
The Reign of the Dragon Queen

(Warning: Mature Content) In the Kingdom of Nivillia, Kamari is the last of her powerful Elder Dragon family. She has a huge burden: find dragon mates and have a Dragonborn baby to keep ruling the Kingdom. But her three dragon partners bring their problems, and keeping their relationship strong is tough. Can they overcome the challenges and dangers on their way to a happy future? Join Kamari and her dragon mates on an epic journey of love, sacrifice, and redemption as they fight to forge a future where their bond can endure against all odds. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I narrow my eyes at Nye, “Play date? Is that what you think when I'm with Koa or Aneth, not you?” Nye locks eyes with me. “Dragons have a hierarchy. The leader of the males is the one with whom the female spends the most time. Koa and Aneth know this.” I cross my arms, “That makes no sense. I want to get to know all of you.” “Too bad,” Nye says, his eyes are unwavering. “If they can’t beat me in a fight, you won’t.” I chuckle, unbelieving the nature of these creatures. “So if you were to be “dethroned” by Aneth or Koa. I'd be spending more time with them?” “It's our nature. To be a leader you must be powerful, if not you don't deserve to be there. Someone else will take it.” Nye says this as if it's a binding oath. Well, that's great. It will take me forever to get to know Koa and Aneth more than on a surface level. “You irk me.” I cross my arms over my chest. Nye did get under my skin, but I liked it. Am I sick in the head? Maybe. “Darling, you take me for someone who needs your approval for what I do. You should know by now that I do not.” Nye smirks at me. I roll my eyes. “Then buckle up 'cause you're going to have a butt load of shit to deal with on this ride, honey.” I walk past him, purposefully exaggerating the sway of my hips. Bite it, big guy.

Kay_Skye4549 · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Chapter 21


For the next few weeks, I made it a point to see my people every day. My trio and I would go for a walk amongst the people, and some would even join in. I learned about the vendors that grew up here, and they even told me stories about festivals that used to take place here.

And it seemed Nye became quite popular amongst them, which made me giggle because he barely liked anyone, but he tolerated it. "Nye! Look what I made!" A cute boy comes up to him, and I see the pinched-lip smile on Nye's face before he looks down at him. The boy held a wooden toy that resembled a black dragon. I couldn't help but smile. "It's my first woodworking! Papa, let me go into the shop and create something! Isn't cool."

Don't say something stupid, I prayed to Kadea. As he gazed at the brown-haired boy, Nye smiled and crouched down to him. He took the toy from him and examined it. "Hm, you forgot something," he said, and I saw the boy's eyebrows furrow. "I did?"

"Mmhm," Nye points at the head of the toy, "If you'd like to get specific, there are two horns on my head." When I see the little boy's smile disappear, I internally slap my forehead. "Oh, I'm sorry—-"

"Sorry?" Nye chuckles, "You've done a wonderful job. Taking critique will be a part of your job if you decide to follow in your father's footsteps. And this is a very good representation of me, just add it, alright?" The boy's eyes brighten, 


Nye nods, then pulls out the coin in his pocket, "In fact, when you finish it, bring it to me." He gives the boy a satchel, and the boy's eyes widen as he takes it. Then he stares up at Nye and wraps his arms around Nye's legs, "Thank you!" I have to bite my lip to stop myself from giggling at the awkward pat Nye gave the boy on the back; he clears his throat and says, "You're welcome."

When the boy leaves, Koa and I start cracking up. Nye leers at us, "Who the hell forgets horns on a dragon, " Nye says as he marches past us. I quickly catch up to him, "Awe, but you were so nice to him–"

"I couldn't exactly kick him," Nye says with his hands in his pockets. I gasp, "Really? You would kick a child?"

"A human child," Nye says specifically. I feel Koa wrap his arm around my shoulder, "Well, at least he's playing nice, hm?"

I sigh, "I guess." But I had to admit, it did unsettle me. It made me ask myself what Dragons do with their children and how they would try to father mine. I glanced back to make sure Aneth was still behind us, and he looked fascinated by the things he saw around him. Ever since I upped the ante on his lessons, I learned he liked reading more than Nye and Koa. He favored the small library here and periodically took books from them. 

Instead of hoards of gold, I'd say this man would hoard books; I giggle to myself as I look ahead. "I'm quite at my limit for human interaction. Can we leave now?" Nye says with a sigh. '`No," Koa says, "Kamari has a package to pick up. " The Red Stag, a long-time family business I remembered my mother used quite frequently for mailing things, and I just got re-acquainted with the nice old woman who owned it. As I open the door, the soft ding makes Ellie turn her soft, wrinkled face, "Oh my dear," she says in her weathered yet gentle voice. When she comes from behind the counter, she takes my hand, and when she sees who is behind me, she smiles even more, "Oh good. I hoped they would be with you! Come, come, this way." Ellie didn't even let me get a word in as she grabbed my hand and led me back into the mailroom, which was larger than I expected.

