
The Reign of the Dragon Queen

(Warning: Mature Content) In the Kingdom of Nivillia, Kamari is the last of her powerful Elder Dragon family. She has a huge burden: find dragon mates and have a Dragonborn baby to keep ruling the Kingdom. But her three dragon partners bring their problems, and keeping their relationship strong is tough. Can they overcome the challenges and dangers on their way to a happy future? Join Kamari and her dragon mates on an epic journey of love, sacrifice, and redemption as they fight to forge a future where their bond can endure against all odds. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I narrow my eyes at Nye, “Play date? Is that what you think when I'm with Koa or Aneth, not you?” Nye locks eyes with me. “Dragons have a hierarchy. The leader of the males is the one with whom the female spends the most time. Koa and Aneth know this.” I cross my arms, “That makes no sense. I want to get to know all of you.” “Too bad,” Nye says, his eyes are unwavering. “If they can’t beat me in a fight, you won’t.” I chuckle, unbelieving the nature of these creatures. “So if you were to be “dethroned” by Aneth or Koa. I'd be spending more time with them?” “It's our nature. To be a leader you must be powerful, if not you don't deserve to be there. Someone else will take it.” Nye says this as if it's a binding oath. Well, that's great. It will take me forever to get to know Koa and Aneth more than on a surface level. “You irk me.” I cross my arms over my chest. Nye did get under my skin, but I liked it. Am I sick in the head? Maybe. “Darling, you take me for someone who needs your approval for what I do. You should know by now that I do not.” Nye smirks at me. I roll my eyes. “Then buckle up 'cause you're going to have a butt load of shit to deal with on this ride, honey.” I walk past him, purposefully exaggerating the sway of my hips. Bite it, big guy.

Kay_Skye4549 · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Chapter 39


He still went, even when I told him not to. 

"Ryuu! What were you thinking?!" My heart pounds a million miles a minute, "You should know it's not safe there!" Why? Why would he go without telling anyone?" Koa starts to circle him, not in a "fatherly" way. Ryuu notices and looks to the ground. "I am drawn there," he says, his voice calmer than I would like.

I shake my head in confusion, "What?" 

"A Soul draws you," Koa says through his teeth, "Who?" As I watch Koa, his eyes glow, "Who?!" His voice deepens, and Ryuu hisses at him. Ryuu starts back towards the water, "No, no!" I raced past Koa, not knowing what he might do, but I wasn't about to see my son get pounded on. I take Ryuu's face, "Please, Ryuu, tell me. You said a soul drew you there?"

"Like us to you," Nye says, oddly handling this better than Koa. I nod at Ryuu, "Yes, tell me who." I didn't know this could happen to my son; if I had known, I would have made it a point to check in with him and make him stay with me longer. Ryuu lays his forehead against mine, "She cries, I don't like it."

The sincerity in my whelps voice breaks my heart, "Who?"

Ryuu's eyes look down, and so quietly I can barely hear him, but I do, he says, "Calea." My heart spikes hearing her name again. I double-blink, "Oh," I step back, covering my mouth, and then I turn to block Ryuu from what I knew might happen. Koa's eyes raged upon hearing Calea's name, and Nye and Aneth looked no better. 

"A witch's soul?" Koa's voice is deadly. "Break it," he commands. 

Ryuu stands erect, his body tense, and says, "No. It's my choice."

Koa snarled and stepped forward, Aneth and Nye behind him, but I raised my hands, "We don't control this, Koa!" I had never seen Koa so angry before. Part of me didn't understand this either, but I wouldn't blame my whelp. "That is where you go. Have I taught you nothing!?" Koa yells at Ryuu. "Leave." Koa says with venom, "Stay out of my waters."

Oh, hell no. My blood heats up, and my eyes glow, and now Koa's attention is on me. "You are not leaving Ryuu; you stay," I command.

 Koa directs his anger at me. "I will not let you drive our son away because his choices displease you." I leer at him.

