
the red diamond

My dream of power has come true! by going to Steven universe? Well ok I'll go with it.

Light901 · TV
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

I sat on the ground in empty area there was no life around for miles and miles and all of the plant life had died I don't know how long I have been waiting it could've been thousands of years maybe more and suddenly the ground start to shake and many gems start to emerge from Jasper's to rose quartz's to Ruby's and even if several Lapis lazuli and of course my red pearl. I introduced myself to all of them just in case and from then as I looked at all of my gym so I decided that I would not be Like pink diamond or rose quartz as she like to call her self I would be red diamond . Anyone stands in my way will be taken down or killed, be it gems or be it human's it wouldn't matter to me I ordered the gyms to start building and I would start my Empire on this planet wherever I was and eventually possibly maybe one day I would go to earth and completely the ruin canon change things the way I saw fit but for now I would build my empire it will be different then the gym empire they would have their choices they would still have to follow what I told them of course but otherwise they Would be able to be in relationships and I would be able to fuse they will be able to explore all of your powers. Most importantly as the years and years went by waiting for the gems to emerge I discovered that I had had an extra power the power to grow plant life sort of similar to Steven universe from canon with the huge difference being I could actually completely control it unlike him. I know this will be useful in in planting as many gyms as I want and restoring the plant life and doing it all over again not having to worry about the planet running out of Running out of life to give gems their life, I would not have that problem on my gem capital. This would be the start of something great with my ideas from from fiction from my world gems will build such incredible things from things that were never real and imaginary to things that were real and gems just never thought of because there wasn't really a use for them of course I would maintain some gem Civilization traditions because some of them I actually did like from the Show. I decided to have a personal entourage Or guard or whatever it could be called of a 4 jaspers , a 4 amethyst, two Lapis lazuli's, four Rubys and red pearl to be by my side always and forever no matter where I go all of them would be there or in the general area always with with their eyes on me I wanted to make sure I covered all my bases just in case I will forget anything that I Didn't think of before. I've just really started in this new life where the passing of time does not have any meaning like it does for humans and things are turning out great in this empty world there is Already buildings almost finished gems sure do build fast I can't wait for them to be towering shining beacon of Gem kind civilization.