
The Reign of the Dragon Queen

(Warning: Mature Content) In the Kingdom of Nivillia, Kamari is the last of her powerful Elder Dragon family. She has a huge burden: find dragon mates and have a Dragonborn baby to keep ruling the Kingdom. But her three dragon partners bring their problems, and keeping their relationship strong is tough. Can they overcome the challenges and dangers on their way to a happy future? Join Kamari and her dragon mates on an epic journey of love, sacrifice, and redemption as they fight to forge a future where their bond can endure against all odds. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I narrow my eyes at Nye, “Play date? Is that what you think when I'm with Koa or Aneth, not you?” Nye locks eyes with me. “Dragons have a hierarchy. The leader of the males is the one with whom the female spends the most time. Koa and Aneth know this.” I cross my arms, “That makes no sense. I want to get to know all of you.” “Too bad,” Nye says, his eyes are unwavering. “If they can’t beat me in a fight, you won’t.” I chuckle, unbelieving the nature of these creatures. “So if you were to be “dethroned” by Aneth or Koa. I'd be spending more time with them?” “It's our nature. To be a leader you must be powerful, if not you don't deserve to be there. Someone else will take it.” Nye says this as if it's a binding oath. Well, that's great. It will take me forever to get to know Koa and Aneth more than on a surface level. “You irk me.” I cross my arms over my chest. Nye did get under my skin, but I liked it. Am I sick in the head? Maybe. “Darling, you take me for someone who needs your approval for what I do. You should know by now that I do not.” Nye smirks at me. I roll my eyes. “Then buckle up 'cause you're going to have a butt load of shit to deal with on this ride, honey.” I walk past him, purposefully exaggerating the sway of my hips. Bite it, big guy.

Kay_Skye4549 · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Chapter 72


I never wanted to do anything like this and had trouble pinpointing my feelings. On the one hand, I'm pissed that Aneth did what he did, but now my question was, did he ever realize it? At what point did that take effect? I put my face in my hands, letting out an exhausted sigh. Calea had reversed the effects. That woman was a goddess sent. I didn't know what I'd do without her. Now, I sat by Aneth while he lay on the bed, still unconscious.

His face looked pale, his eyes darker than they should be. My heart was torn, "You fool…" my voice cracked. In a way, he took a so-called dagger for me. If I had been hexed, I would have killed my whelps. My soul burns itself alive as I realize it. I hear Aneth groan; I look at him as he sits up, holding his head, wincing. "Kadea's hell…" his voice is raspy, probably from the wretched roars he did when he battled. I walk towards him; he double-takes, then locks eyes with me, his eyes searching mine.

Aneth looks down, his face controlled by tension. "What have I done?" He asks as if he genuinely didn't know. I take a step towards him, disbelief plastered on my face. "Are you joking?" My voice nearly cracks. Aneth looks up at me; this time, I see a sliver of fear. I had never known any of them to show the tiniest bit of fear in my life. I sigh heavily, "The letter you found, Hexed you. It made you this unrecognizable monster," I pause, my eyes never leaving him, "You almost killed Ryuu, Aneth." My voice cracks.

Aneth's eyes flutter, and he shakes his head. "I remember leaving. I didn't want to, but it was like something had taken over my body, my mind." He pauses, and his fist clenches. " And I was helpless to stop it."

It made no sense to me. "You lead Koa and Nye as if you were yourself, Aneth, don't lie to me."

"I am not." Aneth snaps. "Do you think I'd voluntarily leave you? They followed because they held fast to tradition. They did what I said, whatever compelled me to say it." I swallow hard, it was hard to believe it and maybe it was the truth but, seeing my whelp being attacked so visiously made me sick. "Look, I don't know what to believe right now. My mind is as fucked up as yours." I shuddered, "But I'm glad you're okay." 

Goddess, that's all I could say to him, and it bothered me. I should be happy he's back and well, but I feared he wasn't, not after what he went through. I needed more information from Calea. As I head towards the door, Aneth asks, "Are you leaving me?"