"Ellie, what's all the fuss about?" I chuckle. Ellie let go of my hand and stood back, looking at all of us. "Well, I've just been thinking about things. I've known you since you were a little girl, and your mother kept me in business, but I do have something just for you. Call it a gift for the little one in your Womb." She wears the brightest smile, while mine starts to fade in confusion. 

"What?" I ask, hoping I didn't hear her right. "Oh, I'm sorry, I just couldn't keep it to myself! I read the letter and—"

"What letter?" My heart pounds; Ellie looks at me as if I know, "Oh dear, this one," She gives me a letter that wasn't glued shut, "Was it left open like this?"

"Yes, from the Councilmen Browen, it's a gift he's given us for you." Once I hear the old man's name, I want to puke. I pull the letter out, and what I read makes me want to burn the letter in my hands.


I hope this letter finds you well, I know you've had a rough start but I wanted to congratulate you on your pregnancy. May my gift bring you prosperity and happiness. 

Best regards, Councilman Browen.

My chest tightens, and I suddenly feel faint. "Who knows?"

"The whole kingdom, of course!" Ellie says with pride. I suddenly feel like it's hard to breathe. Browen did this on purpose. He wants to bring their hopes up knowing I'm not pregnant, then crush them when my three months are up and I have no Dragonborn. Their trust in me would burn to the ground.

I tried so hard not to rip apart the letter. I smiled and bared it; I had to. Now, I had to act pregnant, and I didn't know what I'd experience with a Dragonborn. Ellie went into the back room, and when I glanced at Koa, his eyes glared down at the letter. "Who is this?" Koa growled.

"Browen," I try to whisper, "He's the Council-men who means to take the throne from me. And now he's made it more complicated." 

I didn't hear a word from Nye, and I didn't want to look at him. He was probably trying to rein in his anger as it was, but when Ellie rolled out what looked like a crib, I bit my tongue. "Is that a cage?" Nye hissed.

Oh boy…

"He means to cage a whelp?" Koa asks, but I get stuck on the word whelp. Is that what they call dragon babies? As Nye, Koa, and Aneth examine the "cage," the looks on their faces get dark. "Well it's called a crib, it's what babies are kept in when they're young." Ellie looks at me in confusion. I wear a soft smile and try to explain to her, "Dragons don't have cribs; they're born in the forest or seas. They roam free, not in a crib like ours."

"But the child will be vulnerable–" Ellie doesn't get to finish her sentence; Nye interrupts her with a sharp hiss, which makes her flinch. I glare at him, and Koa shoves him. "I'm sorry. Have I done something to upset them?" Ellie asks. I shake my head, "No, they just have a different way of seeing it."

Ellie pulls her shawl over her shoulders, "I'm sure the little one can benefit from something like this. It would make them safe." In a huff I see Nye stride out of the building, I look to Koa and shake my head, he leaves as well and so does Aneth. Ellie looks to me for an explanation. "They have things to attend to in a little while; don't mind them," I say with sincerity. "But I adore this." I lied. I fucking hated it. Mainly because I knew Browen's intention behind it. "I'll see to it that it gets brought to the castle immediately. You all are so thoughtful and kind." Ellie hugs me tight, "Oh dear, I'm just so excited for you to have a family of your own. She takes my hands in hers, "I know losing your mother took a toll on you and your father. And I want nothing more than to see this place flourish again. Did you see the flowers coming back on the porch? They're growing slowly, but they're coming." She chuckles, "Now I don't want to keep you; you need all the rest you can get with your little one."

After I say my goodbyes and head back to the castle, I find Calea waiting at the entrance when I storm in, "Kamari? What's happening? Your husbands came in with rage in their eyes."

"Thanks to Browen's letter, the whole Kingdom thinks I'm pregnant. Ellie couldn't keep it to herself, so she told everyone and spread it by word of mouth." Calea's eyes widen, and her face pales. "Oh no…"

I bite my lip, "How the hell am I going to fake a pregnancy?" I couldn't think of any other way than to stuff pillows under my dresses or pretend to have symptoms. 

"Should I tell them I lost it?"

"No!" Calea shouts, and I double-blink. Kamari, if they're excited about it, it means that you have their morals up. They are starting to believe in something again, and you can't take it away from them now." 

I shake my head. When things were going right for once, Browen had to screw it up. He wanted my throne, and that's all he was after. He didn't care about Niviilia not like i did. Browen wished to ignore the history of this land. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I am not giving up just because of Browen's stupid rumor.

"I need to think." I finally say. I needed to find a way to make my pregnancy look natural, but knowing Browens-ass, he'd try anything and everything to rat me out. "Kamari!" Calea calls out from behind; she catches up, "I think Javall could make a potion or something, maybe to make you look bloated–"

"Bloated?!" I shout, then lean into her, "I'm already a blood bath down there." I whisper harshly. My constant cramping never let me forget it. Calea's eyes widened, "Do you have napkins?"


