
The regression

Marcus is a veteran of Eldergard, a world humans were mysteriously transported to and were stuck at for a few decades, one day he died and returned to when he was younger before Eldergard. He now has a chance to help the people he cared about to stay alive and for him to grow and become the most powerful being in Eldergard.

Tsauce_the_king · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 20

Marcus and Ben went to the inn they were staying at to wash up and rest.

Marcus was laying in bed looking at his skills and items.

[Dual swordsmanship: Level 1] (passive)

[Mastery: 100%]

[ has leveled up!]

[Proficiency will need to be raised to increased!]

[Dual swordsmanship:Level 2]

[Mastery: 100%]

[Proficiency: 1]

[Increase damage to all sword damage]

[Effect 1: All sword damage +45%]

[Effect 2: Attack speed +45%]

"Now I'll need to gain proficiency points for it, but that's supposed to happen when it gets to level 10" Marcus said scratching his chin.

From his memories, most active and passive skills only need their mastery to be raised until the 10th level of said Skill, when it reaches level 10 it will no longer level up, instead you will need to get proficiency points from either trianing, getting a boost from items or using tomes to increase them.

"This is an odd development so I'm not sure if it will be easier or harder to increase the level of the skill, there's no telling whether in increase in mastery percentage will translate to proficiency points" he said sighing.

"I'll find out later, now about this" he said looking at [Dragon tooth].

[Skill 3: Dragon roar(locked)]

[Roar like a dragon to stun any enemies in a 50 foot radius to the user]

[Duration: 45 seconds]

[Cooldown: 2 hour]

"This is a pretty impressive Skill, it doesn't indicate how many levels higher or lower any enemy has to be so it means I could stun enemies much stronger then myself, but then again just because it doesn't say doesn't mean those much stronger then me can't resist" He said.

"I'll have to worry about that when it's unlocked" he said laying down.

He looked at the other bed and saw Ben was fast asleep.

"I should sleep too, the adventures guild will probably want to question us tomorrow"he said going to sleep.

The next morning as they were eating breakfast a man in full plate armor walked into the inn and walked over to their table.

"Excuse me, are you the two players who killed the goblin that got out of the dungeon yesterday?" the man asked as he couldn't recognize Marcus since he wasn't covered in blood.

"That would be us" Marcus replied taking a bite of his egg and mayo sandwich.

"The guild leader would like to speak to you" the man said.

They both finished their food and followed him.

They entered the guild and everyone there looked at them.

"That's the guy"

"I could barely recognize him without the blood"

"He's kind of handsome"

"Do you think he has a girlfriend?"

"Bastard is probably full of himself because he's so strong"

Ben smirked.

"Looks like your the center of attention" he said.

"Ignore them" Marcus replied.

The man in armor opened a door.

"In here" he said.

Both of them stopped momentarily when they felt a strong presence coming from the door.

Everyone in the guild was startled by it.

Marcus hand twitched and Ben gripped his staff.

"Sorry about that,I was just testing something" They heard a deep voice say from inside as the presence disappeared.

Marcus walked in first.

'If something does happen, I'll have to cover Ben' he thought walking in.

They walked in a saw a middle ages man sitting on the couch. He had a cigar in his mouth as he sat. He was a fairly large man, probably a head taller then Marcus with muscles that threatened to rip the clothes off his back.

He had short black hair and a matching black beard,his emerald eyes matching with his dark green coat and black shirt and pants, with a pair of black boots to match his hair.

"I was told you were both new players" the man said.

"We are, we came from the South region" Marcus replied.

"Oh, you must be new then" the man said blowing smoke out his nose. "Please sit" he said pulling smoke from his cigar.

They both sat down on the couch facing the man.

"My name is Eddie, I'm the guild master of this branch" he said with a smile.

"Marcus" Marcus said.

"Ben" Ben said.

"So gentlemen, I'll ask you a few questions and give you a little reward for dealing with a threat that could've gotten out of hand" Eddie said.

"It's not a problem at all" Ben said with a smile.

"Why are you giving us a reward?" Marcus asked.

Eddie raised an eyebrow.

"Can I not give a reward to those that took care of a possible threat?" Eddie asked.

The room became silent as both Eddie and Marcus were looking each other in the eye.

Eddie blew out smoke and shook his head.

"Well, lets just say I see a worthwhile investment" he said.

Ben had a surprised expression while Marcus couldn't even fake a happy expression.

Ben saw this and straightened his expression.

"No thanks" Marcus said.

Eddie had slight surprise on his face, but sighed in disappointment.

"Most newbies would jump at the chance of getting a sponsorship, especially a guild master" he said.

Marcus rolled his eyes. 'Sponsorship? More like slave contract' he thought.

"Then go get those newbies" he said standing up.

"Alright then, but you can still get a little something for your troubles at the front desk" he said.

Marcus nodded as he and Ben left.

Eddie took another puff of smoke as the door shut.

"He really didn't take it, just like you said" he said in the room.

Then a feminine silhouette appeared behind him.

"I told you it wouldn't work out" she said.

The witch that Marcus had escorted sat down.

"What do you think of him?" she asked.

"He's an interesting one to say the least, he's got skill and power above his level, talent above even those born of this world" he said.

"Oh my, quite the high praise from a mere meeting, you haven't even seen him in action" she said with a smirk.

"Unlike you I am a melee class like him and I can tell these things from a glance, not only that he still beat that goblin lord, he's built of different stuff to say the least" he said.

"Should we notify them?" she asked.

"No, while he's strong for his level now, there's no telling if he'll become more. And you've sent him to Ruben that lunatic, so we'll see if he survives the trials that lay ahead" he said.

The witch smirked.

"Talent like his need power to equal it" she said.

Eddie looked at her and sighed.

'She's not wrong in that regard' he thought.

"I know I'm not" she said.

He looked at her.

"I've told you to stop reading my thoughts damn it" he said.

To be continued...