

As per the instruction manual of how to use Symbiote, system guide book, Emily gathered all her Lunar energy to the palms of her hands. And spread it out over Heidi's corpse.

The Lunar energy covered Heidi's body, and her system showed the list of stats she wanted to extract. And of course she wanted to farm out everything.

Going through the list, she was given another option, she could either choose to extract what she wanted, but decide not to keep. And the extracted stats will form into physical pearls that contains the stats she had extracted or she could keep everything, and it permanently code itself into her cells.

Emily was about to pick the second option, and keep everything for herself when her eyes wondered towards Jenny. This would be the perfect opportunity to show the girl what she could offer her.

Emily sighed, she really didn't want to give handouts, but if she's serious about creating a settlement. She has to start somewhere and getting people to her side was the first step.

"Jenny come here," she said in a cold demanding voice.

Jenny eagerly stood up, but when she tried to approach Emily, Haley stopped her. Jenny had to crouch down and reassure Haley she's going to be fine.

Emily didn't care about their conversation, and decided to appraise Jenny again, so that she can come up to a decision. About which extracted stats she should allocate to her.

[Golden Moon Symbiosis System:]

Name: Jenny Myers

Symbiosis: Red-eyed Werewolf (Pathetic Grade—lowest grade)

Metamorphosis: Stage 1

Symbiote: {Single Title:}

-> Earthshaker – Allows the host to punch or stomp the ground with such force that it creates shockwaves, destabilizing enemies nearby.


Raw Strength: 1,104 lb

Pure Speed: 23.35 mph

Nerve Reaction: 30ms (milliseconds)

Lunar Storage: 0.0706 cubic feet.]

'With this stats, no wonder she wanted strength above all else. She's pathetically weak. That means it's not just her I have to look out for, but also her werewolf.'

Emily proceeded to blatantly ask her system, if she could fuse extracted Symbiotes with existing Symbiotes. And the answer was simply yes, in her case, and slightly complicated when she does it for others.

"Jenny, I don't have all day,' the person in question jumped at the sound of her name. And moved away from Haley with some difficulty.

When she got close to Emily, she stood awkwardly straight, both nervous and excited. She had an inkling why she was called, and even though she wasn't hundred percent certain. Her gut told her to cling to Emily with all her might.

Emily eyed this girl once again. She was slender, not in a flattering way. She was thin as if she had spent her entire life being denied food. Her face was small and cute, and the small scar on her cheek didn't diminish that fact.

She had long dark hair pulled into a ponytail, and beautiful emerald jewel eyes. Emily came to the conclusion if this girl put on some weight, she might be considered pretty.

"Jenny let me be frank with you, you're pathetically weak. I mean really weak, it's not even humourous, you know that right?"

Jenny dejectedly nodded, and a small blush bloomed on her cheeks. She wondered why Emily was being so blunt, and how she knew she was weak. She has never been given a chance to show her capabilities after all.

Emily didn't bother to understand what was going through the girl's head. And chose to turn back to Heidi's corpse. The first thing, she needed to do was Extract Heidi's Spatial Shadow for herself. It was a very good Symbiote that has a range of uses.

She placed her palm on the corpse, and specifically chose that Symbiote. A rush of euphoria coursed through her body, and she unintentionally moaned, causing both Jenny and Haley to blush.

In their eyes, a stream of energy blazed across Emily's skin. but nothing to explain why she moaned, and why it was sexy. Because the moan was something that should be reserved for one's lover, not them.

At Emily's side she also blushed, because that was unexpected. But the pleasure she had felt had made it hard not to. Even now as Heidi's extracted Symbiote was integrating with her, she found it hard not to moan again. It was all so, so, so.. sweet.

[Ding~ ding~ ding~ Host has successfully integrated with her seventh Symbiote. As a reward for doing the impossible, once you use any of your two Concepts or future Concepts, you'll become enlightened and achieve an understanding on how to use them.]

Emily's skin returned to normal, as the extracted Symbiote was now fused with her. She cheekily smiled, thinking about the fact she no longer needs to carry a limited number of things anymore.

She turned to Jenny who was eying her expectedly, eagerness dripping in her every pore. Emily smiled while shaking her head, and went back to the corpse.

Lunar energy covered her entire hand, and she dove it into Heidi's corpse. Inside, energy gathered around her opened palm, and she felt weighty energy pearls settling on her hand.

When the energy pearls became solid, that's when she extracted her arm from the insides of Heidi's corpse. Looking at her closed her hand, it was bloody, but Emily didn't mind it.

She opened her hand, and found a number of pearls. And two very unexpected pearls. Each pearl Emily held, she instinctively knew it's function, and even if she didn't, the system took upon itself to explain without being asked.

The red pearl was for Heidi's Raw Strength, the yellow pearl represented Pure Speed, the coppery coloured pearl was for Nerve Reaction, and the transparent pearl was for the Lunar Storage.

Of course for the Symbiote it was dark, representing the shadow. But the unexpected pearls were a bit unique. One was dark like that of the Symbiote, containing the advanced grade and bloodline of Heidi's werewolf.

The other one was gold in colour, and contained Heidi's F-rank Evolution, meaning if Jenny were to consume this, there's a good chance she might reach the last metamorphosis, stage 9. Both pearls were large than the rest.

Emily turned to Jenny and explained everything if Jenny were to decide to swallow this pearls. And the more she explained and went into detail, the more excitement was visible in Jenny's face.

While Haley listened in doubt, and slight envy for what Jenny is about to receive. Jenny took it upon herself to swallow all the pearls, except the one for her werewolf, all at once.

Both Haley and Emily watched in shock, as Jenny fell down the carpeted floor. Her jeans becoming wet, as she moaned at the top of her lungs.