


looking at the tarmac of the airport..... he let out a long sigh

it's been a long time since he last stepped on this ground.....

so many things have changed

he's been undergoing treatment from a psychiatrist for rehabilitation. he's been in a lot of stress. when Sally called Drake answered his phone and told him about the news.....

since that moment he decided to face his fear and decided to come back to the Philippines with his friends...

naturally, his family won't allow him to go, if not for his doctor talking to his parents assuring them that it will be alright for him to go and face his problem.

they won't let him leave

outside the airport, Drake contracts a taxi to take them to their destination.....


sally kept walking back and forth nervously knowing that they are coming back today

SALLY: oh hmmmmm what took them so long? it's been ages since they arrived at the airport what the hell are they still doing there???

then she heard a sound of the tires screeching to a halt outside the apartment compounds gate

SALLY : at long last ! ! ! they're here ! ! !

she runs out of the house to greet them and open the gate...

SALLY: boss!!! you're all back ! ! ! welcome back boss she said to them

JORDAN: get out of the way ! !!

Jordan passed her and went straight to their own apartment.

inside the apartment, Sally followed them anxiously.

SALLY: boss do you need anything to drink? she asked

DRAKE: We can have that later.... what we need right now is a good food and a good rest

but first, before you go buy some food...

you need to tell us about the things you said to me at the phone

SALLY: oh that???


you won't believe what I saw that day! ! !!

Sally said

you see..... it's Lily's Death anniversary the next day when it happen! !!

it's Lilac, Lily's twin sister, she came every year to spend a night in their apartment, cleaning the house... lighting candles and talking to herself ! ! ! as if she's talking to Lily.


last month she came earlier, I saw the light in their house on so I came over to talk to her and collect the rent in advance. then when I'm near the front door I happen to look at the window...

there inside, I saw Lily standing beside Lilac clutching some sketches of you and your friends with all those ghosts appear behind them

RUSTY: are you sure you're not using drugs??? that's totally impossible

Drake and Jordan stop Rusty from talking any further

they asked Sally to continue talking

SALLY: boss'S I'm not using drugs or anything, I don't even drink alcohol or something... I'm not making stories.....

it's true ! ! ! I know what I saw that day ! !!

JORDAN: then if it's true...

that's good news then...

I'm going to rape her again till she dies for good ! ! ! and that twin sister of her ? ?? I'm going to raped and kill her too

SALLY: but..... but......

boss I heard she's already married with twin kids!!!! a girls at that...

DRAKE: that's good then...

we're going to rape her and her twin sister and Lilac'S kids ...

what's with the saying?!? the more the merrier huh?!? then we're going to kill Lilac bastard of a husband, for being stupid not knowing how to control his slut of a wife ! !!

then they all laughed maniacally

JORDAN: Sally go and hire a detective and find out where that Lilac lived after you buy some food...

SALLY: boss? ?? seriously ? ? ? Sally felt goosebumps all over her skin, afraid of what might happen to Lilac and her family