

Somewhere behind the main line of the undead, a place where it was a plain with nothing originally, until the day that the undead and orcs were defeated. 

On the surface, only a few newly built buildings and a few undead were there, which makes people think that it is a normal outpost and do not see it as a threat.

But below the ground, 100m from the surface, a big space has been established, and millions of undead were assembled here. These undead come from the rest of the 8 provinces of the empire.

Every province has its specialized unit, like Bone Titans, one of the major armies the Death created after taking down provinces from the Titans.

Each has a height of 6-10m, many millions, and heavy weapons have been attached to their back. In front of their body, is a heavy metal armor that is specialized for them, every time they move, the metal pieces make a clanging sound. Plus their weapon, making them just like a moving building.

More is different kind of undead creature that the Soviets have never met, like a ghost, it can not be eliminated physically, but from the experience of Karak, it can be eliminated only by magic with specific types of spells.

Now, they are all waiting for orders from their commander.

This is a small stronghold that has been built by the order of Orcs Marshall Aba Aba. There are a few tens of thousands of similar strongholds along the line.

When the line was under attack, some of the undead in the stronghold would leave and reinforce the front, but more would continue to stay until the Red Army had passed by them, then they would only start to come out and harass their supply line, depending on the situation.

Aba Aba has calmed himself down after returning to Octa. He understood that the weapons and army of the USSR were too strong, and they had no chance to fight against them and win through face-to-face battle.

He knows that the line that was built can't block the Red Army, but just to delay their assault and bring as much damage as they can to them to bring more time for troops behind the line to prepare.

Only these strongholds will be the real line to stop them through guerilla warfare. He even gives orders to those rare and elite units,

"Run as far as you can if you meet their main forces, and do not gather together, let all those low-level cannon folders cover you."

However, all these strongholds are just the second lines, there is another last line, which is the most important line, if this line was also breakthrough, then the undead and orcs have nothing to block the Red Army.

It is the capital of the Land of plain, Plainspire which now has been converted into a huge fort, and also acts as the general headquarters of the entire army in the Land of Plains.

For some reason, the undead here successfully shot down those few missiles that carry nuke heads that are trying to attack them.

Inside the castle of the city, a bunch of lords and generals were sitting in front of a long table, discussing the news from the front line.

The one who is in charge of everything against the Soviet Army now is Lord Voren Blacksteel, the one who controls the production of weapons, and has the best engineering skills in the empire. 

Maybe he is not the one who has the best fighting skills, but definitely, the one who has the best defense skills.

"Lord Voren, the enemy has breakthrough our first line, shall we send reinforcement from the stronghold to delay their attack?"

A general first proposed to Voren.

Voren did not answer, he is not an expert in commanding an army, but look at a lord sitting beside him and asked,

"Marshal Draven, do you think we should send our reinforcement now?"

Draven Nightshade, another marshal of the Nazg, urgently reaches the land of plain from the other side of the empire after receiving the news that the empire army had been defeated one month ago.

He lowered his head and thought for a while.

He has discussed with Aba Aba about responses to different situations.

Thinking off the news from the front line, sending more reinforcement seems to be useless and not able to do any more damage to the Soviet army.

"No, my lord. Perhaps we should execute Aba Aba order more extremely, let all the Soviet Army cross our front line and half of our stronghold, then only we send our troops under the stronghold to attack."

"At the same time, continue to deploy our fake target and position, I believe we have successfully tricked our enemy."

Every general and lord nod in agreement.

"Great, everyone sends this order to our army, and also continue to build more fortification around our city, build as much as we can."


A few hours after the Soviet assault,

"Comrade Marshal, I have good news and bad news for you."

"I will start from the bad news first, it seems like our ballistic missile attack did not have as a good result as we thought. I received a report from the rocket army, that many ICBM missile launches have been intercepted, but only 40% of it has successfully reached their target."

"A similar situation also happens with our middle and short-range missiles, and they even have a lower rate of success. Also from the reconnaissance of the satellite, our missile attack on their assemble point did not do much damage to the undead, we don't see any body parts."

Inside the headquarters at Riga, Ogarkov listens to the news from Govorov.

"Well for the good news, our vanguard has already advanced for more than 100 in the past few hours, our armies are just likely to enter a deserted land, and very little resistance have our armies met. Some of them have reached the enemy assemble position where our missile struck before and found out that it is a fake target that our enemy tricked us."

"That is all news I have received until now, Comrade Marshal."

Listening to all the news, Orgarkov nodded his head and turned his head and asked the military advisor from Karak about his suggestion. He was awake not long after the medic came.

"Mr Alistair, do you have any advice for us? What will possibly these undead want to do?"

Alistair shakes his head politely with bitter smile,

"I am sorry Marshal, I am worried that there is not much advice that can be given from me, the way that your army fight is out of my mind, perhaps the only advice I can give is to be aware of the undead different type of unit, but I believe your army has also different type of weapons to against them."

Orgarkov nodded again with a smile and gave out his order.

"Order the rocket army to continue their strikes on the undead city, non-stop. For the vanguard, ask them to slow down their step and wait for resupply. Since our enemy knows how to set fake targets to trick us, I believe they might have more conspiracy, releasing all our newly developed UAVs for more precise reconnaissance."

"Affirmative, Comrade Marshall."