
The reincarnated Slayer

A kid is killed from a chronic disease,he is then reincarnated in Reincarnation of the strongest sword god. *All rights reserved to their respective creators accept the oc’s*

Random_Gamer27 · Video Games
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14 Chs

Learning about the realms ll

It's been over an hour since Sameal tarted working doing the usual 200 push-ups, 200 sit-ups, and some yoga since he couldn't run around the room while others were training the instructor said a few words to improve his form while sometimes using a device developed by a group of Chinese scientists for space travel and colonization.

It's functions are to increase gravity or decrease gravity in certain areas and in this room they use the device to increase the gravity by a little Mr. S spoke "since were in the last half hour of are training I'm gonna open up the back rooms and there were gonna use a device on each room to increase the gravity of your not at least good or vip status you may not use any over 1.5x gravity".

As he finished speaking about half of the group went to the 1.25x room while some others went to 1.5x and a small minority went for 2x and no one went for the 2.5x room Sameal stayed for a bit and asked Mr.S "what is a refinement realm individual" Mr.S smiled and said "well imagine your body is a piece of metal being forged into a blade and the flame used to melt the metal and the person who is making the blade is your equilibrium] he takes a pause thinking what to say next "now imagine that the metal was not strong enough in the first place to ever take on the flames that's what's happening to you".

"You see usually a person works out a lot and makes his body much stronger then their brain now say if the metal couldn't be me later by the flames or even heat it up then the blade would never turn into a sword" he takes a short pause because this might not be a good example "this is where you need to find a balance where the flames your mind and the metal your body are strong enough to work with each other to improve your body and mind as a whole".

"Some of the ability's of a refinement realm individual are increased brain activity which improves the five senses, the user's perception of danger, and advanced control over their own body. Whether it is in regards to an enemy's attack or their own ability to dodge, the ability to control their movements is very precise and refined the stage above that is called the flowing water realm but your next teacher should explain that to you" {took this part right here from fandom since I didn't want to write the abilities}. Sameal nodding his head then realized why he said he can't teach me if my body's not strong enough his metal is to weak to gain a balance with his Flames his mind then he realized what he should do he walked right into the 2.5x gravity chamber.

Mr.S looked surprised then nodded his head what Sameal is currently doing is refining his body by getting it used to higher gravity and in the long run his body will be stronger he doesn't really care if it damages his body because he plans to kill Gwen in the next 3 years and since he's a only child he should inherit her money.

{3 years 4 months later}

Are mc is now 11 years old for some reason he's abnormally tall for his age about 5ft 8 [about 172.72 cm] about 2 years ago he stepped into the refinement realm and he's about half step flowing water realm earlier this year he started figuring out how to use internal force and stepped into martial artist realm but since then he's become a half step inner force expert. He can't seem to advance further in his internal force training he's starting think it's because of his age and he's already used his comprehension boost card. During his time at school he's started dating Veronica he couldn't bare to hear how her family was abusing her so he asked his mom if she could clean them up because of what they were doing to her.

His mother surprisingly said yes he started to think she never actually cared about him and just wanted his body for some reason that realization hurt him a little. Since then him and Selena have been living together with my mom the reason she changed her name was because the old one brought back nightmares of the past and his mother has started going out more and more until she didn't come back and he got this system notification [Good Job on completing the quest rewards are being handed out].

This time a screen and a voice appeared it stars yes explaining to me how the system works [Hello host so you have no stats you do have skills currently two system given skills 1 high mortal grade-magic manipulation technique and soul bond you currently have 7,000 viewers watching your live no donations given. You also have an inventory with a random world teleportation currently locked and a shop where you can buy hints to grow stronger the end].

He didn't know what happened his mother died even though she abused him she gave him a home and almost anything he wanted how can she be gone he wanted to cry but not next Selena so he got up and tried leaving but before he could go Selena said "wanna play some war zone I've been working on my aim" he said "no" but Selena looking at his face could see the sadness in his eyes she decided to try to see what was wrong "hey are you ok wanna talk about it" she said Sam turned around and said "no" she tried once more to ask him but this time he snapped and said "leave me the hell alone you dirty slut your own family never loved you so how could you understand how I feel now" hearing these words Selena started to cry a system message popped up [ your audience is mad for you being mean to your girlfriend some says they'll kill you ] Sameal didn't even read them though and stormed away.