vanguard in the final battle."

"Ha! It seems like while we are of the same breed you obviously do not possess the requisite acumen. Amiable mutuality, such nonsense prattle! It is asinine of you to even consider such puerile approach brother." The first scoffed.

"While I do not agree with his macabre way, I also agree that too save all creation with such an idea places too much on their cordiality brother," The third added shaking his head, "We have seen it. You have seen it. They are not perfect, to simply think that informing them of their impending peril would do any good is just childish."

"And you think yours is the better option?"

"I consider it as it is."

"But it is nothing more than slavery, brother."

"No it is plainly pragmatic."

"Oh why do we bother arguing my brothers?" The first cut in tersely, "We all found our ways as the most proper, and the others simply not up to task concerning the upcoming Crises. It is written in our souls that this is where we must diverge," And as he said those words a path of gold lighted up from behind in straight lines, they appeared opulent but the beings of nigh-infinite might knew they were anything but thus. The first also knew that also as his face softened a notch, extending once more to the others, "My brothers I will ask you both once more and I will ask no longer. Join me as the harvester, so that we should achieve greater heights than our previous stations." He said extending a hand.

But even as he knew their answer, it pained him to hear all the same.

"I am sorry brother but I must refuse." Second repudiated.

"While your proposal might work, I still see mine as a more practical choice as all will benefit from it. So I must decline as well." The third said.

His outstretched hand balled into a fist as he slowly dew it back to his person. "So this is how it is meant to be…" He close his eyes tightly for a fleeting spell, opening them only to reveal eyes that the others no longer knew.

"Second," He began curtly, "Unlike the third I know that you will be an imminent obstruction to my goals. So I declare you as my antithesis. Where you will create I will destroy, you shall grow and I will cut down, where you shall be the Cultivator, I shall be the merciless Harvester, from you Creation and from me, Nothingness. And so I ask of you do you accept this position… brother?"

"I… I do."

"And with that the toll of a new age has begun, and henceforth I shall no longer be your brother. But you shall address me as… Mobius, THE ANTI-MONITOR." And in saying that. He turned towards his path, his back facing the beings whom he had considered his kin for eons pass, leaving with naught a word.

"Is there any way I can change your mind from this foolhardiness brother." The third asked after some moments later.

The second remained quiet, his answer made in tacit obstinacy.

The third exhaled resignedly, "Well I can promise you this. In your wars to come, I will neither help either you or him, but I shall remain in the shadows, Building it. An ideal world where my guidance is needed." The formless void shifted into a tall hammer which materialized by his side, subsequently grabbing it he continued, "Unlike the Anti-Monitor you will always be my brother, but I will not abide in your presence until you fix yourself. And as for myself, I am now one who is called, Alpheus, THE WORLD FORGER." Giving one last nod, he turned to leave not without throwing one last word. "I pray that your endeavors be fruitful as in truth I do not deem the beings of creation as insignificant like the Anti-Monitor. But always remember, when you have realized the futility of your efforts my forge shall always be opened for you." And with that he also walked away on his golden path.

It was loneliness the second realized as he found himself without any form of companionship, but he decided not to dwell on it… no matter how jarring it might seem like. Lifting his head up to the void he declared.

"I will be the one who shall watches over, the one who preserves. Their evil, their good will I record so that I may sublime in their ways. I shall be their unseen protector. My name shall from now ever more be called… Mar Novu, THE OVER-MONITOR."

Giving one last shake, he walked on his own path and left.


It was an age of wonders and marvels. Gods and devils. Heroes and villains… not a single day go by without the Multiverse being in perils of all kinds. There was death, there was bloodshed, there was pain,

But there was also hope…

Superman, Wonder-woman, Batman… heroes arose in times of need be it mystical, cosmical, spiritual or even alien. But these individuals rose from their stations, risking their lives, giving it their all so that we could smile again.

But it all ended.

The Infinite Crises… it was the initiation of a kind of war that threatened the foundations of the very Multiverse, instigated by the malevolent Sixth Dimensional being, ' Mobius'.

Universes were wiped off from the Cosmic Map in their millions. Souls obviated without prejudice, be it a God or Mortal…

But like always victory was given to the Champions of Light, but not without a cost.

Ragged breaths escaped the Sixth Dimensional being as he nursed his injuries.

"To think that he would even go this far, Mobius" The fellow Sixth Dimensional being groaned, he was by his lonesome on a giant asteroid. In the background spirals of lights doted in their innumerable quantities. But if one examines closely, they would see that those are not just ordinary spirals.

They were Universes. And they all have been destroyed.

Glancing through the damaged ether, a mirthless chuckle arose out from the being's lips.

The great Harvester had arrived, bringing with him ruin throughout the infinite Multiverse but was ultimately thwarted by the Heroes of the cosmos.

