
The Reincarnated Prince

After struggling with a lung disease that eventually took his life, Noah Matthews is delighted to find out that he is being given a second chance in a completely new world filled with magic and adventure. All he has to do is promise to use his knowledge and strength for good and then he is off to begin his overpowered life being reincarnated as the first prince of Azlantean. Good Luck Noah! [side note, if your looking for some suuuper smart suuper intelligent mc from the get go this book probably is not for you. This MC starts out naive and then gradually learns and gets smarter as the book goes on.] ALSO SLOW UPDATES

knightleyRead · Fantasy
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29 Chs


"His Royal Highness, Prince Torryn Leonis Rosenheim approaches!" Boomed the voice of the announcer as I entered the hall with Amren, Jabari and Zelda behind me.

Once again all the heads turned to me and I felt my gut wrench. It wasn't the same kind of annoying stare I was used to when I would start coughing during a movie and everyone would turn and scowl at me. Their stares were more inquisitive as if to say, 'So this is the lost prince, huh...'

The banquet hall was far too big for the relatively small table that it was housing. The table was a long thin sparkling silver piece. The table legs were carved to look like great swans were holding up the table with their beaks and the chairs paired with this table each had a unique swan pose carved into it. As a butler lead me to my seat I smiled to see that I was sitting next to uncle Cassian and that my mother was across that table from me.

Uncle Cassian didn't say anything to me, but he ruffled my hair affectionately and grinned down at me.

"How have you been my darling Rory?" My mother cooed at me from across the table with her happy motherly smile.

"Great mom! I had my first lesson with Lord Leopold today." I said while remembering that I still had to read that book that he gave me.

"A lesson already?!" She looked quite alarmed and maybe even a bit irritated. "You should play and have fun. Not be learning already!" She huffed while crossing her arms.

"Come now sister, you can't spoil him." Uncle Savras shifted his glass up his nose and looked down at my mother. "Prince Torryn has great talent and such genius should be harnessed and trained early on." He spoke as he had just recited a theology.

My mother only stuck out her lip and pouted. "He's too young. He should be outside playing and enjoying everything the palace has to offer."

Uncle Savras was about to say something but then my mother spoke softly as a shadow was cast over her face. She looked so sad as she said these words.

"Especially after everything we have been through..."

The table went quiet for a moment. The air had become solemn and cold with my mother's sadness. I forgot that my mother had probably gone through the most with the attempted kidnapping. She was the one who had her child taken from her. Literally seconds after giving birth. Her grief sent her into a coma for six years only to wake up and have to face another side months without her child. I knew that I had been reincarnated, so the emotions I felt weren't that deep. Because I didn't know what had gone on until recently, I didn't have to go through the injustice, grief, depression and worry that my mother had gone through. Not to mention that my mother into looked like she was in her early twenties, so she had to go through all of this while she was really young.

I had to be a better son to my mother. I couldn't let myself forget her pain.

Even the other end of the table that was seating all the ministers had gone quiet. They too had probably felt the shift in mood.

"Come now sister, don't let sorrow swallow you." Uncle Savras cooed gently to her. I wished that I could say something to her that could cheer her up and make her feel better but I didn't have the words.

"It's okay mom, I'm here now." That line was all I could manage to say.

"All rise!" The unreasonably loud voice of the announcer shook the table back to attention. "His majesty Alistair Eilish Rosenheim enters!"

Immediately everyone stood up from their seats and bowed. I copied them quickly as my father walked through the doors with an entourage of knights and butlers behind him.

I wouldn't say that my father was frightening, but he definitely had a seriously strong aura about him. As soon as he entered the room, he seemed to fill it up with his presence. His large royal blue cape with white fur edges flowed magnificently as he walked, making him look even more regal then he was. On top of that his long black hair and yellow eye made him look fierce and confident. He was just what you would want from a fantasy world king.

My father was the first to take his seat, while the butlers behind him straightened his cape. He then nodded once and then everyone took their seats. My father's eyes began to scan across the table as if acquainting his eyes with each person at the banquet. His eyes stopped at the only empty chair which was a feat seats away from me.

