

Phil pulled everyone into a circle, and looked at each and everyone in there, "what should we do?" When he asked, he was looking at Emily.

"Umm, why are you looking at me? The only thing I promised was to get you to the sliver-eyed werewolf, not to fight a bunch of rapists, killers or worse cannibals. Do you know what a cannibal is, a person who eats another person, and you expect me to fight them, are you crazy?"

Emily said all that with a flat tone, and a nonchalant expression. But she still meant every word. It might seem like Emily was full of herself because of how high her stats are.

But she also knew there's no way the Golden Moon expected humans to fight against the red moon with stats like Phil for example. That means there are more powerful humans out there just blending in with normal folks. And she wasn't about to put herself in hot water, without understanding her limits and strengths.

All she wanted was a place to stay in, so that she can come up with plans, while practicing the limits of her Symbiotes. And learning more about her Concept, as it's obvious there's something more to it.

"Okay Phil, it's obvious we will have to head back, at this point. We can't afford to provoke the fiends, they have an F-ranker, god knows what else," Heidi decided for Phil.

'An F-ranker, what's that?' Emily wondered.

The other two also nodded in agreement to what Heidi said, it wasn't worth it. Phil let out a deep breath, but his eyes blazed with determination. He directed his gaze towards Emily.

"Emily will you please help us, if you do, we will all be indebted to you for the rest of our lives?"

"I told you, I won't be fighting a bunch of killers, that's too much for a helpless girl like me."

Heidi rolled her eyes, and mattered under breath, "who are you kidding?'

Phil didn't react to Emily's choice words, he exhaled, and said, "I know that, that's why I have a better solution. Why not kidnap the werewolf without no one noticing. The silver-Eyed is in the fiends territory, it doesn't mean it's in their grasp. Your friend's speed is shockingly fast, and I have a feeling it's not even it's top speed. So what about now, will you help us?"

Emily thought about it, before her lips curved up, "I can help you, if you tell me what's really your obsession with the werewolf, that you would pledge yourself and your friends lives to me for eternity?"

"Wait a minute, what do you mean pledge ourselves to you. Didn't you hear Phil, he said be indebted to you, not bind ourselves to you for the rest our lives?"

Emily turned her smile to Heidi, the defiant girl, "yes, I heard him, and what of it? I just had an epiphany, which is still in it's planning phase, but I think with my strength I will be able to realise it."

"And what does your epiphany have to do with us?"

"Everything, your talk about settlements, has made me want to create my own. But since I have yet to come up with a vision of what I want it to be like, you guys will my guides of sorts. Of course there are benefits, which I'm very certain will please you?"

"Like what?" Asked Jenny with eagerness she hadn't showed in front of Emily before. Emily saw through the meaning behind those eyes, ambition. The eyes of someone eager to be more than a background character.

Emily's smile widened, 'I can use her, she will be an experiment of mine.'

Jenny eagerness slightly faltered when she saw Emily's twisted smile, focused on her. She suddenly had a strange feeling, something instinctual from when her ancestors where nothing more than animals. The feeling was fear of the unknown.

But she was determined to be someone, in order to save her brother. She shakily stepped forward, and said, "I'm willing to be your slave if I have to, if one of the benefits involves strength."

Emily stepped closer to her, and caressed her cheek, "Lucky you, it so happens to be exactly what I wanted to offer you."

Jenny's heart skipped a beat, the look Emily gave her was as if she was the only person in her orbit. And it made her feel all fuzzy inside.

With a shaky breath, she said, "then I will join your settlement."

"Jenny, what the hell are you saying? Are you crazy, selling yourself to a—"

Haley didn't finish her sentence, and just grabbed Jenny's arm, to pull her away from Emily. Her expression fearful, painfully aware of the gaze locked on her, belonging to Emily.

"Okay, we can't have a discussion in the open, let's go in there?" Heidi pointed towards a broken cafe.

Heidi was first to get a move on, then followed by Haley fearfully glancing backwards. And then Jenny too, as she went after the two. Only Emily, Fenrir and Phil were left.

"I'm also willing to be your slave if it means getting the silver-eyed. Will you help me or not?"

Seeing the desperate look that Phil possessed, Emily was more than inclined to think. She was certain that whether he receives their help or not, he will still plunge himself towards certain death to catch that werewolf.

Emily nodded towards Fenrir, and she disappeared. She then looked at Phil, and said, "It's done, you will have your wolf in ten to twenty minutes, I think now is the time we went to the cafe, and talk about your obsession with it?"

Phil agreed, and they headed inside the cafe, finding everyone already seated in chairs with dried blood. Emily took a seat cleaner than the rest and so did Phil. Which so happens they were the only two chairs like that.

When everyone was seated there was an awkward silence, amongst Phil's group. Whilst Emily was going through the backpacks of the dead girls. And in there she found biscuits.

She took them out, and started eating. Phil found Emily odd, Heidi found her melodramatic, Jenny found her cool. As for Haley, she was scared shitless of her, even when she did the most mundane of things.

As she munched on her biscuit, she began, "okay Phil, from the top, tell us your obsession with the silver-eyed werewolf, and why were you planning to kill your friends when you got your hands on it?"