
The Red Kite Story

Written in the eyes of a Red Kite and how he came to befriend a human life form...

JayJ127 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Reunited once more…

Tatum and Jay had spent some years apart searching high and low, near and far for each other. They even retraced their flight path hundreds of times, almost to the point of just giving-up thinking of the worst scenario possible. Till they suddenly find themselves stranded in mid-air hearing nothing but an echo, that sounded familiar. Only finding themselves in the unlikely of places that they would not even dream of seeing anyone, let alone each other.

On one stormy evening, through the rumbling in the air that reverberated off the clouds, came the flashes of light bolting all-a-round. There was an echo that Tatum had once heard before, Tatum tried to figure it out, but then Jay appeared right there, right before Tatum's eyes, Jay was staring back at him. Tatum circled around Jay making sure it wasn't a trap then continued to transfix his eyes onto Jay's as if there was nothing else in the world.

They smiled with hopefulness as it entered their lives showing them the way.

--- o0o ---

Where negative thoughts once appeared, positive ones have taken over once again - living the dream I once had before now feels so much stronger like it could last for eternity.

--- o0o ---

It's been a long time

We've been together

We've been apart

We fought for what we love

Now we have found each other once again

Stronger than ever