
The Reign of the Dragon Queen

(Warning: Mature Content) In the Kingdom of Nivillia, Kamari is the last of her powerful Elder Dragon family. She has a huge burden: find dragon mates and have a Dragonborn baby to keep ruling the Kingdom. But her three dragon partners bring their problems, and keeping their relationship strong is tough. Can they overcome the challenges and dangers on their way to a happy future? Join Kamari and her dragon mates on an epic journey of love, sacrifice, and redemption as they fight to forge a future where their bond can endure against all odds. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I narrow my eyes at Nye, “Play date? Is that what you think when I'm with Koa or Aneth, not you?” Nye locks eyes with me. “Dragons have a hierarchy. The leader of the males is the one with whom the female spends the most time. Koa and Aneth know this.” I cross my arms, “That makes no sense. I want to get to know all of you.” “Too bad,” Nye says, his eyes are unwavering. “If they can’t beat me in a fight, you won’t.” I chuckle, unbelieving the nature of these creatures. “So if you were to be “dethroned” by Aneth or Koa. I'd be spending more time with them?” “It's our nature. To be a leader you must be powerful, if not you don't deserve to be there. Someone else will take it.” Nye says this as if it's a binding oath. Well, that's great. It will take me forever to get to know Koa and Aneth more than on a surface level. “You irk me.” I cross my arms over my chest. Nye did get under my skin, but I liked it. Am I sick in the head? Maybe. “Darling, you take me for someone who needs your approval for what I do. You should know by now that I do not.” Nye smirks at me. I roll my eyes. “Then buckle up 'cause you're going to have a butt load of shit to deal with on this ride, honey.” I walk past him, purposefully exaggerating the sway of my hips. Bite it, big guy.

Kay_Skye4549 · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Chapter 1

I stood in the Grand Hall of the Castle, my gaze burning a hole into the portrait of my father. Syris Devonon. The last lingering hope of Dragonborn was wasted. His relentless pursuit of Power and Greed drained the land of its vitality, leaving behind a wasteland where life once thrived. It made my soul throb like an open wound. My father's reign left a scar upon the land, not to mention my psyche. He mistreated my mother, left her to die in their chambers with me, watching her take her last breaths, and after locking me up in the damned Castle, tried to marry me off to any old bag or handsy prince.

My late father's stern and cold stare ignites my rebellion. His gaze follows my every move. He left me to carry the weight of our heritage, and lucky for him, it was the only thing he could have given me that was worth anything.

With resentment and determination fueling my spirit, I tell him, "I'm nothing like you. You left me a Kingdom in turmoil, but it doesn't sway me. I am your only heir, and I will be your queen. I will do everything in my power and within my reach to restore balance and bring life into the land again." A fire burns inside me to right the wrongs of his reign and create a new Era, one of rebirth, and if Kadea, the Goddess of Dragons, found me worthy, a Dragonborn. My resolve hardens as I turn my back on the portrait. 

"Remove it," I order the guards.

I would face this like I had many other things in my life. Head on. My gaze wanders to the throne of my father. I had turned it to rumble; another was under construction—a symbol of a new beginning. My thoughts swirl like a tornado, a slight tightness in my chest of the unknown. Suddenly, the door opens; Calea, our priestess and my close family friend, quickly walks towards me, her smile bright with a sparkle in her eyes, her lips eager to spill a hidden knowledge that lurked beneath the surface. "Kamari," her voice is uplifting and soaking with hope, "I've had a prediction. Three Dragon mates have been foretold to journey to our kingdom searching for their soul-mate, who will carry a Dragonborn."

My heart quickens at the mention of Dragons; they were the very soul of Nivilia. If it weren't for the Elder Dragon Veldon, this place wouldn't exist. Nivillia was built upon Veldon's body; his kin meant to rule over the land he nurtured with his human mate, creating the first Dragonborn in history; that was where my lineage came from. But sadly, our blood line has been so washed out, it is not potent enough to affect Nivilian land anymore. It came from the lack of Dragon mates in the centuries before.

Dragonborns are intertwined with the land by Veldon. Their presence ensures the balance of nature, for they possess a connection to the elements that few others can claim. While other supernatural creatures have their role to play, none possess the same level of significance as a Dragon; in the hierarchy of the Supernatural, Dragons reign supreme. 

