
The Reincarnated Siblings

FIRST VOLUME: I was killed in an earthquake and when I wake up, I open my eyes to see that I'm in my sister's Otome game? It turns out that I'm one of the Male Flags. Unfortunately, I have more Destruction Flags than Love Flags and I turn into the last thing I touch during the night. Will I be able to stay alive in the Academy? SECOND VOLUME: I reincarnated as the villainess who got everyone to hate her and got exiled. Obviously I'm not going to sit around and get the bad ending! Strangely, some characters aren't the same as the Otome Game and I no longer know what the future will hold. How much will the plot change?! *** The art is not mine ^^

ROSE_ · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter 21: A new plan

Too easy.

I kept a calm attitude throughout the ball, exuding a presence of power. To survive the otome game, I had to gain connections, and I planned to oversee high society.

Poor Marianne trembled every time I approached her and secured the end of her deal by introducing me to every high standing person she knew.

"Lady Ivory!" A lady walked towards me, "I trust I'll see you more often?"

"Hmm…" I smiled at her, "I do hope so."

There were many personalities a person could adopt.

Sweet and gentle, like the heroine, or indifferent and dignified.

I would embrace the second tactic; in result, I would be strong enough to beat anyone who opposed me.

I walked across the room, my hair fluttering behind me, and I noticed another boy around my age heading towards me.

"Dance with me." He impudently grabbed my arm.

The ballroom silenced immediately, watching the scene.

I smiled; this was an opportunity for me.

"And if I say no?" I smirked, twisting my arm from his grasp.

"Then I'll make you." He replied.

The music started and I was roughly jerked onto the dance floor.

Tsk… What a bother.

I regained my feet and we danced gracefully, in sync as the plucking of the harp and singing of the flute continued in harmony.

"I hope you realize that continuing to dance with me will only make you regret it later." I mocked him, smiling coldly.

"And what can someone as insignificant as you do?" He sneered back.

I dipped my head, smiling. We continued to dance, however, I started to speed my movements quicker, careful to keep my actions elegant so no one would notice.

"What are you planning?" He scowled, gripping onto my arms tightly.

I smiled innocently, before I did a sharp spin and tripped him inconspicuously.

"Oh, look at this poor boy on the floor." I smiled, flicking open my fan, "…Just where he belongs."

I smirked at him before turning around and walking away, my heels clicking on the floor.

There were a few seconds of silence before the room burst into loud laughter, pointing at the boy, and sneering at him.

I was slowly rising in the hierarchy of power.

This was enough for today.

I left the manor with a satisfied smile.


"Ivory…" Raven pouted, "You knew perfectly fine that the place was for adult bullies."

'Yes, yes…" I patted his hair, "But it was essential."

Kyle entered the library holding a platter of cups.

"A new type of tea entered the palace." Kyle placed down some tea as green as grass, "Some people say it smells like spring."

I glanced down at my cup, the tea rippling, and exuded a fragrance of fresh grass.

"Why are you so quiet, Ivory?" Kyle asked, "Is it because you like the smell?"

"I like the smell, but that's not the reason." I put down my cup gently, "I think I heard someone scream."


"Please let me go!" A woman with fiery scarlet hair and orange eyes pleaded, backing away from the man while tears of fear streamed down her porcelain face.

"You have quite a pretty face." The man sneered, lifting her chin to look at her, "You should consider it an honour to be touched by me."

"I have a husband!" She fought against his stretching hands and backed even further away towards a tree in the garden.

"My patience will not last forever." He frowned, "Shut up before I get angry."

"Please get away from her." Kyle demanded, as we stood on the stairs that lead into the garden.

"Go away!" He glared at the three of us, "Wait till I get my hands on you and show you my sword skills!"

"I dare you." I glowered at him, unsheathing my daggers.

Kyle's body was surrounded by his vibrant green magic as he stepped towards the man, every step full of anger and rage.

"Go help that lady." I gestured at the trembling woman, before following Kyle down the stairs.

Raven slid on the stair's railing and stretched his hand in front of the woman,

"Are you okay?" He smiled gently, the wind ruffling his dark hair, "Can you stand up?"

Kyle and the man stood face to face, the cool breeze tousling their hair while they stood and scowled at each other.

"Count Akuno." Kyle unsheathed his katana, "I will have to hand you to the prison guards."

"Hah! Don't speak nonsense." Count Akuno cackled, "I won't be sent to jail just for touching a female! Just look at the way she's dressed, she's basically begging men to look at her."

In a blur movement, I darted past him, only leaving on a cut on his face from my daggers.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were garbage since so much nonsense came out from your mouth." I wiped his blood off my daggers.

"You-!" He bellowed, before blocking Kyle's attack with his sword.

"I really hate filth like you." Kyle scowled, his voice filled with malice while enlarged, sharp cherry blossom petals raised up behind up.

We all watched as even more lethal petals floated behind him, steadily gaining more in quantity.

Kyle's face twisted into an expression of loathing, "Die."