
The Red Moon.

What would you do if everyone in the world left you and the only thing left for you was messed up because of a mistake, Have you ever thought of losing the attention of the person you love who always pays attention to you?, Is it this fun to manipulate women who just want to love and be loved, Is it bad to include the person I like in my dream?, Is it that hard for you to love me too?, The only person I have is slowly disappearing from me. The story of six who just want to love and be loved.

J48 · Action
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2 Chs

1' Eyes like no other.

Zaiden's Pov.

[Member of a biggest gang in south korea, 1st Year college, A-7 Class]

I don't know how people get obsessed, When I was young, my father became addicted to gambling and he left us, We went to London and lived with my cousins, Mom is always at work, My little sister, Zaira, was able to adjust immediately and became close to our cousins. But I can't accept that our family is no longer complete, I will just leave the room to go to the campus to study and go home and sleep...

It's been three years since we left dad in South Korea, Now I still don't know who really left, Because of that I didn't believe in love.

Someone knocked on my bedroom door while I was reading...

I hid the book I was reading because it was known all over London and very expensive.

'Zaiden!?, Are you there?'

I didn't answer because I knew it was Ryu

'Let's play basketball, there are many beautiful girls on the court!'

He's very naughty and won't stop until I look and get out...

I opened the door and peeked in to say I wasn't coming...

'It's too late, I won't come, Good night bro'

He is my cousin and he is the only one I can talk to among my three cousins ​​who are with me in their house.

'If you don't come with me, I will use your room later with the girls I will meet later...'

He leaned against the barrier of the second floor and spun the ball around his finger

He got drunk once and entered my room with the girl he was drinking with, Something happened to them and right in front of me, I ignored them, as they approached the bed I kicked them away.

And I will never let that happen again...

Ryu's Pov.

[Point guard of the basketball team, 1st year college, S-4]

'Zaiden?, Do you want me to introduce you to my friends?'

We were walking to the court, he was wearing a jacket and obviously had no intention of playing

'You should do that because you took me with you, You shouldn't be asking if you really want to'

The things he says are so deep that you will think he exists in books and movies

I smiled at him

'It's good but don't make them feel uncomfortable with you because they are all kind hahaha'

I said that because when they first moved into our house, Everyone around him can't figure out how to be friends with him especially and he speaks strangely

He put on the sunglasses when we were in front of the court, That's when I saw that he was really very handsome...

'Just say that I have sore eyes'

'Oh, I'll take care of it'

I was staring at him and almost turned gay Hahaha.

'Do you have a disease?'

'Allergic to something like you'

He walked with his hands in his jacket pockets, He's so cool, He turned to me because I didn't immediately follow

'It's annoying... Don't you intend to follow?'

I followed while looking at how he suddenly became cool and handsome in my eyes even though I always see him every night at our house.

I was confused because I noticed that he changed slowly but I couldn't explain how.

Zaira's Pov.

[Zaiden's little sister, 4th year High School, 2-2 Class]

I have friends at our school but it's obvious to them that they don't want me, they just want to be close to Ryu, So they use me.

'Zaira?, What time is their game?'

Claire is the richest and the leader of their group, she looked at me and couldn't wait

I didn't answer right away because I suddenly have daydreamed


She suddenly stood up very angry and I was surprised

'Are you fooling me?'

I also stood up immediately because she might cry and I would be bad in the whole campus because of her

'What are you saying, let's wait a little longer...'

I put my arms around her and hugged her shoulders so that somehow she wouldn't think about it

Jamaica was looking at us, I also knew that she didn't like Claire because of her behavior so she didn't say a word, While chloe is fixing her make up to look even better, And Kate is...

When i look at her, I'm scared because she looks more like a gangster because of her posture when she sits down and she always wears black.

I looked at Kate to see if she still had a lollipop in her mouth

'Do you still have lollipops?'

I adjusted my voice because she might know that I was afraid of her

My time suddenly stopped when his eyes looked into mine, Only then did I notice her diamond blue eyes,

She's beautiful, she's so beautiful, her eyes were wet from being so clear.

'Do you want?...'

Claire, Chloe and Jamaica suddenly looked at each other when they heard kate speak.

I nodded while not taking my eyes off to her eyes

'Can you?'

She pulled out the lollipop she was sucking and bent down to me and put it in my mouth

'Of course...'

I couldn't move, I didn't know if he was really beautiful or handsome, I couldn't rest as I thought about her eyes and her face, she returned to her place.

I saw her very handsome just now because we just started becoming friends.

Claire, Chloe and Jamaica looked at me

'Why are you blushing?, You two are disgusting'

The three of them said together that I was even more embarrassed because I only remembered the lollipop.

Zaiden's Pov.

'Zaiden, if you go in there, I'm sure you'll be embarrassed, To the left is the path of the spectators of the game'

I thought we were going to play but why does he already have a game?

I walked to the left

'Did you take me to watch you?'

'It's not like that'

I raised my hand because it's fine with me as long as he doesn't come to my room

'it's alright, go now, Goodluck'

I walked away while he was about to say something because my mouth was too tired to speak

He spoke before I entered the door

'Thank you...'

When I entered the court, almost half of the seats were occupied, I wasn't comfortable anymore so I just looked for a seat that wasn't too crowded, I saw five women and three men at the top, I sat there on the edge of the wall so I knew no one would see me, Ryu has entered the court and I think it's just their team training, we have different universities, It's obvious that he belongs to the basketball team because they only wear the same jersey design.