Our land is slowly dying. A Dragonborn would be the start of saving Nivilia. 

 "When?" I ask breathlessly, her hope feeding my own. My eyes glimmer as I take her hands. Calea shakes her head. "I'm not sure. It could be now or a month from now, but I know it will happen."

"Marvelous!" Dwen's voice interrupts my meaningful conversation with Calea as he strides in, rudely involving himself in our conversation. Dwen wraps his arms around us. Calea pressed her lips together, trying to be polite, but I could see she was uncomfortable because she held herself and leaned away from him. On the other hand, I shove him away, "Do you have no manners, Dwen? Hugging women without consent? How dare you." I cross my arms around my chest, halfway standing in front of Calea. "You would do well to know boundaries. You may be my right hand, but that doesn't excuse rude behavior."

Dwen chuckles away the apparent discomfort of him being called out, "I was just excited to hear Calea's prediction!" He slightly bows to Calea, "I apologize, Priestess." Dwen had become my right hand after my father died, despite his annyoing behavoir he wasn't half bad at his job so I kept him around, for now. His gaze turns to me, "Kamari, I noticed you made some changes to the Castle. Your father's things-"

"Gone." I turn from him. "I know." I go back to Calea, who smiles at me. My heart fills with warmth as I approach her, and she takes my hand. "I also have their names: Nye, Aneth, and Koa. That's all the information I could gather." 

I nod, "Nivilia would be under the rule of another Dragonborn again. I pray to Kadea that the search is for me." Even though the Dragons were coming to Nivilia, there was a chance the person wouldn't be me, but I held hope by the throat. Suddenly, I heard a monstrous roar, one I hadn't heard before, but it was music to my ears. Calea's face goes wide with awe.

"They're here…"


I could feel the thrill rush in my blood as I raced through fire-lit halls to the Arena above.

The castle walls trembled as monstrous creatures roared above. At dawn, I saw Aneth, Nye, and Koa.

Three dragons came to Nivilla upon hearing their other half's soul. My eyes took in their regalness. Our priestess gave me their names. The crowds above chattered, praising the goddess Kadea for their arrival. Nivillia has been without a Dragonborn heir for far too long—a travesty. My mother no longer lived with me in this life, and I had hoped she could see this one day. 

My heart is filled with joy as I watch the creatures before me. I can easily distinguish between them. Aneth, a Golden Drake with amber eyes, playfully bites the leg of Koa, an Emerald beauty whose body is long and serpent-like. Koa is like a more extended version of Aneth. Meanwhile, Nye, a Wyvern, walks around the Arena on his two taloned wings and strong back legs, his glistening obsidian body casting a shade over the crowd as he passes. 

I had never felt so small in my life. The sight of them was magnificent and thrilling. I quickly picked up my dress and hurried up the steps to be face-to-face if they chose me. I pray to Kadea. The Goddess of these creatures that they choose me.

I won't let my lineage go to waste. No matter how diluted, I am the descendant of the remaining line of the Elder Dragon's blood. Here in Nivillia, I am still known as Princess, but I want to be Queen. As my trusted mentor, Dwen has been there to guide me. I noticed him walking up the stairs towards me, dressed in royal purple attire that contrasted with my black outfit. 

"Princess, it's a blessed day. Finally," Dwen sighs happily. Let's pray to Kadea. Today is our chance!" Dwen says with his fist held in the air.

 "Don't draw their attention. They might decide to use you as a toothpick," I said sarcastically. I turned to the dark-haired man with a mid-length beard. Just a reminder, I will carry a Dragonborn, not you." Dwen gave me a half-smile with his narrow eyes. You have grown so much since you and I took the throne." He sighs, "Of course, I understand Kamari. You are like a daughter to me."

Despite being with me since age fifteen, I noticed Dwen enjoys the title more. I remain cautious around him. "We did well; they appear strong and energetic. " Dwen says they could be excellent candidates, but I remind him, "We should remember that their arrival is not guaranteed as anyone in the stadium could be the reason they're here." I'm hopeful, but the amount of people here made me uneasy. They can choose anyone at any moment. My nerves flood with anxiety, and my hands start shaking in anticipation.

