
The regressor

It all started because of a time machine my mother made. She was killed right after making the amazing invention. Who killed her? I don't know. But I WILL find out who did it. Whoever it was, I'm sure of one thing. He doesn't know that I ALSO have the ability to jump through time. If he did know...would I even be alive by now? I'm not even sure if this story will get recognisation or not, so I'm making 20-100 chapters. The first few chapters are most likely going to be a bit short, but I'll try my best to keep my readers on the edge of their seats with tons of cliffhangers!

SH_SH · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

What happened next.

It was OBVIOUSLY the government. I mean, think about it. She made the time machine, informed the government about it, and was killed a day after.

Anyway, enough about my mom. To be honest, I don't even remember her face.

After she died, some of the dominating countries started holding "secret meetings". They didn't want anyone to know about it, of course.

But somehow, news of the top 10 dominating countries holding a secret meeting leaked out. The weak countries, the ones who "thought" they were strong, wanted to know what it was all about. Eventually, everything became so complicated that World War III broke out.

What was I doing all this time?

I, an idiot, was just watching everything from the sidelines.

I was in such a huge shock from my mom's death, I couldn't even gather the courage to stand up and defend the invention made by MY mom.

Anyway, World War III broke out. All the countries except for 4 faced a LOT of casualties. Those four countries were...

Maesea. It was a very strong country with a huge population, smart, and educated people. Had the least casualties compared to other countries.

Seaslier. It was a pretty small country, but most of the people in this country were army trained and had well developed bodies.

Qasstria. A country with very advanced technology. They made use of their well developed technology during the war too.

Ishtraf. A very weak country. But the president of this country had VERY good bonds with maesea's president.