The sudden vulnerability in his voice makes me halt; my breath catches in my throat. Fuck. Goddess, nothing was easy. I clench my fists as he continues; his voice yanks my heart, "I swear I didn't mean to hurt you. I never mean to leave you, Kamari." I look over my shoulders, and to my surprise, I see a broken man, not the man I was used to. It made my guard slip, and I walked back to him. Aneth's face was in his hands, his knuckles white. I slowly climb onto the bed with him. It would be so wrong for me to leave him like this. I knew how it felt and refused to be petty about it. "Aneth," my voice is softer, more nurturing, "Come here." I pull him into me and feel his arms tighten around me. "Goddess, forgive me…" Aneth's voice is shaky. I suddenly feel a protectiveness rush through my veins. None of this would have happened if it weren't for that rat bastard Javall. Now, he had a target on his back, and I wanted to puncture that bullseye badly, rip the whole thing out of the wall, and burn it to a cinder. 

I wasn't used to Aneth being so vulnerable, but part of me was glad to see it, Goddess forbid he's let me witness it again knowing their so-called "Moral Code." Nye had happily broken it, though, and I wasn't complaining. I felt like massive changes were happening. From Mael to Javall wanting to kill my whelps. How was I supposed to protect them from all of this? My Whelps would always be targets, and so would my mates. There were so many people close to me that I wanted to protect, and I didn't know where to start. Nivillia is the only place I've known. My mother and father never took me anywhere else. I didn't know what was around me except for Javall's Kingdom.

I feel him sit up, wiping the tears from his face. "Ugh, this human body is wretched." Aneth takes deep breaths and then swallows hard. A moment of silence follows before Aneth speaks. "I'm done leading Kamari." My lips parted in shock that he would give it up so easily. Nye is second to me. He will take it."


Aneth and I look up at Nye, who leans against the door frame with a smirk. Nye sighed as he sauntered over, "A shame I couldn't challenge you for it. But it seems Kamari already dethroned you herself." I roll my eyes a Nye, a slight smile on my lips. "Leave him alone, Nye. I think Aneth has been through enough already," I notice Aneth's demeanor going back to how he originally was, he gets off the bed, and pulls over his shirt. As Aneth walks past Nye, a silent acknowledgment is exchanged between the two. Nye walks over to me and sits on the bed.

"There are so many things that can happen, Nye." I run my fingers through my hair, "How am I supposed to protect my people and my family?"

"I'm insulted that you think you're alone in this, Kamari." Nye crosses his arms and legs, "You have us, and," he pauses, then moans in disgust, "that witch." I can't help but chuckle. "Nye, hasn't she done enough to prove her worth?"

Nye stares at me blankly. "Have her bite a rat's head off, and maybe I'll consider letting her breathe."

Good Goddess.

My face contorts in disbelief, "Nye, be nice."

"That is me being nice, Kamari. There is no sanctuary for her, as there was with Aneth." Nye locks eyes with me. I turn towards him, my eyes searching his. "Why do you hate her?"

"I hate Witches in general, Kamari, just as I hate water." Nye spit out the word water; it makes me giggle. "You're like a Cat. If you want attention, you'll look for it, but if you don't, you're a mean little thing." I boop his nose. Nye's brows pinch in, and he shoots daggers at me with his eyes, "Little?" 

I purse my lips, trying not to show my smile, "Well, cats are little…" 

The moment's pause makes my heartbeat quicken, and then, in the flash of a second, Nye yanks my hair back. A small gasp escapes me, and I can't help the devilish smile that taints my lips; his breath tickles my ear, "Don't think you are safe with me either, Kamari. I'll hunt you, and when I catch you," he pauses a dark chuckle before continuing, "I'll make you my little toy…"

I shudder beneath his touch. Nye had a way of yanking my primal side out, and I loved it. When I felt him lick my neck from my collarbone to my jawline, my breath caught in my throat, his voice husky and thick as honey, "Look at you, so responsive to my touch."

Suddenly, someone clears their throat. I try to sit up, but Nye holds me where I am, and when I glance to the side, I see Calea. "Oh, Kadea's Hell…" I say under my breath.

"Well," Nye lets go of me, but I scramble to get up as he walks towards her. "No, no, no," I put myself before her. "Nye-Ah!" He shoves me to the side and runs after Calea, who has already run.

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