
The Reincarnated Doctor Wants a Divorce

After witnessing her husband having an affair, Wen Xi was killed in a car accident but reincarnated as a medical intern who married Shen Ze, a professor in medical science. Shen Ze's family was a dynasty of doctors, whereas Wen Xi was just a daughter from an average family. Everyone at the hospital insisted that Shen Ze was too good for her—why would a youth as popular as him marry a plain Jane like her? In her past life, Wen Xi would relentlessly follow Shen Ze around, giving everything from flowers to chocolate for three years... but he never accepted her affection. In fact, they married because he got drunk one time, and they had a fumble. His family just happened to be urging her to get married, so he decided to marry her because she had a good personality and was understanding. However, a little over a year later, Wen Xi saw the divorce agreement he left for her, and when she went looking for him to demand a reason, she found him with another woman in his car. When she saw how affectionate Shen Ze was with her, Wen Xi realized that he always had someone he loved... and she happened to die as she tried to cross the road, and her baby died with her! Fortunately, the gods gave her a second chance, reincarnating her ten months after they had just married. Originally, she would discover that she was pregnant two months later, but Wen Xi did not want to fall back on the same timeline. She would concede her position to the object of his affections. She refused to be cannon fodder again.

Mountain Springs · Urban
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40 Chs

However, in Wen Xi's mind, there were still some deep-rooted habits from her old self, which made it impossible for her to directly ignore Chen Ze's existence.

She turned her head and glanced at Chen Ze, but she did not say anything.

At this time, the corridor was no longer filled with the hooligans that had caused trouble earlier. It seemed like Chen Ze was quite efficient in handling problems.

She wasn't too bothered by his questioning tone and retracted her gaze from him. When she turned to Si Yan, she asked gently, "You know me?"

Si Yan wasn't a fool. He quickly noticed the strange atmosphere between Wen Xi and Chen Ze. He suddenly recalled something his old man had mentioned to him before. He raised his eyebrows slightly and a strange look appeared in his beautiful and amorous eyes.

He looked at Wen Xi in silence for a while before he replied softly, "Director Si is my second uncle. I heard him mention your name before! Nice to meet you, I'm Si Yan!"

Wen Xi was slightly taken aback when she heard this. Her gaze subconsciously fell on Si Yan's raised right hand. She reacted quickly and raised her hand to gently shake his hand before letting go. She smiled at him and said, "I see. It's a pleasure to meet you! Thank you so much for what you did just now. I still have some things to deal with here. When you have time, let's call Teacher to have a meal together. I hope you won't decline my offer."

After he heard her words, he raised his eyebrows and glanced at Chen Ze indifferently. He nodded readily and replied, "Alright! After hearing you say thank you so many times, it would be cruel of me to still decline. Then I won't disturb you now since you're busy, Dr. Wen. Let's keep in touch."

Wen Xi smiled and nodded at Si Yan. After he turned around and left, she turned back to look at Chen Ze. She took a light breath and said in an indifferent tone, "Those hooligans should be the underlings of the patient in bed 27. Ding Min was the one who decided to treat that person. You should go to her and ask her why things turned out this way. You shouldn't look at me like you're looking at a criminal! Do you understand, Director Chen?"

When she said the last sentence, Wen Xi's tone was not very polite. It was fairly obvious that she had heard Chen Ze's scolding at the beginning, as well as the unfriendly questioning that followed.

As soon as he heard Wen Xi's tone, it was as if Chen Ze couldn't understand at all. His brows were tightly furrowed, and his expression was a little irritable, as if Wen Xi had done something unforgivable, which made him very unhappy and troubled.

He took a deep breath and stared straight at her, then said in a deep voice, "I think we need to talk. Come with me to the office."

Wen Xi looked coldly at him after he said that. After a few seconds of silence, she smiled faintly and replied, "Alright! It just so happens that I have some things to discuss with you."

Li Yu, who was standing not far away, looked at the both of them worriedly. She felt that the atmosphere between this young couple was very strange, and such a situation had never happened before.

After all, everyone in Renxin Hospital knew about the inspirational story of Wen Xi's pursuit of Director Chen for three years before she finally succeeded.

The reason why Li Yu recalled these past events at this time was not to deliberately make fun of Wen Xi. After all, in her heart, she felt that it wasn't surprising for a man like Chen Ze to be pursued no matter how many people tried to woo him.

She never thought that Wen Xi's incident was something worth laughing at. After all, it was really unrefined to use someone else's relationship experience as a joke.

On the other hand, she noticed that Wen Xi has had too many abrupt changes, which made her ponder.

As she watched them leave, Li Yu furrowed her brows slightly. Everything that happened today felt so strange.

Forcefully suppressing the frustration and incomparably heavy depression in her heart, Chen Ze had a gut feeling that in the next second, he would be angered to death by Wen Xi behind him.