
The Reign of the Dragon Queen

(Warning: Mature Content) In the Kingdom of Nivillia, Kamari is the last of her powerful Elder Dragon family. She has a huge burden: find dragon mates and have a Dragonborn baby to keep ruling the Kingdom. But her three dragon partners bring their problems, and keeping their relationship strong is tough. Can they overcome the challenges and dangers on their way to a happy future? Join Kamari and her dragon mates on an epic journey of love, sacrifice, and redemption as they fight to forge a future where their bond can endure against all odds. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I narrow my eyes at Nye, “Play date? Is that what you think when I'm with Koa or Aneth, not you?” Nye locks eyes with me. “Dragons have a hierarchy. The leader of the males is the one with whom the female spends the most time. Koa and Aneth know this.” I cross my arms, “That makes no sense. I want to get to know all of you.” “Too bad,” Nye says, his eyes are unwavering. “If they can’t beat me in a fight, you won’t.” I chuckle, unbelieving the nature of these creatures. “So if you were to be “dethroned” by Aneth or Koa. I'd be spending more time with them?” “It's our nature. To be a leader you must be powerful, if not you don't deserve to be there. Someone else will take it.” Nye says this as if it's a binding oath. Well, that's great. It will take me forever to get to know Koa and Aneth more than on a surface level. “You irk me.” I cross my arms over my chest. Nye did get under my skin, but I liked it. Am I sick in the head? Maybe. “Darling, you take me for someone who needs your approval for what I do. You should know by now that I do not.” Nye smirks at me. I roll my eyes. “Then buckle up 'cause you're going to have a butt load of shit to deal with on this ride, honey.” I walk past him, purposefully exaggerating the sway of my hips. Bite it, big guy.

Kay_Skye4549 · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Chapter 32


I'm not proud of it, but I dodged Nye for the past few days. I didn't even sleep in the furs. My spiteful self bared the cold, but Aneth figured out where I had been hiding and brought me food and furs. "Are you going to stay here? We can move everything–"

"No. Leave it." I stare out, my voice flat.

Aneth sighs and sits next to me. "Why are you angry?" Not even his calm demeanor could help me change my thoughts. I roll my eyes and look at him. "Really?"

"Yes. You seem to forget that this is our way of life. He wouldn't kill Koa."

"Damn, sure seemed like it." I retort.

I pull my knees to my chest. I bear the pain in my lower abdomen. I found a secluded pool to wash away the scent of my blood. I had maybe one more day, and the bleeding would be over. Thank Goddess. "He can't see what I see. I get he hates humanity, but I still feel it. Nye can be so cold." And sometimes it got to me, and his dark side showed more than his good. Fights between Koa and Nye happened more than Aneh and Nye. "Koa's the father of my whelp, it's hard for me not to want him…"

"It's because you have a whelp him. It deepend your connection to Koa. Nye doesn't like it—"

"Of course, he doesn't. He doesn't like anything." I place my head between my knees, solidifying that fact. 

"Can I finish?" Aneth's voice takes on a new tone I'm not used to. I turn to him, his face stern, as he continues, "Nothing has come easy for Nye. Not a good start in life, incredibly small when born. All Nye knows is to fight, to survive, and be our leader." Aneth fiddles with a branch as he starts again, "His actions are brash, yes. But he feels." Aneth places a hand on his chest. "Everything."


I grip my hair. My chest tightens, not wanting to think about his feelings when I kiss Koa. It hurts. My eyes burn. "Leave me alone, please…" I ask Aneth. He stalls for a moment, then stands and leaves without saying another word. When night comes, the cold leaves my skin burning and me shivering—thoughts of Nye flash before my eyes.

He killed Dwen without me asking him to. It might have been rash, but I couldn't imagine what would have happened if he didn't. I smile as I remember him giving Browen a run for his money; again, he came without me asking. Then I remember the one that hit home for me, the one where he took my pain. 

"Good Goddess…" I've given more to others than Nye, and he's given to me without asking. What fuck am I doing?

I stand up, wrap the blanket around my shoulders, and walk back to the place we called home. When I arrive, I see no one, and it leaves me with a massive lump in my throat. "Hello?" I say softly. Having had enough of the cold, I get under the furs, and they are incredibly warm. They make me think of Nye, and it's a punch in the gut. 

I curl into myself, trying to hold back the feelings threatening to burst out of me. I sniffle, then feel a chill breeze on my back, and when I go to tuck myself, I don't feel fur but skin. I gasp, sitting up, and Nye's icy blue eyes stare back at me. He doesn't say anything, but he swallows hard. 

So, I go first," I'm sorry. You do everything for me, and I feel like I always mess it up." I try not to let my voice crack. "Can you forgive me?" Goddess, I could barely look at him.

Nye swallows hard again, and he looks down at the ground. "Do you not see me as strong?" He asks, not looking at me. I sigh heavily, "No." Nye's face contorted in hurt, and then I continued, "Because you are so much more than that, Nye." He looks up at me in confusion. "You've done things only a madman would do," I chuckle lightly," but your heart is always in the right place." I place a hand on his cheek, "You're more than strength itself." I watch as Nye's eyes light up. My chest tightens as I realize something that might not be fair, but the others weren't here, and I think It's something Nye needs to hear. "You're my first love, Nye." 

