
The Reincarnation of a Kryptonian Hero

It was an end of the Crises war. but the victory archieved was too costly, and it seems like it wasn't over just yet. But the Over- Monitor hasn't given up yet, he still has one more card to play. And his was a wild one.

vtorx_0867 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Fear Itself

Clark was not unfamiliar to pain. Bruises from fights, needles and stiches from hospitals, spanks from his parents when he's being an ass... He had experienced them at all varying intensities, so one could say that while he wasn't intimate with it, he was not a stranger to pain.

But this… this one took the cake.

"Gah!" Screaming like an idiot, Clark tried to get his bearing. But he felt like he was about to explode, whatever was inside his body could hardly be contained. Is this power of just a globule of the Omega Force?' He thought to himself incredibly.

Cutting that line of that quickly Clark frantically wondered what he could do, because if whatever was in him explodes out, something tell him the results won't be funny.

{Up Clark, go up!} Villa exclaimed urgently.

Giving himself a mental bonk, Clark did the obvious thing and took off in the air, "How, how high is up Villa?!"

{Just keep going!}

Passing over a thousands of feet, Clark slowed down in the air, his face set in agony. He couldn't contain it any longer.


With an inhuman bellow, Clark's body became an orange pillar that pierced the firmaments and stamped the earth below, it's luminesce a beacon that bannered the entirety of the Great Jura Forest. While the heavens were safe, the earth not so much. Not second passed the pillar expanded atomizing mountains within vicinity. More crags disappeared every second, turning the vista of Canat mountain ranges into a dust ridden chasm.

{Clark you have to listen to me. Listen to my voice!}

In pain Clark was delirious, but Villa still pressed on.

{I know that you are suffering right now… I should have stopped you from doing this, but if you don't listen to me right now, you are going to destroy everything!}

"Vi-Villa…" Clark slowly groaned as he lifted his head up reply on through sheer force.

{Yes Clark it's me.} Villa replied in a relief tone, {That energy within you, I need you to expel it away from your body.}

"We-well no shit Sherlock, in case you didn't notice I'm trying to do so. But as you can see, a little help can be nice… Dammit all!" Clark snapped back wincing, while the pillar kept getting bigger, to make things worse he couldn't move an inch for the fear of the energy flowing out wildly.

{Heat Vision, use your Heat Vision Clark. It's the only war to the energy out!}

"Ah you're right!" Clark said, while cursing himself for not considering that, he looked out to space and threw all the energy within him into his eyes. It was orange beams rather than red that responded coming out with enough force to push him back while in the air. Immediately he began to feel the effects, if Clark had to describe, it was as if he was emptying all the bad air in his stomach. But it wasn't enough there was no flitter for the energy to pass through except from his eyes.

While the speed decreased noticeably, the pilaster still crept on, destroying everything it covered with its obliterating light.

Clark slowly awaited the destruction, knowing that his bullheadedness was the cause of it all.

Who was I kidding,' Clark thought to himself despondently, I can't be a hero, not in my world, certainly not in theirs.'

But suddenly Clark felt it, in his awareness something was developing. In his mind's eye, he could see it, an explosion of yellow energy mixing wildly and begun taking shape. It first constructed brittle bones, then flesh, and then clothed in carapace all of yellow energy. The first thing that came into Clark mind was parasite bug mixed with dragon properties.

But Clark knew what it was, or specifically what it stood for. That means there was enough Fear to kick start it.' He morosely thought.

{Clark!} Villa said. While her voice was hope filled Clark could feel her empathic pain.

"I know…" He nodded, words left unsaid. His right fist balled held by his left hand. Clark closed his eyes and called upon one of the primordial personifications in the DC universe, a being of the Emotional Spectrum. It was time to employ his last Ultimate Skill.

"In blackest day, in brightest night,

Beware your fears made into light.

Let those who try to burn what's right,

Burn like my power… Parallax might!"

The yellow light that exploded overshadowed the destructive pillar even that of the sun covering the forest and the border kingdom with its glow. But while it might appear gentle it was anything but such.

The observatory mages of almost every kingdom whose eyes watched over the forest, their optical orifices exploded in gores of blood. The few lucky and much stronger ones passed out, all muttering about the Avatar of Fear, sparking about conferences over the new occurrence in the monster forest speculating the rise of a Demon Lord.

Meanwhile the people of Jura Tempest Federation stood frozen all without exception forgetting to breath. For all they saw was the phantasm image of a humungous bug like dragon hanging over them, but their souls warned them not do anything in getting its attention.