"I'm nothing but optimistic for you," Dwen says as he turns his attention to the Dragons. But my attention draws to a person running out into the Arena, "Oh goddess, look." I point to the person running towards the Dragons.

"Idiotic Bravery. The girl has ended her life." Dwen says disgustingly. The tension in the Arena makes my stomach churn. When others gasp and shout for the women to run away, Nye sees the woman. I hold my breath as he stalks toward her like a panther. 

"What is she trying to do?" I"shake my head.

"Trying to Die," Dwen says flatly.

I shake my head. "I think she's taking a risk, but a stupid one. It's probably a fortune from a witch." Desperate people search for anything to gain an advantage.

I could only see the woman gesturing with her hands as if she were talking, but then Nye snatched her up in his jaws. I gasped and turned away.

"He swallowed her in one gulp," Dwen says without empathy. "Serves her right for trying to dethrone you."

I turn around and continue to watch them making their way around the Arena. I understood what Dwen said. Due to my weak bloodline, someone else could take my place if chosen."How long does this take? Don't they know who they're searching for?" Dwen racks a hand through his hair.

"I'll wait, just like others before me have waited," I" said. We were standing in the stadium, watching the magnificent dragons. Even though they could quickly burn us, they wouldn't think their other half was here. I remembered the stories my mother used to tell me. Long ago, a woman from my mother's side was chosen by Veldon, the first dragon ever to choose a human as his mate. Nobody knew why it happened, but it worked. Some believed that the woman attracted Veldon, while others thought the pureness of her love called out to him. Veldon changed forms; he became human but still a dragon inside. Veldon had to learn human mannerisms, and he learned fast. Soon, she became pregnant with a girl and carried on the lineage. Females favor my family tree. 

"I'll do as you wish, princess," Dwen says as they sit on the stone stands. I lean my arms over the rails, admiring the fluidity of the creature's muscles as they stalk around the Arena. "I wonder if their scales are sharp," I say aloud, "like blades I've heard." Dwen answers, his voice full of wonder.

For a while, the Dragons seemed to do nothing; they lay around, snapped at each other, and stalked. But they never came my way, and a disheartened feeling started. I sigh. Could a stranger dethrone me? I didn't want to think about it, but I would have to leave everything behind if it came down to it. My throat dries up, and I try not to think about it anymore; nothing has happened yet.

Out of nowhere, Nye, the black wyvern, abruptly raises his head towards the sky, emitting a loud chirping sound. The other two dragons stand up and move around, slowly making their way closer to our position. My heart starts to race with anxiety.

The noise of people shouting around me becomes indistinct. I focus on Nye as he approaches me, and I feel I might pass out. His piercing, icy-blue eyes resemble a serpent's, causing my body to freeze. 

Why can't I move?

He locks eyes with me. And my stomach plunges to my bladder. Nye leans his head over the rail, making me feel like a small fish. His horns look sleek and sharp, as if polished. Nye blows hot air from his nose, which would have blown up my dress if I hadn't left it down. As he leans back and turns away, my heart starts to sink. However, Nye throws his head back again, making that deep chirping sound. The sound catches the attention of Aneth and Koa, who have also started moving towards me.

They both made the same noise after smelling me. 

"It's you," Dwen whispers.

Hello, Lovely Readers, and Welcome to the Land of Nivillia, where Handsome Dragons may or may not see you as a toothpick 0.0 Or, you know, a tasty snack in another way. Hehe.

I want to let you know that this story is in the First and Third person, so you know what you're getting into. Only one character is told in the First person. Also, this is a story that I will update continuously in hopes of making it a better read over time, so you may see that things have changed in the way I have written them, but the plot stays the same.

Also, if other chapters are long, I apologize; these were written beforehand, and if this story ever goes into contract, I will try to cut them down for the price of reading. But honestly, guys, I'm happier to have people read my story for free, so it's open to everyone.

I love comments and will repeatedly ask you your opinion on the stories and which characters you like throughout. I enjoy interacting with my readers, so please do not hesitate to comment on the story!

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I hope you enjoy my rambling! Hehe. I will see you throughout the author notes section :)

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