
The Red Sun

Upon the assassination of the chief of goblins, the supernatural world falls into chaos as the secret they've been keeping for ages has now been unraveled. Uprisings, hunters and duels menace the whole race and threaten the existence of the supernatural world. It is now up to a group of warrior friends to face the anarchism.

Ahmed_Ihab · Fantasy
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1 Chs


"Why did we have to move here, again? I know that father died but what does this have to do with us moving?" Jonathan kept asking his mom until they reached the school. Mrs. Pierre didn't reply, she was a very reserved woman, always reluctant to share her thoughts; however the only thing she told her son as they arrived was "have a good first day" and "you have to be home by 7 because we have a meeting with your father's hands and clansmen", Jonathan was not comprehending what did this have to do with anything, yet he didn't have much of a choice. It was not Jonathan's first time in the country of Fritzlanda. He would always go there to see his father because all of his father's work and the clan were there. "Your people are your family, too," his father would always tell him; however his mother never wanted her son to be involved in any of the supernatural matters. They say she was blessed with the talent of foresight, so she was uncomfortable every time she was near that country and therefore, decided that her son and her would go live with her husband's family in Paris.

Jonathan has never really noticed how beautiful Peyennah is, since his mom was not actually replying and didn't seem to pay him any attention, he decided to look out the window and enjoy the scenery. The city greeted him with a vast desert with green tents scattered all around which only meant that these tents belong to the warriors. He saw a huge golden tent right at the center of the desert, it is hard not to notice it which he presumed to be the chief's tent. People of the desert were always brave and ready for battle, Jonathan never understood why they spend all their time training either their snakes, scorpions or camels. He saw a huge forest which was covered by trees, which were as tall as an 8-story-building, of all kinds and colors. What lurked inside the forest wasn't visible, but he knew that at the center of that forest, under the large oak tree, his father was buried along with the great chiefs of the People of the Forest.

Finally, they arrived at the school, Peyennah High. It was just like any modern school: 4 stories, painted in grey with either yellow, green, blue or red around the windows, and a huge playground which had 2 football fields, a sport Jon was never fond of, a basketball field and an American football field. He got out of the car and looked at his mother's green eyes staring at him as she said, "don't forget to hide your eyes, have fun," and then she drove away. Lately, his mom was acting so weird, 'maybe it's the fact that she is now a widow and has to take care of me all by herself' he thought. He entered the school after making sure his golden eyes have turned dark brown like normal humans and was quickly greeted by a tall, slim but seemingly athletic, brown-eyed, and handsome teenager called Alexander. He was a senior just like Jonathan.

"It looks like you'll be stuck with me for the whole day Jonathan. Can I call you Jon? It's much easier than Jonathan." Alexander grinned.

"Um, yeah sure," Jonathan giving him a timid smile. 'Very friendly. I like him' he thought.

"Show me your schedule."

Jonathan obliged, he had a two-hour Biology class as a first session (it was his favorite subject) which was starting in 5 minutes.

"Cool! Most of our classes are together, except for Maths. Let me show you around before taking you to class. You don't talk much, do you?"

Alexander and Jonathan strolled around the premises. Jonathan couldn't help but notice how he was high-fiving, handshaking, or even hugging every person he passed by. 'Talk about being in the social circle.' Jon thought as they reached the class. Alexander suddenly turned around to face Jonathan, startled. "I totally forgot, shit shit."

Jon did not get what was happening, "chill what's wrong?"

"I forgot to tell you to call me Alec, I forgot to make you meet my group and I forgot to ask what's your last name?"

"Pierre?" Jonathan answered in a whisper

"You are Anthony Pierre's son?!" his voice then dropped to a whisper, "you're one of us, show me your eyes."

The bell then rang and they had to enter the class

After 2 hours of Biology, they had to go to the cafeteria for breakfast. Alec went with Jonathan and sat with him.

"I am so sorry, I totally forgot that I was supposed to greet Anthony Pierre's son today, my full name is Alexander Sterling, son of the chief of the Clan of Teleportation."

"So, you are supernatural too?" Jon replied with a question mark over his black smooth hair.

"What do you think?" Alec said as he showed him his 2 non-matching eyes, his left eye's real color was green instead of brown and his right eye was grey. "I'm a hybrid." He said as he started waving to a beautiful slim girl, who looked a bit like him, same color, same facial expressions but with taller hair and less muscle and her friend who was a bit chubby, with wide eyes, black glasses and a bit toned skin.

"This is my sister Rylee and her fiancé, Adam. Guys, you wouldn't believe who this is!" His sister didn't reply, she was smiling but she seemed to be very sleepy while Adam was examining him. Adam then smiled and said with his very loud voice, "I know who this is! This white skin, athletic build, those green eyes, you are Anthony Pierre's son."

"I didn't know my eyes are now green, am so-" He was then interrupted by Alec

"Oh no don't worry, Adam has the gift of unmasking, he knows when a magic trick is on and he knows what does it do"


"Did someone say Pierre's son?" A strange girl suddenly entered the conversation. Jon was stunned by her beauty. Her curly brown locks made her icy blue eyes stand out from her pale complexion... Until she opened her mouth sending shards of glass his way.

"Ah shit," Alec said rolling his eyes.

"Zip it Alexander or else-"

"Or else what? You are gonna tell daddy to arrest my father? Didn't go well last time I believe, what do you want, Samantha?" Alexander interrupted her.

"I am just here to say hi to the new student, the coward's son."

Her eyes were as blue as the ocean so Jon figured she must be one of the People of the River. They were always so cocky and that smile did nothing but confirm his suspicion. The People of the River were never okay with the fact that the supernatural world lives in the shadows, they have always wanted to "rise to the surface" or so they said. They are selfish and greedy and they care about no one but, of course, themselves.

"Are you a coward like daddy? Choosing the easy way out by ignoring me. Why don't you kill yourself just like him?" And then she started repeating coward's son for an infinite amount of times.

"At least he can control his eye color," Adam told her

"That's enough," Rylee said while looking at her brother.

"Goodbye!" Alec told Samantha as a peculiar hole opened under her and then she disappeared as she fell in it.

"W-what was that?" Jon asked

"That's a portal I-" he was then interrupted by his sister

"He told you our last name, right? My brother was blessed with the talent of teleportation."

"What about you?" Jon asked wondering.

She shrugged and was quiet again.

They continued having their breakfast, Jon with his other turkey sandwich, Alec stealing Rylee's chicken sandwich and the grilled cheese sandwich after finishing his own and Adam with his cinnamon roll, Jon saw Samantha going back into the cafeteria, she was stinking but no one in the cafeteria dared to utter a word and then she looked at Alec as if she was planning to murder him.

A girl then came rushing, she had hazel eyes and white skin, very close to Jon's. She was panting so hard as if she's seen a ghost.

"Where have you been Hayley? ? I had to sit with these three boys by myself." Rylee said while crossing her arms.

"Guys... have... you... seen... the news?" She said while sitting down.

The cafeteria's television was switched open suddenly and then they saw two men sitting together, one of them was Andre Star, the number 1 anchorman in all of Fritzlanda with a very strange-looking man.

That odd man started talking about mythologies and supernatural stuff that people didn't believe was true,

"But none of this is actually real, is it, Mr. Logan?"

The man smiled and then started shifting to a green short being with big ears, and a round shaved head, he transformed into a goblin.