 Koa responds with a low rumble, and I feel something snap within him. He lunges at me. Unprepared, I freeze, seeing the fury on Koa's face. Then, in a flash, someone takes him down like a freight train. And I can hardly believe my eyes when I see who.

"Aneth," I say breathlessly. As the two stand head to head, Aneth growls at Koa, who hisses back. The tension is heavy and thick until they start fighting; their strikes cut through the air and land with brutal strength. I kept reminding myself that they were Dragons first, disguised in human form, not the other way around, and their brutality and primal nature were always first. It didn't lighten the fact that Koa would have attacked me if it weren't for Aneth.

Lost in my thoughts and confused, I turned away from the fight. Ryuu placed a hand on my shoulder; I smiled at him, "I'm fine." I lied, as some women do, and when I heard a nasty crack and Koa crying out, I knew who had won. 

"Ryuu." Aneth's voice is like a massive relief to hear, "You stay." I watch as Ryuu bows his head to Aneth in respect. "Yes, I hear you." I should be happier than I am right now, but thinking of Calea made me more aware of what I wasn't doing. I needed to return; who knows what's happening in my absence. I turn to Ryuu and place a hand on his cheek, "Tell me, does she know we're alright?"

Ryuu nods, "She waits." His eyes grow darker. Someone else claims her." Ryuu wiggles his finger, then smirks, "I will find him." I shake my head, "No, Ryuu. You can't do anything against magic." Ryuu's jaw clenches; he turns his head away. "I promise we will find a way to free her from him, but is she who you genuinely want, Ryuu?"

I feel Aneth behind me before he speaks, "Age does not sway us as it does you. We live for centuries." But that was my worry. "Ryuu, Calea will age, she will die, and you will live without her." That's what saddened me the most. Because I had Dragons blood, I could outlive my kingdom. I would watch as people I knew withered away, and it tore me up inside. The only things I had to stay with me for life were my mates and whelps. 

"We are not immortal; we can still die, but the lucky few live that long," Aneth says, which seems to make a frown on Ryuu's face, one that makes my heart ache.

I sigh and place my forehead on Ryuu's head, "Please, for now, just stay on land for a bit. I wish to spend time with you." Ryuu's eyes brighten, and he nods. My mind shifts to Koa, and as I start to turn my hand, Aneth redirects me with his hands on either side of my head, making me look towards the water; the heat of his breath tingles my neck, "Trust me, little one, you don't want to see what I've done to him." His voice makes my eyes roll to the back of my head. 

I'd be all over Aneth if I didn't ask Ryuu to stay.

I feel Aneth wrap his arms around my waist; I bite my lip. Oh, good goddess, let me be modest in front of my whelp, I say inwardly, but when Aneth starts to kiss my neck, a slight moan escapes me. Ryuu tilts his head to the side like a curious pup. I clear my throat, but when I try to get out of Aneth's grasp, he grips my hips, pressing me against him. I try to calm the blazing heat within me. "Ugh, Ryuu, do you mind grabbing a bag of fruit?" Ryuu's eyes light up, eager to do something, "Yes." 

When he's out of sight, Aneth chuckles with delight, "You were the one you asked him to stay." He whispers in my ear. "You regret it now, don't you." Aneth taunts me. I spin around in his arms and grab the collar of his bloody shirt, "Don't taunt me, Aneth; I've been wanting to dig my claws into you for a while, and I swear to Goddess, if you keep teasing me, I'll–Mm!" Aneth seals my lips with a passionate kiss; the feeling of his tongue makes me crave more. And when he parts from me, I all but lose my mind. 