Nye stares at me for a long while, and a tear sheds from his eye when he blinks. My heart instantly aches. He looks down, and his hand clenches the furs. Had I upset him? 

"Nye, I–Mm!" Before I can finish, he grabs me by the throat and pulls me into a passionate kiss and the grip he has on me isn't rugged but gentle; his hands snake up my neck to cradle my head, deepening the kiss. It wasn't just my body that responded to him; it was my soul. The ache I had felt when I wasn't near it was banished when I saw him again. I couldn't be without him. As he parts from my lips, he locks eyes with me, " Didn't I tell you before that I'd ravage the world for you?" He says in a husky voice, making me breathless, "You consume me, Kamari, mind, body, and soul." 

I give him a bitten-lip smile, "So you forgive me?" I try to be playful with him. Nye chuckles and then rolls his eyes, "Not entirely."


I purse my lips together as he continues, "You've not given me what you've promised." His eyes haze over. Soul-bounds got you somewhere but didn't take you all the way. You had to do that yourself. It was something I hadn't realized at first, but now i did.

Nye caresses my bottom lip with his thumb, "No matter how much I anger you. I will always protect you and love you, my darling." 

"I know." I look up at him. I believed in my soul. You always have Nye." When he goes in to kiss me again, I grimace, feeling another cramp. "Oh, I'll be back. I don't want to mess up the furs." I stand up, but Nye grabs my wrist. "You're bleeding?" he asks.

"Yes, only for today. It will go away. I take dips in the water for now. A secluded pool." I give him a meek smile, but his brows pinch together. "You didn't come to me?" 

I double-blink. He looks away, "Would you rather have another whelp by Koa?" 

"What?" I sit back down on my knees. "No-Nye, I just had Ryuu a month and a half ago. My body—"

"It isn't a human body." Nye looks back towards me. You have healed. Will you not try with me?" 

I press my lips together. I'm still recovering from having Ryuu, and that shit hurt like hell and exhausted me beyond belief. I couldn't image what having Nye's whelp would do to me. I wrap my arms around his neck, and before I can speak, Nye does it first, and my hands wrap around my lower abdomen. 

"I've been on this earth for a long time. And I haven't felt as alive as I do now with you." My body melts in my hands as I hear him say those words. His eyes glow, and I feel my body heat up, "Will you not create something with me on this earth?"

My eyes glow after he says that. Goddess, this man did things to me that I couldn't explain, and now I didn't want anything more than to give him every part of me. For a moment, there's a stillness like that before a storm. And when I nod, the lightning strikes. Before I have a moment to move, he grabs my hands and forces me backward, but I go willingly. It didn't take me long to submit to him because I wanted him.

"Please," I beg for him and add a submissive purr. Nye shudders and grabs my hips, "I'll show you no mercy," his voice makes my back arch, and I give him a seductive smile, "I'm yours." I whisper to him and kiss his lips softly. Nye deepens the kiss and subtly bites my lip, then grabs me by the hips and pulls me towards him. 

I sit halfway up, indulging in the taste of his lips. When I feel the tip of cock tease me, I part from him and look at how good his member looks, eager I take it with one hand and slide it into me; a gritty groan comes from Nye, and my breath hitches, "Ugh," I moan, loving the way he fit inside of me. When he starts to thrust deep and slow, it's hard for me not to wake up the whole damn forest. "Yes, scream for me darling," his eyes lock with mine, and pace quickens, and his hand grips my throat with just the right amount of pressure, "Kadea's hell I want to devour you," he growls, his eyes light up. I lick my fangs with a devilish smile, then sink them into his thick muscular bicep.

"Ah, Yes, harder," Nye groans, and thrusts get harder, "Ugh!" I cry out as he hits my sweet spot, and he gets relentless with it when he notices. My eyes roll in the back of my head, "Ffffuck," I shudder as I feel myself tighten around him. Nye grabs my face between his hands, "Look at me, I want to see the pleasure I make feel," the intensity of Nye's gaze brings me so close, "Please don't stop, Nye," I beg him, "You feel so good," I whimper. There was something addictive about Nye, and I wanted him to maul me.

My eyes glow, "Fuck me harder, make me bleed all over your blessed cock," I spoke with such primal grit. Nye shuddered at my words, and his thrusts turned me into a whimpering idiot. "Tell me you love me; say it out loud, Kamari."

I gaze at him, nodding and biting my bottom lip, "I love you, Nye."

"Again." He commands with vigor, his thrusts uncontrollable, making me arch my back. I tell him what he wants to hear; I'd say anything to this man at this point, but I knew my love for him to be true and pure. "Kadea's hell, the feeling of you is insatiable," Nye licks his lips in a smile. His eyes roll into the back of his head, and he lets out a grunted groan; my pleasure explodes at the same time as he does, and he holds me still for a long time, gazing down at me with warmth in his eyes.

Nye half-smiles, then presses his forehead against mine and says, "You didn't put up a fight with me; why?" I wrap my arms around his neck, "Hm, you earned the right to have me a long time ago, Nye." I gaze at him, "I don't need to fight with you." Nye replies with soft kisses on my neck. I was happy I didn't stay away from him; their way of life is different, and I'm still learning.

But if there were one thing I knew, I wouldn't want it any other way.

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