
The REINCARNATED ( the unending dream)

“Is this what death feels like? Is this how am going to die? Her voice echoed in her head as her whole body felt limp and too heavy to move. She felt cold, too cold - she needed some warmth but she knows the horrible fate that was about to hit her. “Why did this have to happen to her?” Her sight turned blurry as she embraced that seeet calming darkness. Mira, a naive teenager who yearns to be free and become an adult. An eighteen years old girl who yearns for adventure, finds herself a whole new adventure. A different one at that. She finds herself in a world of fantasy where she is said to be the queen to - the wife of a brutal king. Finding herself in a world of werewolves, elves, vampires and other mystical creatures. Mira sought a way to set herself loose from her dream- an unrealistic world filled with good and evil. Will Mira escape this fantasy world?. Worse, an obsessed mate who is rumored to be an unmerciful ruler.

Mira_Allison · Fantasy
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96 Chs


"Can I hang around for a bit"? She spoke, while still staring into his eyes which she was trying her best not to blink. The words doesn't fit her gaze at all, it was as if she was staring at something else while speaking to someone.

She walked away not waiting for a reply, leaving the poor lad all alone. He stared at her figure and walked away, he traced her with his head rotating on his neck, watching as she walked ahead of him. He didn't avert his gaze and kept on watching her little figure getting shorter due to the distance she covered every second.

His gaze looked super Hudson cool and calm with his blue eyes staring into space at her.

"Don't tell me you're gonna stand here forever". He heard Ramon's voice and he diverted his attention away from her, rotating his head sideways, not looking at him but just to spare him his attention. Ramon walked to his front to stare at his face to face, leaving where he stood before - Zamiel's back. He folded his hands against his chest in a defensive manner, standing in front of Zamiel, blocking his view.

"Seriously? Don't tell me you are falling for the princess". He said, raising his brows, staring right into his eyes for an explanation, and Zamiel also stared back as well, as if he didn't get the memo. He acted clueless. He finally averted his gaze, his blue eyes staring right behind Ramon, he gave the hipster attitude, not caring if he looked stupid in any situation, he always looked cool and makes it look cool.

Seriously, he can't believe he ought to Ramon, still putting on his manipulative mask. He stared at him, trying to get his attention

but Zamiel never returned his gaze and stared ahead. This gesture made him laugh within himself.

Sigh!. He turned to heave a sigh, giving Ramon his questioning look that always looks cool and intuitive.


"Are you done?, Or are you going to keep blocking my view?". He asked, with a low and smooth voice, sounding tired of his attitude. He shot the blonde man a domineering glare after he finished his sentence, and the blonde man, instead of responding as expected instead he just replied with his annoying

smile that usually adds salt to one's wound. His smile was mocking and charming at the same time with the way he flashed his perfect white teeth.

"And why is that?, Hmm?". He pokes further, trying to get a reaction from the stone man standing in front of him cause it seems he was frozen with his stance and his facial expression. "Is it because I'm blocking...." He couldn't finish his words because the person he was entertaining just walked out on him.

"Hey!, that was rude you know". He spoke following his escaped victim. They both walked back to where Zamiel was coming from in the first place. The lake.


They both passed by many trees, the trees moving fast almost turning into a blur, the trees seems to be traveling at a fast pace, it was as if the trees were the background and the friends were the subject. Theclingng faster than a normal person would, anyone who was there at that moment would see nothing but tall trees and then feel the strong breeze that passed by ruffling the person's hair, dried leaves hanging onto their hair all in the name of the impact of the wind.


The trees traveled past them at full speed and the mostoststurning into a blur. It was as if they were the subject and the background was made blurry on purpose.

The trees weren't the ones traveling, instead, it was the two passersby who seems to be an intruder to the poor trees'' peace. They ran with speed, turning invincible to the naked eye, any passerby would see nothing but the tall trees standing tall and proud, coupled with the strong wind that just blew past him or her. He or she would surely be covered with sand or dried leaves hanging here and there on the person's already ruffled hair.

Traveling together, was more like running together. Ramon was just an annoying leech that won't stop sticking to Zamiel. He tried to keep up with the speed monster who doesn't seem to have any intention to hang around. He tailed Zamiel who seemed to be getting farther away from him, he added more grease to his running to catch up.

"Don't tell me you're running away from me?". He asked, trying to poke the poor lad who doesn't seem to be having any of it. They both kept up their activity of racing to the place Zamiel and Mira just left a while ago. They both raced which was invincible to an ordinary eye.


He stopped suddenly, putting a full stop to his race, the wind blew stronger with the way he just stopped, his hair blowing forward due to the impact it gave but all these didn't seem to affect him because he was still and immobile

with all the breeze activity going on. He was like a statue, a hard cemented one

that was dressed.