"I'll get you more. It's best if you stay out of sight for now until we figure this out." When Calea scurries away, I walk up to my bedroom. Because Aneth, Koa, and Nye had made such improvements, it was safe enough to allow them to stay with me in my room now. I sigh as I open the door, and when I open it, I'm met with some mean glares. I close the door.


"Your kind is horrid," Koa says through his teeth, his gray eyes turning to storm clouds. I scoff. I didn't do anything. Browen just decided to put his ratty nose into my business again."

"We mean you're kind as a whole," Nye says, leering out the bay window. Aneth didn't say anything, which made me think they all felt the same way. I slapped my hands to the sides. "You've seen human children. They are vulnerable when they are firstborn. The mothers need to pay attention to them at all times. The crib is what it's for; it's not to cage them up and not let them out."

They say nothing, and my chest starts to burn. "Our kind do not act like this," Aneth says, flipping through a book. "Our whelps roam freely, no cages."

"You're children have claws and teeth to defend themselves—"

"Whelps." Nye growls. I clench my jaw, "Is that how you'd like me to refer to what comes out of me?" I cross my arms over my chest. 

"Yes." They say in unison. 

Damn. Well, excuse me. I thought to myself.

"Okay, then I'll do that. As for the crib–"

"Burn it." Nye glared out the window, "Burn the whole damn building." 

I furrow my brows at Nye. I knew he disliked humans, but I'm half-human, so why did Nye not mind me?

"I'm half-human. Whether you like it or not, the whelp will be hybrid. Will you hate them for it?" Even though I wasn't pregnant, my hormones were off the wall, and I could punch somebody right now. Preferably Nye.

Nye side-eyes me, and it makes my blood boil. "I swear to Kadea, you look at me like that again. I'll take my heel off and stab it into her eye!" I shout, then I feel a gush and, along with it, a stabbing cramp, "Ugh, good grace of Kadea…" I lean against a table. 

Then I feel warmth trickle down my thigh. Where was Calea with my napkins!? I think to myself. The door opens, and Calea rushes in, "Kamari, I got them!" Out of the corner of my eye, Koa gets up and marches toward Calea with a vicious look on his face. He snatches what Calea has in her hands, "Hey!--Ouch!" Koa slaps my hand when I reach out to grab them. "What is wrong with you?!" Calea shouts.

"What are these?" Koa asks, and Aneth and Nye surround him. Calea sighs in frustration. "Give them to Kamari, she needs them." Calea helps me to a chair, "Are you alright?" I nod, "Yeah, a warm cloth, please?"

"Of course," as Calea turns around, Koa stares down at her, "Answer me." He demands.

Calea's jaw tenses, "They are napkins to catch her blood." 

Koa furrows, "Blood?" Then he looks at me, he kneels before me, and his eyes linger on my thighs.

 "That's a terrible place for you to settle yourself right now," I warn, feeling the sharp stab again; I wanted to knee him in the jaw. Without warning Koa's hands grab my thighs and spread my legs open, I gasp. 

When he inhales, he groans, then stands up, dropping the napkin, "Oh Grace of Kadea…" he growls. I snap my legs closed. Heat flashes on my face. Why did he do that!? Of course, it wouldn't smell pleasant, stupid Dragon! Now, I wanted to stab him.

"You are disgraceful!" Calea shouts at Koa, grabbing the napkins, "Here," I grab them from her. Koa leans against a dresser, not facing me. Nye smirks, Aneth digs his fingers into his book. Did I smell awful? 

"Calea." I lean into her, I whisper "Do you smell blood?" 

Calea leans back, she shakes her head, then clenches her jaw glaring at them, "No. Men are just insensitive. All men, No matter what species."

Nye chuckles, and I glare at him, "What's so funny?" Nothing about this was funny! My face burned hot. It made me embarrassed! I clench my hands. Nye leers at Calea, "You call it something different. But we call it heat." Nye's gaze turns to me, "Let her bleed," the primalness in his voice awakens something within me.

My lower abdomen clenches, and I swallow hard. "Of course she doesn't smell bad. I'm surprised Koa didn't ravage her." Oh, now I understood, and the way Nye ate me up with his eyes made me feel a certain fever. 

"Then she shouldn't be here," Calea grabs my arm, "After she's done, she can come back." When Calea starts to walk me away from them, I hear them stand up. I pull my hand away from here. Calea turns toward me, "What are you doing?" Her brows furrowed with worry, she leaned into me, "You are not ready for this."

I swallow hard, "You said I'm a hybrid." And if I'm being honest the tension between Koa and I has been insane lately. "That doesn't mean you should. Just because Browen says you're pregnant." 

Ugh, these feelings won't go away. My female anatomy felt as if it were ripping at me to maul someone. Or maybe it was the Shade within me, and when I close my eyes, I see a flash of vibrant purple scales, and when I open my eyes they glow. 

"I'm not a regular human. If anything they're the ones risking getting hurt…" A smile spreads across my face, and I close the door and lock myself in.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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