
The Reign of Chaos

In Basilia Palace, chaos erupts as Christos, driven by a hunger for power, usurps the throne, imposing tyranny upon the realm. King Themis, sensing the imminent danger posed to his daughter by Casimir, a man fixated on a prophecy foretelling his demise at the hands of the king's child, flees into hiding. As Christos tightens his grip on the kingdom, the plight of the commoners worsens. Meanwhile, King Themis grapples with a difficult decision: to flee with his vulnerable daughter and ensure her safety, or to confront Christos and reclaim his rightful place on the throne, despite the risks it entails. Caught between his duty to his people and his paternal instincts, the king finds himself torn. With danger lurking at every corner and the future of the kingdom hanging in the balance.

msso_o · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Whisper of Freedom

For twelve long years, Karasi had been confined within the safety of their home, her auras deemed too dangerous for the outside world. However, as she grew older, her desire to explore the world beyond her doorstep grew stronger. Alaric could not ignore it, and so, with Adira's guidance, they embarked on a journey to the town, a journey that would mark Karasi's first steps into the outside world.

As they walked around, Adira couldn't help but notice the radiant smile that adorned Karasi's face. The youngest daughter seemed to be glowing with newfound confidence, her eyes sparkling with a sense of wonder that had been absent for so long.

"Kasi, how do you feel?" Adira asked gently, her voice filled with curiosity and concern.

Karasi's smile widened as she looked up at her sister.

"Adi, I feel amazing," she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement.

"It's like I've been given a whole new world to explore. I never knew that life could be so... vibrant."

Alaric listened intently to his daughters' conversation, his heart swelling with pride at the sight of Karasi's newfound joy.

"And what about your auras, Karasi?" he inquired, his voice gentle yet probing.

"Do you feel comfortable concealing them? Is there anything you need help with?"

Karasi nodded enthusiastically, her confidence shining through.

"I'm getting better at it, Papa," she replied, her voice tinged with determination.

"With Adi's guidance, I'm learning to control them more effectively. I feel... safe."

A sense of relief washed over Alaric as he heard his daughter's words. For years, he had feared for Karasi's safety, knowing that her auras could attract unwanted attention and danger. But now, seeing her blossom before his eyes, he knew that she was capable of facing whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they strolled through the bustling market square, Karasi's eyes suddenly lit up with excitement as she spotted a vendor surrounded by stacks of books. Without hesitation, she dashed towards the stall, her curiosity piqued by the promise of stories waiting to be discovered.

"Kasi, wait!" Adira called out, her voice tinged with concern as she and Alaric hurriedly made their way through the crowded marketplace. The fear of losing sight of Karasi amid the crowd gnawed at their hearts, prompting them to move faster.

As they reached the book vendor's stall, they found Karasi engrossed in a collection of fairy tales, her eyes alight with fascination. Alaric breathed a sigh of relief, his worry giving way to a sense of amusement at his daughter's eagerness.

"Kasi, you scared us," Adira exclaimed her tone a mixture of relief and admonition.

"You shouldn't run off like that in such a crowded place."

Karasi looked up sheepishly, realizing the worry she had caused.

"I'm sorry, Adi," she apologized, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"I just got so excited about the books. "

Alaric placed a reassuring hand on Karasi's shoulder, his expression softening with understanding.

"It's alright," he reassured her, his voice gentle yet firm. 

"Just remember to stay close to us, especially in busy places like this."

While Karasi is enjoying the time of her life looking at the books the vendor is displaying, Alaric begins checking the money he has since he considers his daughter may want something, but when he sees the money he has, gloom spreads across his face given that he only has 5 bronze. The book the man is selling is worth two bronzes. He's contemplating, whether to buy one book for Karasi – how about their food for today?

Adira, who noticed his father's frustration, leaned in and offered him the two silver and one gold token she had in her pocket. Alaric looks at Adira, surprised, and can't believe her daughter has this much money.

Adira smiles at her father before softly shielding her mouth as if she were uttering words. 

"I save it up." She said, referring to how she keeps every penny she is given. Alaric smiled, relieved and happy, as he watched both of his daughters flourish into wonderful women. 

"Do you like this one?" Adira inquired as she walked beside Karasi, who gazed upon her beaming.

"Tell, Papa"

"He's now rich," she added. Karasi looked at him with an inquisitive mark on her face, making Alaric chuckle. 

"Go pick one—ah! no, pick two," he exclaimed as he approached them. Karasi's eyes widened as she began browsing for the books she wanted. 

