
The Reign of Chaos

In Basilia Palace, chaos erupts as Christos, driven by a hunger for power, usurps the throne, imposing tyranny upon the realm. King Themis, sensing the imminent danger posed to his daughter by Casimir, a man fixated on a prophecy foretelling his demise at the hands of the king's child, flees into hiding. As Christos tightens his grip on the kingdom, the plight of the commoners worsens. Meanwhile, King Themis grapples with a difficult decision: to flee with his vulnerable daughter and ensure her safety, or to confront Christos and reclaim his rightful place on the throne, despite the risks it entails. Caught between his duty to his people and his paternal instincts, the king finds himself torn. With danger lurking at every corner and the future of the kingdom hanging in the balance.

msso_o · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Destiny's Embrace




"Are you excited to meet your sibling?" the woman asked, smiling while staring at her daughter, who was caressing her stomach.

She is pregnant with her second child.

A man approached her with a smile on his face and then gently stroked her stomach.

"What would you name your sibling?" he inquired as he glanced at the beaming little girl who was looking so excited.

The woman in her late twenties looks at them with delight and comfort. Seeing her partner and daughter soothing and supporting her pregnancy. 

"Do you want it a boy or a girl?" she asked, making her husband look at her.

"I don't mind either way. What matters is that our child will be cherished and loved," he replied, tenderly brushing his wife's cheek before planting a kiss on her forehead, leaving her feeling reassured.

You will see the excitement on both faces.

Their shared excitement was palpable, filling the room with anticipation as the husband prepared a cozy bed for his wife to rest in. But as she began to feel the onset of labor pains, her joy turned to discomfort, her husband's concern growing with each passing moment.

"Alaric! I..." she says, struggling to form words owing to her suffering.

"Is it about time?" he asked uneasily. His wife simply nodded in response. Still in discomfort.

His unease was evident as he hurriedly assisted his wife to the bed, their young daughter roused from sleep by her mother's cries.

"Mama Aya?" the child questioned, fear evident in her voice.

With a mixture of fear and concern, the child watched as her mother endured the pain, her heart breaking at the sight of her distress.

"Are you giving birth right now?" he asked anxiously, realizing the danger of their situation if their neighbors were to discover the birth.

"I can't...hold on," Aya murmured through clenched teeth, her pain evident.

"I can't..."

"I can't hold it anymore," she murmured in pain.

"Get me those clothes". She motions to her husband about the cloth on the table. 

Frantically, he fetched the clothes his wife requested; their modest home feeling smaller than ever in the face of such urgency.

As Aya muffled her cries with the cloth, he stood by her side, helping her through the birthing process while their daughter offered comfort, her tears replaced by a sense of awe as her father explained the miracle unfolding before them.

As the cries of anguish subsided, a moment of pure joy followed as their newborn daughter entered the world, filling Alaric's eyes with tears of happiness.

"She has white hair, Aya," Alaric exclaimed in disbelief, his astonishment mingling with the overwhelming rush of emotions.

With trembling hands, he gently lifted the tiny bundle of joy and placed her in Aya's arms. But his joy was short-lived as he noticed Aya's stillness, her chest barely rising with breath.

"Aya!" his voice cracked with panic and sorrow, tears streaming down his cheeks as he realized the gravity of the situation.

Confusion clouded Adira's face as she witnessed her father's distress, her innocent inquiry piercing the heavy silence of the room.

"Why is Mama sleeping, Papa?" she asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

Alaric's heart shattered as he struggled to find the words to explain the unthinkable to his daughter. The weight of grief settled upon him like a heavy cloak, leaving him immobilized by the enormity of his loss.

For a moment, time stood still as he cradled his newborn daughter, the world around him fading into insignificance against the backdrop of his devastation.

"Papa," her voice was barely a whisper, her own tears mirroring her father's anguish.

With great effort, he wiped away his tears and drew a deep breath, steeling himself to be the pillar of strength his daughter needed in that moment.

"We must act swiftly, Adira. We cannot stay here," his voice was steady, though it trembled with emotion.

He gently placed his daughter beside Aya's lifeless form, his heart heavy with the weight of their loss.

"Keep your sister safe while I gather our belongings," he instructed, his mind racing with the fear of what might happen if they were discovered by Casimir's men.

