
The Regressed Son Of A Saint Chooses The Path Of Evil?

Evan Cromswell is the 13th son of the sword saintess and current patriarch of the Cromswell clan, Levena Cromswell. Despite being the son of the sword saintess and being apart of the Cromswell family clan. Evan was an illegitimate child of the patriarch, being born from both Levena, and his commoner father William Klent. Due to this, Evan was never treated equal amongst the direct blood of the Cromswell family members. His siblings looked down on him on a daily basis, tormenting him, bullying him, threatening and belittling him. He had no talent in Magic, Swordsmanship, or Qi. Thus causing Levena to lose all interest in him all together, to the point of ignoring his existence and only acknowledging the other children of her blood. This sent Evan into a downward spiral, only finding solace in his father. Providing him the love and care of a parent, always encouraging him to do his best and to always wear a smile upon his face. But after a war broke out with the neighboring Kingdoms, Evan’s father would be caught up in an accident leading to his death m during the war. Evan’s life flew into chaos, spending the first 3 years of his life depressed over the passing of his father. He’d spent the next 4 years of his life learning basic assassination techniques to survive during the war. Afterwards, he’d go around helping his half siblings, remaining in the shadows. Helping then each one by one to achieve remarkable feats into their careers all throughout the war. eventually though, at the ripe age of 22, Evan would be betrayed by the oldest and next head of the Cromswell clan name. Alder Cromswell, his older half brother. At deaths door Evan could only curse at the clan and to whomever it was that allowed his life to spiral like this, to allow his father to die in such a horrible way. As his vision faded to black, accepting the icey embrace of death. Evan awoke in a bed of flowers, the same bed of flowers he played in when he was only 5 years old. After concluding that he was in the body of his 5 year old self, Evan quickly realized he had regressed back in time. Now vowing to play out things differently, with the knowledge he now possessed. Revenge and justice shall be his on this path of Ruthlessness.

Aldric_ · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Author Note (Please Read)

Hi, Aldric_ here!

I wanted to put this here as a bit of both a reminder and heads up on how I'll be handling this series.

1. For this novel, I'll update it a minimum of 2 chapters each one or two weeks, that way I can balance out my schedule and provide content for those actually interested in this series.

2. If by chance I update the chapters late, know that I am trying to upload them. It's just that I am busy with things like work, family, and moving.

3. If you do find this novel at the bare minimum entertaining, than I highly recommend you add it to your library.

4. If you have any ideas on what you'd like to see incorporated into my novel, feel free to add a comment. Feedback is much appreciated here!

Side Note: Like all my other novels if eno if h people like this book then I recommend adding it to your library or just adding a simple short comment to let me know you want me to continue this novel.

It helps a lot to know if others wish for it to continue or not.

With that out of the way, I would like to say thank you for reading, and thank you for considering reading my novel. ANY of my novels, it's really a privilege to gain this attention.

But with that being said, once again thank you!

- Aldric_