
The Regressed Minister of War

In a world where honor eludes the lowly-born, I rise as a tactician known as the Minister of War. Despite commanding armies and shaping victories, my true self remains obscured by accolades and battles. In my final moments, I reflect on a life spent serving others, questioning the meaning of sacrifice and recognition. Reborn into a new life, I reject the prescribed path, seeking personal fulfillment. Guided by past regrets and newfound wisdom, I become a mentor, reshaping my legacy beyond titles and battles. Through acts of kindness and self-discovery, I strive to find true purpose amidst the chaos of war and honor.

thundric · Fantasy
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Chapter 1: In a World Forgotten

In a world where honor and glory were reserved for the chosen few, I, a lowly-born tactician, fought to carve my name into the annals of history. I was known as the Minister of War, a title that carried weight and respect, yet my true essence was buried beneath the accolades and battles. I was a hero of tactics, a mastermind behind countless victories, yet my name and honor were never truly recorded. I was a piece on a chessboard, used by everyone but acknowledged by none—a piece meant to be forgotten.

When I died, it was not in a blaze of glory, but in the solitude of my own thoughts. I died crying and laughing, the absurdity of my existence crashing down upon me. In those final moments, I wondered about the meaning of life. Why did I give everything to the nation when my sacrifices went unnoticed? Why did I strive so hard when my name would be erased from history?

In my previous life, I had taken up knighthood, a symbol of chivalry and honor. Yet, even with the title of knight, I remained unfulfilled. My existence felt like a series of battles fought for others, not for myself. I questioned the purpose of my life, living and living, but finding no answers.

One fateful day, as I sat in my tent, lost in thought, a young girl approached. She brought me food and, with a shy smile, thanked me for saving her mother. At that moment, a memory surfaced—not of saving her mother, but of my last conversation before I died. Someone had asked me why I lived this life, and my response echoed in my mind.

"There might be countless wounds on my body, all treatable, and I have an unimaginable amount of wealth. But I don't want to treat myself. Why? Because in life, many want to follow the road of a man who has achieved everything. But on that road, they forget their own way. After a while, they find themselves alone, just like me. As you can see, no one is behind me now. It's just a moment of silence in my mind and the happiness of leaving everything behind soon enough."

With sadness in my voice, I continued, "There will be times for you as well when you have to choose between the road ordered by others or the road you want to walk. I chose the ordered road because I have a kind heart. I couldn't bear to disappoint my old man. So, I became a knight and then a Minister of Tactics. I made wars win, but in the journey, no one acknowledged me because I was just a farmer's son with nothing to my name. It's just that the choice was made, and regret is what I have. A journey I never acknowledged."

Chuckling, I added, "Now, everything will end soon enough. Make the decision of life by choosing what you want, not what others want. Even if you have just a year left to live, choose the path you desire. Happiness, regret—they're all part of the journey."

As I closed my eyes, accepting my fate, I felt a strange sensation. When I opened them again, I found myself in a familiar yet different world. I had regressed, reborn into my younger self, a lowly-born farmer's son once more. The absurdity of it made me laugh. Why had I, of all people, been given a second chance?

In this new life, I resolved to live differently. No longer would I follow the ordered road. This time, I would carve my own path, guided by my desires and ambitions. The memories of my previous life, the regrets, and unfulfilled dreams would serve as my compass.

I started by revisiting the places and people who had shaped my former life. The girl whose mother I had saved, the comrades who had fought alongside me, and even the enemies who had challenged my tactics. Each encounter was a chance to change the narrative, to build a legacy that would be remembered.

One evening, as I sat by the fire, a group of young soldiers approached me. They were curious about the battles I had fought and the strategies I had employed. Instead of recounting tales of glory, I shared the lessons I had learned—the importance of choosing one's own path, the value of acknowledging one's journey, and the courage to face regrets.

As days turned into months, I became more than a tactician. I became a mentor, a guide for those who sought their own way. My name began to spread, not as the Minister of War, but as a man who had lived and learned, who had faced the harsh truths of life and emerged wiser.

With a newfound sense of purpose, I decided to embark on a journey to discover what I truly wanted to become. The young girl's gratitude had ignited a spark within me, but I needed to find my own path, a road that resonated with my heart.

As I walked through villages and towns, I offered my knowledge and skills to those in need. I helped farmers improve their yields, taught villagers basic defense strategies, and mediated conflicts. Each act of kindness and wisdom brought me closer to understanding myself.

One day, I arrived at a bustling kingdom, a place of vibrant markets, towering castles, and training grounds filled with soldiers. As I observed the soldiers' drills, I noticed flaws in their formations and techniques. Unable to remain silent, I approached the training captain and pointed out the errors.

At first, the soldiers were skeptical, but as I demonstrated improved tactics and strategies, their skepticism turned into admiration. The captain, impressed by my expertise, invited me to train the soldiers. I smiled, appreciating the offer and the recognition it represented, but I knew my journey was far from over.

"Thank you for the offer," I said politely. "However, I am on a personal quest to find my true purpose. I must continue my journey and discover what my heart truly desires."

The captain nodded, understanding in his eyes. "Should you ever find yourself ready to settle, our kingdom would be honored to have you."

With a grateful nod, I continued on my way. The encounter reaffirmed my resolve to follow my own path, to seek out experiences and answers that resonated with my soul.