

"Mom! I'm gonna be late for the graduation ceremony! You look good already ! come along now, both of you!"

She shouted from the front door , waiting for her parents , Samantha and John to come out . Isla had finally finished school.

Her previously blonde , shoulder length hair was now slowly coming back to its chocolate brown shade. Her Hazel eyes were glowing in the sun . Isla's face was an oval shape , just like her mother and she had the strength from her father . She could now say her goodbyes to kaylie as soon as the graduation was over , she thought while waiting for her mom . She attended the phone call that came when she was about to enter her car . "Hey gurl! Where are you?? There is no sight of you here at school !"

It was her bestie , Carla .She was a natural blonde haired , blue eyed , yet noticeably short girl the same age as her . Her hair always met with her hips but she cut it a little while ago , resulting in her hair being just above her shoulders. Isla sighed , "You're always the early bird. I'm guessing you woke up at 5 again. "

She heard laughter from the other end of the phone . "You got that right . Now come quickly or you'll miss your own graduation!"

Carla ended the call before she could respond. Samantha, her mother finally got in the car and she began her final drive to school .

During the drive to school , she began going back to her whole life in high school . Even though most of the memories contained stressful work , studying , and bullying from the 'popular girl' , Carla had made it a happy place for her . She was always quiet when Kaylie , The leader of bullies picked on her , but Carla always stood up for her . Isla wanted to give her something special to acknowledge her thanks for doing all the talking while she was unable to .

They reached the school gate and Samantha gasped at the decorations made for the graduation ceremony. Parking the car swiftly and carefully, Isla ran toward the area of the event to try and spot her bestie .

Carla was already wearing her graduation dress . "Hey Carl !" Isla shouted as soon as she spotted Carla . Giving no attention to the boy named Carl who turned to Isla at her shouting his name , she ran to Carla and hugged her tight . " Oh my ! Why are you acting as if it's been years since we saw each other ?? We just had a long call yesterday night !" Carla said while trying to ruin Isla's hair .

She was taller than Carla so she held her down by the shoulders , laughed in victory and said, " You never learn , do you ?? "


The graduation ceremony went by smoothly. Isla felt the time of her month in her lower abdomen and ran to the restroom inside the school. Kaylie watched her run to the school building.

Kaylie had black hair and brown eyes , which was considered average but she always wore the latest trending outfits , bags , and makeup. Her father's money was what made her the popular girl in school.

Giggling mischievously , Kaylie called out to her best friend and said , "Why don't we have some fun on the last day of school ? I don't see that blonde shorty with that dumb girl right now..."

Both Kaylie's and her friend's face were lit with excitement as they walked towards the school building ....


"Ah shoot ! Why TODAY of all days ??" Isla mumbled to herself as she washed her hand . The door to the restroom opened as she was wiping her hands but she didn't try to recognise who it was , or look at the person's face .

"Hey dumb girl , I told you last time to stop doing WHATEVER you were doing whenever I come to you ." Kaylie said in an unpleasant voice.

'Really?? She doesn't plan to leave me even on the last day of school??' Isla thought as she stopped wiping her hands and threw the tissue in the dustbin.

"Look at my feet when I'm talking, not ELSEWHERE!" Kaylie shouted in anger . Isla didn't feel scared when she shouted . She herself didn't know why. Maybe it was because she knew that she needn't see her face from tomorrow??

This was her chance to pay back Kaylie for bullying her for 2 full years so instead of looking at Kaylie's feet , she looked her straight in the eye. "How dare you ! Beat her up Malissa !" Kaylie signalled to her friend . Malissa , as if by command , ran towards Isla at full speed , sure that she wouldn't have the courage to move . But she was wrong . Isla only had to move to one side to see Malissa run straight to the wall and hurt herself .

When Kaylie looked at her in disbelief, Isla shrugged her shoulders and proceeded to exit the restroom .

"You won't be going THAT easily!" Kaylie shouted and caught a handful of Isla's hair , pulling her back. She stood back on her feet as soon as she hit the ground and gave a strong slap at Kaylie. Her masculinity was finally in use and Kaylie found her ears bleeding from the after effect . By then , a decent amount of students had gathered around the restroom .

Isla pushed through them all and went back to her parents and Carla.

The principal sent everyone back to the main event area while Kaylie's heart filled with rage toward Isla for humiliating her in front of so many people.

"I'm gonna make her pay for this."


Today was a rather more than happy day so Isla's family , after bidding farewell to Carla and her family, decided to eat out .

The food filled their stomach happily while they chatted about future plans : college , majors , and much more. Isla was excited for her new phase in life .

After the food , they went to an amusement park and enjoyed as much as they could before they closed . It was quite late when they started their journey back home . Isla was feeling a little drowsy but managed to keep her eyes open after having some strong coffee.

Blasting loud music , the family was enjoying the car ride when Isla noticed a huge ball emitting golden light . It was so bright that she couldn't see it properly. The light source was floating and she could barely see the road in front of her ."Mom , what the hell is that ligh-"

She couldn't complete her question for a car smashed into the driver's seat from the side .

Isla , from the impact of the smash , was thrown outside the car and fell onto the light source while her parents, still in the car, hit a light pole .

She saw her parents get out from her car as well Kaylie from the car that hit them , she tried shouting at her parents to let them know where she was when she realised that she was almost engulfed by the light source . "Mo-!"

She passed out .

Her parents looked for her everywhere, but to no avail.