He heard a swooshing sound, indicating someone's arrival. He didn't want to turn back wasting his energy since he already knew who it was, he stood there staring straight at the blue painting of the sky mixing with the lake's color, he looked so peaceful as if he was in his world. It looks peaceful, the scene, but it won't be anymore because of someone who seems to be an annoying pest.

He stopped suddenly, his blonde short hair blowing forward, it was a good thing he packed his hair, eelelsewwould would have been a mess right now. He stood there for a few seconds, trying to sink in the marathon he just ran, which he didn't feel fatigued about, before resuming to walk forward to meet his dear victim.

He looked like a beautiful predator walking towards its prey from behind to catch it unaware. He had his mischievous smirk worn on his face, walking towards the delicious prey who stood unaware backing the predator. He stopped beside him staring ahead and folding his hands in front of his chest, he rotated his head to his side to steal a glance before returning his gaze ere it was, smiling mischievously he narrowed his eyes as if staring at something he wasn't expecting.

"Don't tell me you ran away because of me. Am I that scary? Are you scared of me or my gossip? He asked, trying to poke the statue standing beside him, who doesn't seem to be buying any of it.

He knew Ramon knows he know so there was no need to waste his precious strength arguing with his friend. And he also, knew he didn't run away because he was a coward and he did it for something else, there was no need to be defensive since he knew Ramon knows he knows he knows about what he was trying to do so he played deaf instead and walked away from the forest's entrance towards the clay stairs that was molded. He walked towards his west, crossing the large modern-like but sandy road.

"Hmm?." Mumbled Ramon, turning to his side to look at his host who was not where he stood anymore. His relaxed self immediately went into distress as he was panicky about his escaped victim. How could he not have heard?". He turned his head infection catchihead infectiinfectiousswearing black. The person was descending something like a mime, and the person was none other than the person he was looking for. His lips moved on their own, moving upward to create a smirk. He resumed with what he put a stop to, and that was walking.

He stood at the mouth of the stairs that was molded he stared ahead of his friend who was unashamed to strip himself, and he stared down at him not considering him. "Seriously, you don't need to flaunt your assets, I have one too you know, and they are way better and sexier than yours". He said, trying to steer something up, he was aware Zamiel doesn't love things that were considered bad, like the word he just said to him. But cares not, Who cares?. He doesn't.

Zamiel doesn't seem to have any intention of paying any attention to him. He stood there with his hands behind his back before turning away.

"Fine, fine. I'll leave if that's what you want, you could have just told me than giving the silent treatment". He said before turning around to give Zamiel the personal time he deserved.


She stood in the flower garden that was huge than she had imagined it, and the flowers seems to be taller than she had imagined them huge and tall, standing tall and proud from the earth. She seems to be lost because the flower garden just turned into a night mare-a maze.

She finally found a way out of the beautiful nightmare, she walked further into the other part of the place.


It's been almost an hour since she left the giant flower garden. The land was vast, she has been walking for over an hour now, touring the place but suddenly she stopped in her tracks and quickly hid in a nearby bush to conceal her appearance.

She can't believe she was seeing a real-life bee that was gigantic. They looked hairy and not much at all healthy, the hair grew around its body, it wasn't long though, it was short and it had a yellow and black color indicating that the hair was surely the butt.

She quickly hid in the bush to conceal herself from being spotted by the black-eyed bees that surrounded a nearby nest that was glued to the upper part of the tree. She stared at the

activities of the busy bees, peeking from the bush she hid


Since they were all busy with their nest and everything, she decided to escape the place but her plan wasn't solid enough. Her heart skipped a beat when one of the bees caught her red-handed. It floated in the air, flying while scrutinizing her with its black eyes that doesn't have a single trace of white. She stood there glued, trying not to move. Maybe if she was stiff the bee would pay its attention elsewhere rather than staring at her like it was doing right now. She tried to catch her breath which was unbalanced at the moment with the skip in her heartbeat and her breath, she took little oxygen than needed and also inhaled them with urgency because of how she was feeling.

She tried steadying her breath and keeping her thumping heart in check, who knows what the creature might use to get her, maybe a heartbeat, because it was seventy-five percent sure that they might have a good hearing because of how big they were.

She didn't move an inch and continued with her staring competition. The bee finally averted its gaze, losing interest in her, and continued with what it was doing. It seems the bee's attention was called back by its colleagues. Sounds funny. She moved her feet backward in order not to attract the bee's attention because she was sure that the bees will notice any slight movement from their side-eye. She knows stuff like this cause it happens to her. She slowly and sluggishly like a thief trying his best not to get caught.

She felt a grip on her hand, yanking her away into a hideout away from the bee's view. She couldn't say a word because of the guest she had to entertain, she had no choice but to be mute and allow herself to get yanked by the stranger who she doesn't know, or maybe she does but didn't know.

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