"Who is missing?" His deep voice made his cold stare even more intimidating. One of the butlers behind him stepped forward and then got on one knee as they addressed him.

"Your Majesty, Duke Irathmus has yet to arrive."

I didn't miss the foul expression that washed over my father's face as if a bitter taste had spread across his mouth. He then dismissed the kneeling butler with the wave of his hand. But he was still visibly irritated.

"I see no point in waiting for those who don't see this banquet as a matter of urgency..."

"Begin the feast." The king commanded.

Almost immediately, butlers surrounded the long silver table. Each of whom was holding a silver tray with dome lids so we couldn't see the contents.

The butlers simultaneously put the trays down on the table, which completely filled up every inch of the table. I noticed that the largest tray took three butlers to carry and was about a metre long. This tray was placed in front of my dad. I anticipated the butlers taking off the lids to see what was inside. I impatiently tapped my foot against the marble floor, waiting for the great reveal.

Finally, the butlers simultaneously took a low respectful bow and then uncovered all of the dishes. I was overjoyed as I looked at the food that had been set out for us. It was an unbelievable show of a variety of foods and scrumptious aesthetics while divine smells made my stomach grumble.

There were just so many choices. I saw what looked like oysters, clams and lobsters, each resting in their own unique colourful garnish. I really wanted to reach out and grab some lobster and the cup of what looked like lemon butter sauce that I saw accompanied it, but I held back because I knew that would be rude.

I leaned forward and peered over at the other side of the table to see a great big beef-like roast, still tied in the string and sizzling in a bowl sauce. I think I drooled as I gazed longingly at the roasted potatoes nestled at its side. I had always been a potato lover.

I turned back to my dad, realizing that I hadn't seen what was under the colossal dish that had been set in front of him. My eyes zoned in on the unbelievable sight. The dish in front of my father was a fat pig with an apple stuffed in its mouth. But unlike your regular boar, this pig had golden flesh. My senses couldn't get past the magnificent glow of the golden pig set in front of my father. It smelled so sweet as if it was candy, but I couldn't believe that it didn't taste savoury like usual pork.

My dad seemed to realize my confusion and beckoned me to his side with a gesture of his hand.

"Come here, Rory." It made me really happy to hear him call me by my nickname.

I quickly scrambled out of my seat and to my father's silver swan throne. I tentatively approached his side only to have him swiftly reach out for me and easily lift me over the arm of his chair and have me sit on his lap. I couldn't help but smile at his actions. It felt so intimate, like something a real father would do for his son.

"This beast here is the famous Azlanteanian boar." The back of my head was nestled against his throat so I felt the gruff vibrations of his voice as he spoke.

"It's considered a sacred creature in Azlantean, and only members of the Royal family are allowed to hunt and eat it, by law." Now it made sense to me why this huge thing was placed on only this end of the table. Since only my father, mother, two uncles and I could it eat it, they placed it on this end.

"Six years ago I had planned to feed this to you on your first birthday..." He picked up the fork of his table setting and reached out to the golden boar. With such a gentle hand my father pressed his fork against the meat's stomach and I watched as the fork pierced the meat. I couldn't believe that it was so tender that a blunt fork could cut it.

With ease, my father gathered a streak of golden meat into his fork and brought it to my lips.

"Unfortunately you were taken away from us before that could happen. However, now that you are here with us, I would like to give you your first taste of it."

I couldn't help but smile at that. Then I looked up into my father's amber eyes and found them so warm and gentle. I then leaned forward and opened my mouth seizing the golden meat off of the fork. As soon as I bit down, rich gamey flavour exploded in my mouth and after a few chews, the sweet tender meat vanished.

I must have let my surprise show on my face because I heard laughter erupt from uncle Cassian and cheerful giggles erupt from my mother, while uncle Savras tried to be dignified and hide his grin behind his handkerchief.

"What...?" I whined feeling embarrassed. "It disappeared in my mouth..." I tried to explain sheepishly while feeling my cheeks getting warmer.

My words only seemed to egg them on because they burst out into cheerful laughter, while I could only sink back into my father chest.