In the wake of King Keres' demise, the ominous shadow of Casimir and his followers loomed large over the town, their hunt for infants born on May 25 spreading fear like wildfire. Despite the widespread knowledge of this danger, fate had dealt a cruel hand to Aya, who found herself giving birth on that very date.

As he finished packing, his movements were methodical, his thoughts consumed by the urgency of their situation. With tender care, he cleansed his newborn daughter and swathed her in a soft cloth, stealing one last kiss from his beloved wife before reluctantly tearing himself away.

Though his heart yearned to linger by Aya's side, the reality of their perilous situation demanded action. As a father, he knew that the safety of his daughters must come above all else, prompting him to lead them away from the familiar comforts of home to seek refuge in the seclusion of the night.

Under the shroud of midnight, they stepped out into the chill of the night, the crisp air a stark reminder of the world's unforgiving nature.

"Papa, what about Mama?" her innocent voice broke the silence, her concern palpable in the frigid air.

"Mama's resting, Adi, I'll fetch her soon," he lied, his heart heavy with the weight of his deceit.

"Where are we going, Papa? It's so cold," she shivered, her small frame quivering in the biting wind.

"Would you like Papa to carry you?" his voice was gentle as he offered his arms to his trembling daughter, already burdened with the weight of their infant daughter.

"Yes, please!" she responded, her relief evident as she nestled into her father's embrace, her tiny sister cradled between them.

As they ventured forth, Alaric's senses were on high alert, every rustle of the bushes, every shadow in the darkness, a potential threat in his mind. The presence of Casimir's men loomed like a specter, driving them deeper into the cover of the night, their escape fraught with tension and fear.

As they proceeded, he noticed two individuals dressed in black and knew they were Casimir people.

Seeing Casimir's people still roaming around town at this hour makes him feel uneasy throughout the time he can feel himself gasping even if he hasn't overdone himself. 

He fled to the bushes, nervously avoiding them.

Meanwhile, within the opulent walls of the Basilian palace, joy mingled with anticipation as Queen Dera prepared to bring new life into the world. The imminent arrival of the king's first child had cast a spell of elation over the kingdom, a sentiment mirrored by the bustling activity as the esteemed mage, Alaunos, and the royal physicians attended to the queen's needs.

With each contraction, Queen Dera's breaths grew shallow, her grip tightening around the hands of her beloved husband, King Themis.

As the royal physicians worked diligently to usher the child into the world, Alaunos stood at the ready, his keen gaze ever watchful for any sign of distress.

"Hold strong, Your Majesty. The arrival of your child is imminent," he reassured the queen, his voice a soothing balm amidst the intensity of the moment.

Then, with a triumphant cry, the royal physician proclaimed the birth of a princess, her cries filling the chamber with the promise of new life.

 "A princess, Your Majesty," the physician announced, a note of jubilation in her voice as she placed the newborn in Queen Dera's waiting arms.

Tears of joy welled in Queen Dera's eyes as she beheld her daughter for the first time, her heart overflowing with love for the tiny miracle cradled in her embrace.

"Welcome to the world, my precious one," she whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to the infant's forehead.

King Themis, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears, approached his queen and their newborn daughter, his voice choked with emotion.

 "My dearest Dera, our family is complete," he said, his words a fervent prayer of gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon them.

Yet, amidst the tender moments shared between the royal couple and their newborn princess, a sudden cry of alarm pierced the air, shattering the serenity of the chamber. Alaunos, ever vigilant, rushed to the window, his gaze scanning the horizon with a furrowed brow.

A single figure, cloaked in darkness, had breached the palace walls, his sinister intent casting a pall of dread over the once-celebratory atmosphere.

"Your Majesty, the palace is under attack," he declared, his voice tinged with urgency as he turned to face the king and queen.

Dillon, the palace knight, burst into the chamber, his breaths ragged with exertion.

"Casimir's men have breached the walls, Your Highness. We must flee at once to ensure the safety of the princess," he exclaimed, his tone grave with the weight of the impending danger.

As panic gripped the palace, King Themis and Queen Dera, their hearts heavy with fear for their newborn daughter's safety, hurriedly prepared to flee the chamber, their minds racing with the knowledge that their beloved princess's life hung in the balance. With every step, they braced themselves for the uncertain future that awaited them outside the sanctuary of their royal abode, their love for their daughter eclipsed only by their fervent desire to see her safe from harm.