
The reigh of the pharaoh Akham

Because of the jealousy and ambition of one man, all Egypt is threatened by a terrible evil, trying to stop it, sacrifices were made, but with that deception, betrayal and many secrets came to light, now the salvation of Egypt and the fall end of evil falls on Akham, the new pharaoh, who must restore balance to the world.

Izara100 · History
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10 Chs

Chapter-2-Saving Pharaoh

Honoka went down to the place where her gods sent her in upper Egypt, her objective was to appear to be one more inhabitant of that kingdom; While he was flying without being seen by anyone, he thought that he could not just ask for a job, when he got to Kemet he saw a group of warriors training and among them was a tall, muscular man with short black hair with blue eyes, when looking at him more than close and measure his power, he realized that he would be the perfect candidate to create a good fourth, making use of his heavenly power, he implanted in Yanus (that is what the man was called) in his mind memories which were that he was married to a woman who worked in the kitchens, said woman was tall, hairy, cherry eyes and that they both had a seventeen-year-old daughter named Honoka, the one who had been born with some magic talents, in turn, implanted those same memories in the mind of qll the inhabitants of the kingdom, using an illusion to avoid being seen, went down, placing himself in front of his current father and began to train with him, and at that precise moment the pharaoh was passing by talking with Mahomed and without them noticing it as well as the rest, an arrow was directed towards him, Honoka was the only one to notice the attack against the pharaoh, moving away from her now father and using her powers again, she had them propel her in front of Akham using her body as a shield managing to protect him, but in return she received the poisoned arrow which was buried deep in her stomach causing bleeding, soon a lot of blood began to flow from her mouth and upon seeing this, the Pharaoh said to those present:

--But what are you waiting for?we are going to take her to Aziza to look at her and I also want to know who this girl is--Akham finished his order with Honoka in his arms, everyone nodded and accompanied them, when they arrived where Aziza only Akham and Mahomed entered the room, Pharaoh gently placed Honoka on the bed, being careful not to move her too much, as the young hairy girl still had the arrow lodged in her stomach, Akham accompanied by Mahomed approaches Aziza and says:

-Zizi do what you can to save her life, since she saved mine by intercepting this arrow that was directed at me, I owe it to her - he orders to which Aziza nodded and with a bow he walked away from them and went to work with the other sages to save the life of the young woman and Akham and Mahomed left the place looking severely at their guards saying:

-You as you have been so blind and idiotic not to see the arrow that went in my direction and how a simple civilian girl did it?unlike you, my soldiers trained by myself, by the way, do any of you know who it is the girl? Yanus speaks, how do you and all of you explain that lack? being part of my army, you should detect when a situation like this or worse is about to occur--Akham scolds them and before their

reprimand everyone trembles with fear and Yanus twisting his fingers looking at the ground, says:

--We apologize Great Pharaoh, we were training and we did not see the arrow, but apparently my daughter Honoka did notice and without caring about anything other than her safety, my lord took the arrow, I am very proud of her for what she did to save him the great pharaoh life, although at the same time very concerned about his state of health - he says to which Mahomed and Akham shared a look and the first asks:

-Because his Majesty never knew of her abilities and her desire to be a warrior until now?--inquires Mahomed to which Yanus replies:

-Well, that was because she was too small to let her touch the swords and other weapons, but for three years I have been training her in secret, I think she also knows some magic since whenever we trained, she disappeared and reappeared behind my--Yanus responds to then remain silent and then Akham

Upon learning of the origin of the young woman, he determined that when Aziza will complete her healing, she will rest and when she will fully recover, she would be trained by Mahomed in the magical arts and by the army commander in the arts of war.

After half an hour, the healer left together with the other wise men and when they saw the young pharaoh they bowed, then they left leaving only she who looked a little tired and in the same way as the old men, the woman bowed to his pharaoh, he asked:

-How is the girl Zizi?--He asks with concern for Honoka's health to which Aziza, being very exhausted, responds to her pharaoh's doubts:

-She lost a lot of blood my lord, but we have managed to restore the loss with the blood replenishing potion, likewise we have managed to remove the arrow infused with scorpion venom, then we placed the potion made with the bezoar in the wound and we have eliminated the poison With success, now she is stable my pharaoh, but asleep, she will need two or three weeks of rest and another week without making sudden movements--she answers and indicates to what everyone nodded in understanding and Mahomed said:

- Aziza, the pharaoh has decided that she will be trained by me in magic and by her commander in the arts of war, you could train her in the arts of healing because they will serve her in the future - he orders what he is doing. a bow said Isis nods and then look at Akham and nod

-I would be delighted my pharaoh--she nods to which the pharaoh was satisfied with the woman's response and now directing his gaze towards Yanus said:

--Did you hear Yanus warn your wife that your daughter will be the ward and student of Mahomed, Aziza and the commander of my army, when I have time I will train her in the arts of battle - he orders what Yanus still with his eyes on the ground said:

-I will and it will be as my lord orders great pharaoh--answers this and after that they all leave, leaving only Akham, Mahomed, Aziza and two guards, to whom the young pharaoh ordered seriously:

-Watch the room and who is inside as if it were myself, no one other than me, Yanus, Neith, Aziza, Mahomed, Kerim, Kirian,Hanat or Suhan come in, if someone other than the ones I mentioned enters the room, well ... you don't want to know the consequences, is that clear?-demands and orders the pharaoh to which the guards looking at the ground obey the orders given by his pharaoh which he nodded in approval then he left with Mahomed and Aziza to the throne room, he sent for his court for a meeting, when they arrive they all bow and Zoa gets up announcing:

-Here we are, great pharaoh, did something happen?-he ask curious and Akham answer

-Yes, today when I went out for a walk with Mahomed they tried to kill me with a poisoned arrow, but Honoka, the daughter of Yanus and Neith jumped, took the arrow that was directed against me, save my life! I want that attempt to be investigated of murder and he or the person responsible is brought before me, on the other hand, I have to announce that Honoka is stable, I also announce that as a token of my gratitude Honoka will be trained by Mahomed in magic, by Aziza in healing, by the commander of my army in the war and when I have free time I will train her in the same way in battle, when she finishes her training she will be part of my guard and personal army, is there anything else we have to talk about?-asked Akham and in response, they all shake their heads, with that the meeting ended and each of those present went their own way, for his part, the pharaoh could not stop thinking about Honoka, what the beautiful girl had done for him, he thanked his gods for having been saved by her.