
The regret after facing the truth

Lyle is very unlucky. His adventure group is full of evil women. One is a high and mighty young lady. A pastor that is actually a premium green tea. The Mage is a hidden black-bellied. Lyle does the dirty work, and he takes the blame. Finally, one day, Lyle had enough of them and decided to quit the adventurer group... Then, one by one, why did they start to come to the door with regret? Raw name: 认清现实后,她们开始追夫火葬场 / After realizing the reality, they started chasing their husbands to the crematorium Author: Smell the Fox/ 闻香识狐

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9 Chs

Crystal Tears

What should I do now?

Lyle stood on the street in a daze.

He didn't have much entertainment, but he never thought about where he could go if he didn't go to the library.

He bought two steamed buns on the street, and Lyle was thinking while eating.

"How long will it take for you to descend to the forty-fifth floor?"

Lyle turned his head and saw a girl with wine-red hair.

Gradient light blue skirt, and very soft and thin silk, the oval face is beautiful.

Bellis is the adventurer and leader of the -Crystal Tears Adventure Group-.

She is also vying for the position of the Mythical Adventure Group.

She is the biggest enemy in Shia's imagination.

Lyle set up a stall in the market, and when she was buying materials for their expedition, she often go him.

She looked vigilant all the time. Lyle did not expect that she would take the initiative to talk to him today.

"I don't know." Lyle shook his head.

Bellis frowned: "Huh?"

"I really don't know."

Lyle smiled wryly: "I leave Moon Bloom."

Bellis was startled: "Really?"

Lyle nodded.

Shia was probably still thinking, why did Lyle suddenly get so edgy today?

Bellis felt a little restless in her heart.

Whether public or private.

As a competitor, she studied the group well.

No one knows how many people die in the dungeon every day.

It is true that Moon Bloom's strategy progress is not as good as Crystal Tears.

But the failure rate of Moon Bloom so far is zero.

This is an extremely scary number.

Because this means that every time they enter the dungeon, they will gain a lot.

"It looks like you have been kicked away? Tsk..."

Lyle smiled bitterly: "It's not something glorious, so there's no need to keep talking about it."

Bellis thought for a moment: "Come with me for a drink. Do you have time?"

Lyle hesitated.

"Don't worry, Your Highness Shia will not go this time."

Bellis smiled sarcastically.




Bellis ordered a pitcher of beer and brought two mugs.

Lyle hadn't had alcohol for a long time.

The three ladies would not let him drink.

They said they were unsafe if a man was drunk and the smell of alcohol was bad...


Bellis drank more than half of it in one gulp and then leaned back on the chair comfortably: "There is a question I've always wanted to ask. The crystal corridor on the forty-third floor is densely packed with tens of thousands of lava lizards. How can you guys pass by it so soon?"

Lyle thought awhile: "The lava lizards are obsessed with red berries, so I threw them down the cliff of the crystal corridor while walking, and they all jumped down screaming like dumplings."

The two looked at each other.

There was obvious dismay and disbelief on Bellis's face and complex emotions.

Lyle was very embarrassed: "I read about it in the library for three days before I came up with it. Shia also lost her temper with me, saying that the progress was delayed."

Bellis' beautiful eyes widened slowly, looking cute: "What book?"

"The Adventurer's Handbook in the library, page 15 of the sixth book on the thirteenth floor."

"Someone has seen lava lizards leaving the crystal corridor, eating red berries frantically in the east forest on the forty-third floor, and even turning a blind eye to themselves..."

Bellis interrupted him: "Notes? Is there really a fool who would read those dense adventurer diaries and suicide notes?"

Lyle was silent momentarily: "I've almost finished reading them all."

"Do you go inside the dungeon without looking for strategies at all? Don't you study monster ecology?"

Lyle wondered: "Isn't this what scholars should do?"

The corner of Bellis' mouth twitched: "It's because you think so, so Shia doesn't know how to cherish it. Our scholars will only hide behind us and tell us the lava lizard's weakness, the open spots in their armor, and where I can chop it with the sword."

"I don't know any of these."

Lyle sighed and took a sip of beer, feeling cold: "It's all in the textbooks in the school, and I can't see it even if I want to."

"But our tactic is to kill one by one, um, according to the words of our scholar, it is safe and secure." (Bellis)

"After killing for fifteen days, I still feel nauseous when I see the lizard. I wish I could poke my eyes out."


Bellis drank quickly, slightly drunk, with a blush on her face: "That is the top student of the academy, Lyle. Do you know that I want you in my dreams? You are the most imaginative I have ever known as a scholar."

Lyle hesitated.

In fact, he doesn't know how other scholars do it.

Everyone is holding their own thoughts.

He didn't go to school either.

I can only figure it out for myself.

Are they all reckless?

Is it just me doing the whole thing?

"Lyle, I actually want to invite you to join the Crystal Tears."

Bellis rested her chin on her elbows, and there was an obvious desire in her beautiful red pupils.


Lyle was puzzled: "Didn't you have a new scholar here? I heard from Shia that he is a talented student."

"What kind of high-achieving student is a jackal who can't get enough to eat."

Bellis looked irritated: "I have to give him 40% of every dungeon proceeds, and he has been harassing my female team members. Isn't it just two years of study? What is there to be proud of?"

Lyle held the wine glass with a sigh: "Education is very important. I can't read many books even if I want to."

Bellis said seriously: "I have studied Moon Bloom. To be honest, I probably know you better than Shia. Your decisions and plans are really too creative."

"Thank you, but I'm afraid."

Lyle shook his head: "I want to rest."

"Do you really like Shia?"

Lyle laughed: "Do you think so too?"

To be honest, Shia looks really cute.

Speaking of it... I really hope to see her regret and despair...

Lyle's face changed slightly, and he realized that there seemed to be something wrong with his thinking.

Quickly patted his cheek.

"Everyone thinks so."

Bellis was already a little drunk, and her eyes were blurred: "Actually, you are really good-looking, and you are also a nice person. Now that we are not enemies, I really like you. Really, those three young ladies are spoiled by you."

"It's meaningless to say these things. I've quit."

Lyle shook his head.

Adventure isn't just about swords and magic.

So Lyle took for granted all the darkness and heaviness behind this beauty.

Of course, he never said these things.

It's not necessary now either.

Bellis clinked a glass with him: "It's not worth it."

As a scholar, he is both a supporter and a servant.

I sell materials and crystals in the market and eat steamed buns when I don't have time to eat.

When I go back, I have to bring a box of beautiful cakes to the three ladies and then hand over a lot of gold coins to them to buy beautiful clothes and equipment.

He has done enough.

If I am such a scholar, I'm afraid I would smile crookedly in my dream, right?

However, Lyle's departure from Moon Bloom is also something worth celebrating.