

As i wake up again i am taken to this large door and the door open's. I shiver as the cold snow hits me I am splashed with ice cold water.That wakes me up so fast it look's like i am placed in front of a weird hut looking thing i have no weapons on me ether. A guy walks out of the hut "hello there little guy i'm the second in command of the raiders" I ask why can't i meet the leader of the raiders "because he doesn't have time for you right now". Oh great i get taken away just to meet the second in command. I say to him you don't look like you could put much of a fight he comes over and picks up a club looking thing and knocks me out.I wake up in this prison like cell and i have a pile of wolf meat on the ground for me to eat. " heh that's all you have for the week so eat in portions" i look up and there is a guard standing there i say you gonna be looking over me or something. He says yeah i will be looking over you for the week and then you will be taken some where else for a little. I wonder how the village is doing back at home. I didn't even get that much of a chance to fight i just got knocked out from behind i thought. I asked if i get water the guard said yeah only every other day though. So with that i just sat in the back of my sell and waited.... Three days have past so far and it's been the same for me the whole time i just wake up eat and go back and sit down I hate this. They finally took me out of my sell they walked to this room and asked me some questions like the lay out of other villages and stuff along those lines. They finally get me to the room and tie me up to a pillar they start by flaying some of my skin off. Then they take me toe and fingernails off it heart like hell but i kept my cool. After they were done with that they broke my left arm and i was taken back to me cell. I didn't have anything to protect the arm so i was worried but i fell asleep eventually. I wake up and eat the last piece of wolf meat they give me water today and other than that i just sat in the corner of my cell. When they gave me the water i felt weird and i began to drift off. when i woke up again i was tied down to a ship and they were taking me somewhere. I didn't know where though on the way there the raiders get attacked by another viking clan and this is when i finally got to see there dark magic happen one guy got up and said some things and pointed to the viking ship and it started to sink and finally the ship was fully submerged. after that they brought me to this weird place and untied me worst mistake you could have done i ran so fast to try to get to another boat and i ran into the woods they started to chase me but i kept running and finally they caught me and knocked me out.