But the victory ultimately gained was unfortunately pyrrhic. Lives were lost, the heavens and hell destroyed. It was the end of the Pre-Crises and the start of a new one, but unfortunately he would not be there to see it.

He could still remember it vividly, experience it distinctly, that searing agonizing sensation through coursed through his entire chassis as the power of an Infinite Multiverse compressed exploded against him. And he knew what would be his end result.

He was going to die.

"Now isn't that something?"

He wasn't afraid of death, wasn't petrified of the unknown he would experience in the hooded female's embrace, but he feared for what would be of the Multiverse he has ultimately came to love.

He left behind a legacy in the form of the Monitors race, but he feared it won't be enough, even now as he saw the infinite possibilities that the future would bring, there were still others beings apart from Mobius capable of bringing chaos on this kind of level.

The Batman Who Laughs… of most note, he was a being who was the divergence of the hero of Gotham, a mortal who protected the night, became the destructor who will rampage again bringing destruction only this time at an insidious level and he fears the Heroes might not be able to stop this one.

And behind it all he could see her, the Hand that would sponsor it, his mother. PERPETUA…

No! He refuses to let it end like this. Alpheus and Mobius may call him obstinate if they wish but he was already inspired to go beyond, squeeze it out until he could squeeze no more.

As a certain Caped Crusader has once said to him.

' I want to be the shield that protects, the ever stalwart bastion that would be a symbol of Peace not that of power or war,'

With a small wince he stood up, shaking his head with a melancholic smile, he has clearly been changed.

"Don't worry Superman," With a forlorn smile the one known as the Over-Monitor voiced to the ether, "I too will not give up no matter what."

But he knew and he had a plan, an outrageous one, one which might anger the hands or intrigue them.

With an unconscious thought, his trembling seized and by his side a portal opened and with a melancholic smile he gave a last look at the place he called Home and left.



The Over-Monitor stood in a Hall of Books, it was a world above world beyond the outer rims of the cosmological tree called the DC, pivoting he turned to face the shelf behind him as his eyes settled upon the book, in which he came from.


Even now he still thought he might have lost his sanity when he asked the Hand Council for permission to leave the Outer-verse, but it seems like luck favors him.

' An intriguing thing you bring before us, very well then, you request has been granted.'

He shook very perturbed by the underlying tone in which was used by the Hand. As they were such whimsical beings, who knew if this scenario was not entirely orchestrated by them.

At that thought he unconsciously squeezed his fist, 'They were not toys to be played with!' he raged in indignation. But the fume cut of as he realized the irony that even he and his brothers collectively were also the same in background alterations, no matter the intensions in they possessed.

"But that is why I have to do this." He said to himself, moving away from his home collective reality.

In dawdling paces, his eyes scrutinized the Hall of Books, on each of the casings were names he did not know and nor recognize but that was fine. The book he was surveying for needed to reach two of his needed requirements.

It must be a high level Outer-Verse and it must support the use of his Boons.

Naruto, One-Piece, Bleach and many others were passed through without a second turn as they value was too low.

Marvel, Umineko no Naku Koro ni and the others were too high and contained characters who may hamper his plans at an early stage.

The concepts of Time was nullified within the realm so for he couldn't perceive for how long he searched, but after a while it all ended as he had found the perfect Verse to send him to.

Tensei Shitara Suraimu Datta Ken…

It was a Verse that was on over 1-B on the level measurement, moderately suffused with beings that would help foster his plans, suffice to say it was perfect. Although the Over-Monitor gave a snort as he read the entire Compendium of the Verse.

'A slime eh…' He snorted good-naturedly, well that was something.

'This was the one.' He decided. With a gentle glow he disappeared and vanished, his destination into the book and the holistic reality it held.


He appeared in an amorous Void, hidden away deeply from the eyes of the Verses's Gods who might have sensed his presence, for he needed no attention at the moment, as the plan needed to be executed in a surreptitious manner.

He cupped his arms as an orb of light appeared in the middle.

"Oh Survivor of the Infinite Crises. In another time and a diverse reality, you would have been feared and reviled as the petulant destroyer of worlds and extinguisher of lives, SUPER-BOY PRIME. But here-here, I need you as a hero and the ultimate savior of our own Outer-verse."

His body gave off a multi-colored radiance as a misty substance emanated from his body transferring into orb.

"In you I bestow the Ultimate Boon, the added potential to your own will make you a being of TRUE infinite growth, giving you the strength to even go against the very Hands themselves!" He smiled when saying that, "So show me Ka-El, show me that just as you and your alternate selves saved the entire Multiverse from the nefarious plans of my brother and that you are able to grow above your state surpassing even me. Surpassing even them…" A hole appeared in the void leading to a place only he knows. Lifting his hands the hands floated into the hole, "Go Hero I will be waiting for you to find me, to receive your final inheritance, defeating the frenzied Dark Knight and eventually Perpetua."

