
Act 84. The Show that Finally Began

After a while, Yvoxy then approached Ixy and said quietly, "I always thought that you were a wizard, but after Demona was defeated, actually that all this time, Ramona has been helping you, Ixy. I'm sorry I thought you were a wizard from the start, but it turned out that you've been reincarnated as a human, and isn't this a happy ending for you?"

Then Yvoxy turned to Rae and continued, "Rae, then you have to clean up all the mess you made in that orphanage! Hurry up! All you're doing is dancing and playing around!"

Rae immediately laughed, then replied, "What? I've stopped dancing because I have to take care of Ixy, old wizard!"

Hearing that, Hideki with a flushed face, quickly immediately asked, "Then... Doesn't Ixy have a place to live other than the orphanage? Ehm, Ixy... It's okay to live in my house, happily!"

Naoki immediately patted Hideki's head weakly and shouted, "Hey young man, she's still underage, wait another two years, oh, young people these days!"