He turned around and seemed to be looking for me

Suddenly, the women near me and the others in the distance started shouting, I don't know but maybe he is also among the heartthrobs in their campus

'Ryu, give me a child!'

I was so stupid to make a decision that I got the worst seat, The five girls near me were making a lot of noise as if Ryu was the only one they came here for.

Ryu saw me and smiled at me, While the girls slowly looked at me, I turned to the wall at the same time because I was so shy, This is actually the reason why I don't like a lot of people.

'Hey! Watch me so you don't waste your time!'

Am I leaving? I can't do it anymore

I waved at him

'Hurry up and play'

I screamed in a low voice for him to stop

'Hey man... Can you not sit in front of me?'

I couldn't speak because suddenly someone spoke behind me, I didn't immediately look back

Zaira's Pov.

I stop chloe, claire and jamaica because they are very angry and want to go to the girl in the black hoodie, They are very light because they are thin so I don't even struggle...

'Maybe that's just Ryu's friend, what's going on with you guys'

I looked at Kate to ask her to take the lollipop from my mouth because it was hard to breathe


When I turned to where she was sitting, she wasn't there, So I just slapped it on the floor.

Kate's Pov.

[Mafia boss's daughter, 1st year college, S-4 Class]

'What is your relationship with Ryu?'

Doesn't he have a voice?

'The person is talking to you, is that the right answer?'

He bowed as if apologizing, Like faceless people

'I'm sorry if he's noisy, I'll just leave...'

He stood up and walked away

He didn't answer my question, but that's okay because girls who like Ryu won't look at me anymore when Ryu looks for that man again.

Is it not?

I looked at them and saw them looking at me angrily, The world is really boring if my friends are like this.

I just want to rest, I lay back on the seats before the game started.

Kiara's Pov.

[Muse of the Basketball Team, 1st year college, A-2 Class]

I was on the bench of the basketball team to watch their training, As long as the basketball teams have training, there can't be few spectators because their crushes ryu are here.

'Ah Kiara?, Can you give Ryu space on the seat?'

The coach told me with a smile, so instead of sitting next to Ryu, I stood up to sit on the floor

I smiled too

'Sure why not'

I'm not that pretty but I don't really see in Ryu what other girls likes in him, I sat next to Ian who was the rookie of the team.

I'm only wearing pajamas because our house is very close to this court, I just peeked so that others wouldn't talk about me that it's a waste that they chose me as a muse of our campus basketball team.

'What time is the training, it's almost 12...'

I whispered to myself because I was getting impatient

Ian heard my whisper

'They are still waiting for the ace player so they can show that the basketball team is improving even though they only let five players into the game or even in training, That's how the basketball team runs, We were five rookies here earlier but four of them left and none of the main 5 or even the coach noticed them, They said goodbye but they agreed so easily...'

He looked at me slowly, I was shocked by what he said because I just remembered that I have never seen the rookies play.

He stood up and went to the coach and said goodbye, I saw that that's what happened and the coach even pushed Ian because he was checking the court to see if it was clean, He passed in front of me while I could see in his eyes that he was disappointed.

Ryu's Pov.

I saw kiara and ian on the side talking and I couldn't understand what I felt at that time, Until Ian stood up and went to our coach.

'Coach, I'm sorry but I'm going home...'

He pats the coach

I suddenly got mad at him because Kiara was staring at him

'Go away, you are not needed here, You are just adding to those who consume water'

We looked at each other, He didn't react which made me even more angry

'Go away, You're trash don't you see?'

He left without answering me or even getting pissed off, I looked at him as he walked away.

When I look at Kiara again, she is standing up to follow Ian...

I can't hold back my anger anymore.


The noisy court fell silent and looked at me

'Show me what you can do and prove that you are not just arrogant'

I threw the ball at Ian who was looking at me, He picked up the ball on the floor

'I'm not telling you anything, I don't even know you, why do you immediately say that I'm arrogant?'

He doesn't know me? He is so arrogant that I am slowly losing myself especially while seeing and hearing his calm voice

'Are you afraid of me!'

I screamed furiously and I could hear the echo of my voice because it was so quiet

Kiara pushed Ian away

'I'm sorry'

He bent down while still staring at me as Kiara pushed him

'Kiara!, What are you doing!, Do you want me to be your enemy too huh!'

I can't take it anymore my body wants to mess up and break Ian's face

Kiara turned to me

'Stop, Ian isn't doing anything to you, is he?!'

Ian's Pov.

[Rookie of the Basketball Team, 1st Year College, E-3 Class]

Kiara was squeezing the skin of my back when I stopped, I saw in her eyes that her eyes were wet and looked like tears, I don't know why but I think she's embarrassed because Ryu mentioned her to so many people.

I removed Kiara's hand from my back slowly

'This is exactly what I want to happen, Let me show you the true value of rookies'

I pulled her hand and she followed when I pulled her behind me

'Watch carefully'

I picked up the ball from the floor and stared at Ryu who was furious

Zaiden's Pov.

What kind of show is going to happen today?, It's boring to wait, Is this what they call a love triangle?

Kate's Pov.

Don't they know that someone is sleeping here?, Why does it seem like training is not going to happen today?, My brother and a heartthrob will fight for a girl?, Is that right, what I see now, I'm still sleepy.

Zaira's Pov.

Just now I heard Ryu shout what's wrong with the two of them?