As the orb disappeared into the abysmal tunnel, the Over-monitor appeared to age greatly, 'I have done all I can do,' he said to himself, 'And now it is time to rest.' Closing his eyes he began the great hibernation, waiting his chosen's return.

'Until then Superman.'

"It's been two months huh," The slime said obliviously.

"What is it Rimuru-sama?!" The giant wolf behind him asked reverently.

"Hmm… oh it's nothing Ranga, just speaking to myself."

"I understand, Rimuru-sama." The evolved tempest wolf, trotted back behind his master.

The slime sweat dropped before turning back to the view he had on the budding town from the promontory.

'Jura Tempest Federation,' Gah! Even he wanted to cringe at his naming sense, it sounded like he was opening a business empire… or something like that.

How did things escalate to this level? His goal after escaping from that dungeon was to settle down with a human master, an affluent if he had to choose living the rest of his life lavishly while trying to free Veldora from his prison.

But it went downhill from there. First the Goblins, then the Direwolves, then Shizuru, Onis, Lizardmen and now Orcs.

Now finding himself as the Ruler of over thirty percent of the Jura forest and a Demon Seed, it was the second part that filled him with trepidation.

'What is going to be of me now?' He thought wearily.

But even as he had found himself in this dilemma, he still will not give it up for anything. Just looking down at the smiles on all those monster's faces, seeing all the various species working together in harmony just gave him the strength to continue.

"Now if only there was a way to make Shion stop giving me that radioactive toxic she calls food everything will be prefect."

But one just can't have everything now can they?

He turned back, bouncing his pastel gelatinous body onto his familiar and unofficial pet.

"Alright Ranga, let's return home."

"Yes Rimuru-sama." And galloped back.


"Rimuru sama!" A feminine voice called out, just as the Demon-Seed slime arrived at the makeshift entrance of the town, it was a humanoid monster who took a knee to the ground as he saw her.

"Oh em… Souka!" He said remembering her name. She was the member of that Shadow squad Souei created that specializes in intelligence gathering, the Vice-Captain to be specific and she was Gabiru sister. Although every time Rimuru sees the group always doing ninja hand signs in everything they do always brings a smile to his face.


The slime shook himself out of his reverie shifting his attention to the ninja dressed dragonewt.

"So what's up? What seems to be the problem that you had to meet me here?"

"Well… Souei-sama said that it is better for you to see it in person, as I might not be able to explain it as accurately as possible. It is about an individual he found at the outskirts of the forest."

Rimuru jumped off the tempest wolf transfiguring into his androgynous human form, as his face took a serious turn. "Is it that serious?"

"Yes, he said for you to arrive as soon as possible."

Rimuru nodded back "Ranga," He turned to the wolf, "Go back to town and call Shion and the others, I don't know why Souei might have called me but having backup is only prudent."

The wolf eagerly nodded and dashed off.

"Souka, you go with Ranga so that you can direct the others to our location."

The dragonewt bowed and vanished into her shadow.

Seeing he was alone Rimuru gave a short breath before using the same skill as Souka.

" Shadow Movement."

Slinking down into his shadow he shot out to the destination of his Kijin subordinate.


The weight of the magicule particles in the area assailed Rimuru in a slam as he arrived coming out from a tree's shadow.

"What the hell?!" He shook in surprise, quickly beckoning his Unique Skill 'Oi Great Sage, are you feeling this?'

[Yes, the amount of magicule produced is enormous, approximately six times of your total full magicule exertion.] His sapient skill replied back tonelessly.

'So that means whoever is there is approximately six times stronger in magical strength huh, well isn't that something?'

Coming out shrubs he arrived at the clearing already populated by the other Shadow Squad members.

Souei having seen Rimuru first rushed ahead of the subordinates meeting Rimuru with a bow, "Rimuru-sama," He greeted straightening up continuing, "Apologies for pulling you out from your business, but I feel that I cannot decide how to administer proper judgment on this matter."

The slime nodded, ignoring the bows of the others, "So don't what is the cause of this magicule intensity, is a beast or something."

Souei shook his head, "Nothing of that sort Rimuru-sama, well it appears to be a human or if you could call him that…" He trailed off.

Not getting the clear picture, Rimuru just motioned, "Just show me where the human is let me see what am dealing with."

Arriving at the center of clearing, he was meet with the sight of burnt grass, but it was the figure at the middle laid unconscious in the middle that got his attention.

"W-Wait…I think I know him." Rimuru said as his voice shook, slowly to a stop as he realized who laid on the burnt patch of land.

Like how could anyone not recognize that appearance? That dark hair that still appeared styled even with the rustle of the grass, that face structure that he knew too well. Not to talk about the familiar skin-suit of blue and accents of red at the wrist and his red booths. And the S emblem etched on the upper torso of his suit.

"I know that as this is a fantasy world anything is possible. But could you really be him? Are you Superman?"

Soo... How was it?

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