Aneth smirks down at me, and I bite my lip, "Ah, the hell with modesty," I say under my breath and jump onto his waist; he grips my hips, meeting my hungry kisses with his starving lips. Aneth drops to his knees, his lips never parting from mine; I start grinding against his bugle until my eager hands-free him, and he groans when he feels my hand stroke him; he was so hard for me, but I wanted to touch him, then tease him, slowly letting my self down on tip, he locks eyes with me, as I slowly take all of him inside, I shake with pleasure as he fills me, a place a hand on his chest, then brace myself on his shoulders and start to ride his brains out. 

Aneth's moans make me wetter, and I quickly take him all in with ease, "Ugh, goddess, yes!" I whimper, "You feel so good," I cry out. Aneth grabs my head between his hands, "Forgive me if I get rough with you. I can't take it anymore," Aneth yanks my hair back and bites my neck. "Ugh!" I cry out, but it feels so good. The way he growled into my throat made me come on his cock. I ride out the waves of pleasure, but he doesn't stop; he makes me scream his name. "Get on all fours, now," he growls into my ear, and I do as he wants, and not a second later, his hands grip my hips, and his cock slides into me, and he starts pounding me with such force my hands have to dig into the ground to stay where I am. The spot that he was hitting made me drool like an animal. "Ugh," I groan out, "Fuck!" I feel his claws dig into me, and the pain makes me more excited, "Goddess, yes, fuck me like you hate me!"

"Ugh," Aneth groans, "Kamari, don't say that; you'll wish you hadn't," I feel my eyes glow, and I look back at him, "I can take it, please; I love it." Aneth eyes roll into the back of his head as he yanks my hair and bites into me again, but this time he drags his nails down my back, and my walls clench around his cock, making me come again, "Ugh!" I cry out and feel his pace speed up, and he pounds me with force; he parts from my neck, "If you weren't bleeding before, you are now; you're going to feel me even when I'm not inside of you," he starts to heavily pant in the ear until he lets out a gritty growl, and feel him spill inside of me. It's the most satisfying thing I've felt before. He lingers inside of me, and when he finally pulls out of me, I fall to the ground, smiling like an idiot. My body burned so good from the pain; now I knew why Nye loved it so much. 

Aneth takes me into his arms, "Are you alive?" He asks with a smile. I look up at him with foggy desire filled eyes, "I'm still breathing–"

"You're bleeding." Ryuu's voice makes me freeze. My face turns beet red. Aneth chuckles warmly, "She's fine. Mating in humans is quite different; you will learn that soon."

Oh, he did not just give my son a sex ed class while I lay naked in his arms! That's it; I've failed as a modest mom. I give up.

"I got the fruit," he says, throwing one to Aneth, who bites into it and then hands it to me. I press my lips together, unsure how to react, but I am hungry. I take the fruit from Aneth and eat it. Aneth leans back, looking up at the skies, and I do as well. Silence fills the air between us until Aneth speaks, "You wish to return to Nivillia?"

I look at him, "Yes." Aneth sighs up towards the sky, "Well, if you indulge me with your primal passion a couple more times," he smirks, "I can make that happen." 

I bat my eyes at him, "Is that your energy source for guarding against Magic?" Aneth tilts his head, "It is now." My eyes widened, and I chuckled nervously, "You're funny."

Aneth looks at me with a stern look," No. I'm serious."

His answer took me by surprise. "Uh, can I ask why?"

"Magic has a link to the user's soul. Now that I'm bonded to you, my soul is stronger and will continue to grow as long as you give me enough of it. In return, my ability is profoundly more effective," Aneth lifts my chin and gives me a gentle kiss, " It does, however, take from you…"

I retract my face from him. My brows furrow, "What does that mean? You take my energy?"

"Yes. You may temporarily weaken because of it." Oh, I could already feel the effects of that. I was putty in his hands. "Yeah," I lay my head on his chest. You've exhausted me."

Returning to Nivillia sounded lovely, but I knew there would be a rude awakening. I couldn't stay in the forest like this; my people needed me, and I couldn't let Veldon's land lay in the filthy hands of Browen. "We can discuss heading back to Nivillia at another time, but for now. Rest."