
The REINCARNATED ( the unending dream)

“Is this what death feels like? Is this how am going to die? Her voice echoed in her head as her whole body felt limp and too heavy to move. She felt cold, too cold - she needed some warmth but she knows the horrible fate that was about to hit her. “Why did this have to happen to her?” Her sight turned blurry as she embraced that seeet calming darkness. Mira, a naive teenager who yearns to be free and become an adult. An eighteen years old girl who yearns for adventure, finds herself a whole new adventure. A different one at that. She finds herself in a world of fantasy where she is said to be the queen to - the wife of a brutal king. Finding herself in a world of werewolves, elves, vampires and other mystical creatures. Mira sought a way to set herself loose from her dream- an unrealistic world filled with good and evil. Will Mira escape this fantasy world?. Worse, an obsessed mate who is rumored to be an unmerciful ruler.

Mira_Allison · Fantasy
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96 Chs


She release it was the stupid tree who called her!. But it felt so right as if she was the one making the decision herself to climb the tree.

"Hello!. Please drop me." She begged almost nearly audible.

"Drop you?. But why?". Said the tree acting oblivious. " Where the hell is this tree breathing from. How could it speak?, does it have lungs or what?". She got her mind taking over again.

"Because my team are expecting me. They must be worried sick by now". She explained, fully aware pitiful words won't help or soften the trees heart. Which she wasn't sure it would have.

" Your teams?. Okay I'll drop you". She was shocked with what the tree said. "He'd free her just like that?!". She was doubtful about this but still she pushed her luck. The tree was really evil. It was pure evil!. It raised its branch higher, lifting her higher before letting go.

" Aaaaaaaaaaaaah". She screamed, shutting her eyes to brace herself for the terrible impact.But it didn't. And the next thing she knew she was on her feet but with someone with her.

He held her tightly, helping her to stabilize herself.

She felt her eyes sting with tears. Why did he save her?. She was the one running away to have some space to herself. They were no longer in the vicinity of the wicked tree.

"It's alright". She heard his voice which felt medicinal to her chest. It was like a painkiller - his voice. She felt safe and not lonely with the way he came to save her. The tears she was holding in broke free from it's barrier as they streamed down her pretty face. She felt she had someone who was still with her, at least someone who cares for her. Even of he doesn't it was still better that he was there.

" It's alright. I'm here okay". He said, hugging her close to his chest to comfort her. She didn't hold back and sobbed, she rested her head on his chest not holding back. He stayed silent through out, patting her on the back as she wept.

She raised her head up, after freeing all the tears away from their cages. She placed her hand flatly on his chest, leaning away from him to stand on her own. She dried her tears with the back of hands, sniffing in. She was embarrassed with what just happened between them. She acted neutral to avoid that feeling welling up inside her.

"Thanks". She muttered with her voice that was now hoarse. He nodded in return. She looked into his blue eyes but quickly avoided it. "Let's leave. I'm pretty sure the others must be worried sick by now". She said. He only stared as an affirmation. He wanted to tell her they aren't the type who were used to being worried but he kept his comment to himself.

She was silent through out, till they got to where they tied the horse. He helped her mount the horse, and he also did, mounting the horse to secure her firmly. This time he was the one riding the horse and he made her lean against his chest and he was glad she wasn't hesitant on doing so. Instead she just leaned against his chest with ease.

She almost died! she...almost..died!. God!. What if he didn't arrive on time them would she be dead by now. Would she die just like that? Never to see her family ever again till eternity. There are things she'd love to say to her family especially her mother. But dying would only mean those words die with her. Though she was hundred percent sure that if she were to meet with her family right this instant, those words will fly and leave her cause she'd be overwhelmed by emotions. She really need to thank the man behind her. If not for him she'd be a goner in this strange realm filled with strange creatures like himself.

" Zamiel" she called

" Yes"

"Thank you. Really, thank you". Sigh! "I don't know what would have happened if you weren't there or if you were a second late" She mumbled, staring into space whilst talking. "Perhaps....perhaps I'd be dead by now". Exhale! Sparing her hand a glance which had now had Zamiel's caressing it gently. Her breath coming in and out shakily, it got to an extent she had to create a little space between her lips to release her breath through it. The rest of the day was spent in gloom. Though it usually like that everyday, but today was different perhaps because today's was as a result of the aftermath shock she got the mysterious creepy talking tree she jammed into. Spending the rest of the day sleeping wasn't an option either. She didn't like the idea of spending most of her day sleeping, even if she wanted to, it wouldn't work -the shock was still there, it hasn't siever. And the time seems to move slower than it used to.

The thought kept bugging her every minute. What if? What if he didn't show up at that time? Would she be corpse by now? Would she even be alive to be thinking about this?. Now she was scared than she had ever been. She was scared of death, scared to die. The thought of dying alone brought goosebumps on her skin. The thought of leaving without saying a proper goodbye to the people she held dearly brought a sharp pain to her heart.

Sigh!. She exhaled, releasing her breath from her lips. Exhaling and inhaling through the lips won't work either, instead it got worse -her emotions. Remembering a sweet memory won't work either, the memory blurred everytime she force it out of its den. It played like a broken DVD. Pinching her palms hard, an attempt to stop herself from bursting, screaming her heart out to help stabilise her emotion.

* * * * *

Aaaaaaaaw" She stretched both arms in the air. She shut her eyes to wake herself back to the conscious world fully. She stood up in a frenzy, her eyes dilating themselves realising the surrounding slept in last night wasn't the one she woke up to this morning.

What happened last night again?" She asked no one in particular. She dusted her dress, in a hurry to find a way out of her which felt strangely familiar to her. She walked barefooted towards a huge door that was slightly opened, waiting for her to pass by it.

"Aaaaaaaaaah!" A scream echoed coming from the slightly revealed passage that she was heading towards. Her pace taking a pause with the scary sound that reverberate from the room. Her heart thumping faster, beating loudly that she could hear her own heart beat without the the use of a stethoscope. She stood frozen, starting at the slightly opened gigantic door that stood few metres away from her. She could feel her heart beating harder against her chest as if it was attempting to break her ribcage and escape her chest, since she had no attempt on moving not to talk of escaping.

She gulped down a non-existent spit down her parched throat. Taking a deep breath, shutting her eyes tightly to get herself ready to venture down the eerie passage. She took her steps lightly and slowly. Even she could feel she was walking too slow compared to the way she walked few minute ago. She held the door knob, pulling it to reveal a much larger space for her to pass through and also...escape through in case of an emergency.

She took her steps as lightly as she could whilst passing through the wide and narrow passage which was heavily furnished with gold. And paintings on the walls. Painting of magical beings. The paintings looked more like a story the way it was drawn all over the roof extending to the walls. Averting her gaze from the walls she returned her attention back to exploring or perhaps finding a way out of here.

Soft whimpers could be heard, getting louder as she took each step forward. Mira could feel her heart already making a run for it as it hit her chest harder and harder. Her throat felt parched, and at that moment did she realise her throat was dried like an arid land as she forcefully gulped down a non-existent spit down her throat. Her eyes dilating themselves as she got herself ready for the sight she was about to jam. Every step she took was like a cue to her gulping her spit or shutting her slightly opened mouth.

She met herself in front of a door, another large door - as large as the door she saw when she was still debating whether or not to find the eerie voice. Opening the large don't with all the strength she had she met herself in a large room, as large as an event centre. Where the hell is the voice coming from then?. She thought, her tensed brows lowering its guard as she thought silently. Her dilated eyes returning to their normal size.