I was grateful when my dad brought another forkful to my face. I gladly ate another bite, Thas time trying to eat slowly so I could experience the feeling of it dissolving in my mouth. It was honestly amazing how it just dissolved into my mouth like candy floss.

While I was chewing on my sixth forkful, I looked up over the table at the many faces seated on chairs. All of them looked wealthy because of heir fine clothing and expert table manners. More importantly, each of them was smiling and having a good time. Naturally, my eyes darted to the void in the happy banquet, the empty seat, duke Irathmus's seat. I didn't know whether to be glad or disappointed he was not here.

On one hand, I was glad for his absence because I felt that his presence would have ruined my precious family time. But disappointed on the other hand because it would have been a great opportunity to slip those two girls money if he had come.

Just as I was thinking of another way for them to get to his two slaves, the deafening voice of the announcer delivered an introduction to my ears.

"Duke Irathmus Rosenheim enters!"

I saw the veins in my father's outstretched hand pop out as his arm tensed at the announcement. It was obvious to me that my father and my older brother weren't on good terms.

"E~~Excuse my ta~~~~tardiness everybody!" Duke Irathmus's tone was wobbly and clumsy as if he wasn't really awake. As he walked forward into the hall holding the chains of his two slaves, I could see how impaired his steps were. He looked like he was unsteady on his feet. Without a doubt, he was drunk.

I watched with a grimace as he found his way over to his seat while pulling on the two girls' chains that linked around their necks. The girls whimpered each time their chains were pulled, probably because it was painful to be yanked around by the neck.

I could only grimace at the sight as I saw all the others around the table do.

I felt that all the gentleness and happiness that I had seen in my dad was now gone, all that warm stuff had been replaced by cold irritation.

"Why thank you for joining us, Duke Irathmus." My father didn't sound thankful at all.

"Only a pleasure~~~" Irathmus smiled a wonky smile while bringing an empty wine cup to his lips. When he realized the wine glass was empty he looked so disturbed and heckled at the butlers to fetch him some wine.

He spent a good while disrupting the peace of the table by shouting at the servants and rudely conversing with the people around him. It was strange how none of them stood up to him. Probably because he was a duke and the other of the table where he was seated where only nobles.

Suddenly Irathmus's antics came to a stop when he spotted the Azlanteanian boar on our side of the table.

"Now where have you been hiding that beauty?!" He growled as he licked his lips. I saw Cassian scowl at him in displeasure while my mother put down her fork as if she had lost her appetite.

"You two!" He gave a sharp pull on the girls' chains, causing them both to whimper and one of the two fall to the floor clutching her neck.

"Go get me some of that meat!" He spat out greedily. The one girl helped the fallen one up and held her arm as they walked to our end of the table.

Finally, my chance had come. I reached into both of my pockets and pulled out the small sacks of gold while they were approaching. In the meantime, my mother got up from her seat and cut out a chunk of golden meat from the boar and put it on a side plate.

The girls came up to my father's side and shakily curtseyed. I could so clearly see their fear from the way they shivered. On top of that, they looked like they had gotten even frailer as if they hadn't had any food since yesterday.

"Here you go my dears." My mother said gently as she handed one girl a little plate.

"Thank you, Your Manesty." The girl said meekly while the other girl just clung to the stronger girl desperately.

"And here you go." I butted in before they could leave. I reached out and handed the stronger girl the first sack of gold while I reached out and handed the second girl her sack of gold. They looked up at me with confused expressions as if they didn't know what I was giving them. Then the stronger girl curiously opened the sack. I watched with a smile on my face as her eyes bulged out of my head as she realized it was money. Overcome with joy and relief, tears started to well in her eyes.

"Look, Jules, it's money..." she lowered the sack so that the other girl could see. "We can be free..."

The girl other immediately started to cry. Her sobs were quiet but deep and her tears cascaded down her face like waterfalls.

"Thank you! Thank you so much, your Highness! Thank you! Thank..."

"What's taking you two wenches so long?!" Came the clumsy shouting of Irathmus getting impatient while waiting for his plate of golden boar.