As for Clark his attire was gone, and what replaced it was a uniform he always saw in comics. It was a spandex of unknown material with yellow line accents that flowed around his body leaving black sides at the flanks of his torso, arms and legs area. On both arms were dull yellow bracers same color as the greaves on his legs. Clark shoulders were adorned with simple cauldrons that was attached to a yellow cape that billowed behind him. And on his chest was the simple of the lantern conjoined with an S.

But what made Clark to grimace was the yellow ring on his right finger, it was plain sickening to see. And it was the personification of the fear that Clark had struck in the hearts of the people of this world.

To that among all of the emotions in the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum I had to manifest first, it had to be Fear... Dammit all.'

{Clark,} Villa reminded, {Now's is your chance. The energy is finally contained.}

Clark mutedly nodded. Villa's right, the carroty pillar of doom had finally halted, and the energy that had overwhelmed his psyche had been calmed, even the annoying surge of anger had diminished down. Concentrating Clark began to pull it back, for as fast it spread, it receded twice as fast. And then all that remained was a God of Light enshrouded in the phantom image of Fear.

"It's time to end this…" Clark declared, as he looked upward raising his ring, his eyes glowing yellow. The avatar Parallax mimicked the actions of the kryptonian raising his head also its eyes gleaming red. Energy pooled into Clark's ring transferring into the ruby eyes of the bug dragon. When every single drop had been transferred Clark felt the immediate effect, all the anger had left him replaced by guilt.

A single tear slither down his cheeks while he stared mutedly at the sky. He opened his mouth and breathed out one word.


Parallax eyes gleamed dangerously, and what followed was an earthshaking stringent boom! With a sphere-like shockwave flattening the mountaintops below, the radiance of beams darkened the sky, and for some seconds turned day into night. The power of the blast streaked off the solar system moving millions of miles away before smashing against an uninhabited planet tearing away its surface deep into its core, and what resulted was an explosion that enveloped the entire alien globe with its natural moon obliterating it into chunks of space rocks.

Meanwhile back with Clark, he sighed as he turned down to see the chasm below him, sighing again, he wondered how he was going to explain it to the others. I know that Rimuru gave me this area to play with but… this is too much.' Rimuru thought, before he paused looking down at the ring.

He knew what the power of the yellow rings and rings in general held. As one of the most powerful objects in the DC universe the rings weren't known for their destructive potential, but rather their capacity bring about to reality the intentions of the wielder. Each of the rings are powered by various wielders emotions, but Fear as an exception banks of the emotions of others to bring out its full potential and unlike Sinestro, Clark will always remain at full capacity and even more.

But for now the ambient Fear that Parallax had drank up is enough for what he wanted.

Pointing down his ring, Clark closed his eyes, imagining the vista that was supposed to be below him instead of the deep chasm. The greenery of trees and grass, the cutting scent of glass, the blue sky that painted such a lovely quaint scene. But how was he supposed to do it? It's not he could use it to turn back time…

Unless, he actually could… Hal Jordan, Sinestro, John Stewart. They all could do it, sometimes without the aid of Creatures of Emotions, all because they had had their emotions strong enough to do so. But Clark had a greater chance of doing the same thing with a greater chance for success, especially since he had the help of a bug dragon…

Opening his eyes wide, he stretched forth his hands as the phantom image of Parallax shrank in size ebbing into his body, what took its place was an intricate yellow clock construct, the second arrow moved without stopping in its clockwise movement, when Clark spoke out softly as his words echoed throughout.

"Time… Stop …" Abruptly the second arrow halted, and the clock pulsed bringing out a yellow dome that enveloped the entire Canat mountain ranges. The air inside the dome became stale and dull the color of reality was stripped away. One of the primordial constant of the universe had been conquered. His work not complete Clark then continued his fear churning in him providing enough strength,

"Time… Turn Back for an entire ten hours ."

The second arrow began to start moving anti-clockwise at a rapid pace while emitting occasional pulses of light. Time began to shift back in the valley as slowly dust began to recede back to the earth, rocks stacking on themselves melding together forming the mountains like it hadn't been destroyed in the first place. Pastures and trees sprouted back as it continued until the entire imagery was restored back. Finally Clark was done with his work dispersing the dome restoring the colors and the scenery like nothing had ever happened.

Thanks for all the supports, ten comments for an epic conclusion

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