Alaric, Adira, and Karasi returned home with their hearts full of joy and spirits elevated by their day of adventure in town, their arms loaded with bags full of the day's bounty. The most appealing was a plump chicken, its aroma gliding across the room and satisfying their appetites. 

As they entered their modest residence, the scent of home greeted them like an old friend. Adira began preparing the table, while Alaric and Karasi unpacked the rest of their goods. The chicken, a rare delicacy in their town and a luxury they rarely enjoyed, was a treat beyond compare.

Karasi's mouth watered at the sight of the succulent bird, her stomach rumbling in anticipation.

"It looks delicious," she exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

"I can't wait to taste it!"

Alaric smiled indulgently at his youngest daughter's enthusiasm, his heart warmed by the simple joy of sharing a meal. 

"It certainly does," he agreed. 

"Let's eat!" Adira exclaims, placing the succulent chicken on the table. 

As they savored each bite of the delicious chicken, Alaric turned to Adira with a curious gleam in his eye.

"Adira," he began.

"How is your training at the Ariadne Tower? Have you been making progress in honing your abilities?"

Adira grinned mischievously, a playful twinkle dancing in her eyes.

"Oh, Papa," she replied, her voice laced with a hint of cockiness,

"I can confidently say that I could take down anyone in that camp without breaking a sweat."

Alaric chuckled, amused by his daughter's bravado.

"Is that so?" he teased, a smile playing at the corners of his lips.

"You've certainly grown more confident since you left for training."

Karasi giggled at her sister's boastful proclamation. 

"Oh, come on, Adi," she said with a playful smirk,

"I find it hard to believe you could take down everyone in the camp. What about that one instructor with a stern face?" Karasi stated referring to Avra, whom her sister had told last night about how amazing Avra is at combat and swordsmanship.

Adira laughed, her confidence undeterred.

"Ah, but you underestimate me, Kasi," she retorted, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Even she would be no match for my skills."

Their banter continued, each sister playfully ribbing the other about their abilities, their voices rising and falling in mock indignation and amusement. Alaric watched on with a fond smile, his heart warmed by the bond shared between his daughters.

"You two never cease to amaze me," he remarked, his voice filled with affection as he observed their playful exchange.

"Even amid a meal, you find a way to keep each other entertained."

Karasi and Adira exchanged a knowing glance, their laughter subsiding as they shared a moment of silent understanding.

As the meal came to a satisfying end, Alaric, Adira, and Karasi began to clear the table, their movements fluid and synchronized from years of shared household chores. With each plate and utensil returned to its rightful place, the warmth of the fire and the soft glow of candlelight enveloped them in a sense of tranquility.

As they finished tidying up, Adira's voice broke the peaceful silence.

"Tomorrow," she announced, her tone tinged with determination,

"I'll be heading back to the Ariadne Tower to resume my training."

Alaric looked up, a flicker of surprise crossing his features.

"So soon?" he asked, his brow furrowing with concern.

"But we've only just had you back home for a short while. Are you sure you're ready to return?"

Adira nodded, her gaze steady and resolute.

"Yes, Papa," she replied, her voice unwavering.

"The king has granted us a brief reprieve to visit home, and I intend to make the most of it. I have much to learn, and every moment counts."

"Karasi," glancing at her sister.

"Remember to always conceal your auras when you're out in public. It's crucial for your safety."

Karasi met her sister's gaze with a reassuring nod.

"I know, Adi" she replied softly, her voice filled with determination.

"You've taught me well, and I'll be careful."

"I trust you, Kasi," she said, her voice filled with warmth.

"But promise me you'll be vigilant. The world can be a dangerous place, especially for someone with your Auras"

Karasi nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of her sister's words.

"I promise, Adi" she vowed, her resolve unwavering.

"I'll always be careful."

Alaric, Adira, and Karasi each found their way to their beds, their bodies weary from the day's adventures.

Alaric lay down with a contented sigh, the flickering flames of the hearth casting a soft glow across the room as he closed his eyes and let sleep wash over him like a gentle tide. His mind drifted to the memories of their day together, 

Adira tossed and turned for a moment before finally settling into a comfortable position. Thoughts of her training at the Ariadne Tower swirled through her mind, a mix of excitement and apprehension bubbling within her.

And Karasi, tucked snugly into her bed, felt a sense of peace wash over her as she listened to the soft sounds of the night outside her window. The events of the day replayed in her mind like a cherished memory, filling her heart with warmth and contentment. With a smile on her lips, she drifted off to sleep. 

And so, in the quiet embrace of their home, Alaric, Adira, and Karasi surrendered themselves to the gentle embrace of sleep,.