
The Red Demon and the Devil

I sighed, “Why does it feel like I’m being watched all the time?” “Maybe it's because you are." A cool voice came from the other side of my room. I froze. How did someone get in here without me noticing? Who is this man? I don't recognize that voice. I felt too terrified to turn around, but I forced myself to. Across the room, near my bed, stood a talk man. He seemed well built, quite muscular, and had black hair. He had fair skin and handsome features, but the most noticeable feature was his eyes. They were a golden-red colour. He wore all black clothes. There was something ominous yet intriguing about this man. "W-who...? Why..?" I was at a loss for words. Wait, was he from another assassin core and sent to kill me? I quickly grab hold of my sword from where it sat beside my desk and this time, with more confidence, I asked, "Who are you and why are you here?" The man slowly walked toward me and I tightened my grip on my sword. Then he disappeared. I quickly looked around but couldn't see him. "I don't think you'd like to know who I am, but I'm here because you have brought much interest to my kind and now to me." The man had appeared behind me and whispered into my ear. I whip around and quickly move away, but this seemed to amuse the man. "Why wouldn't I want to know? And what do you mean your 'kind'?" Why am I asking questions instead of getting rid of him? "You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you who I was." He replied simply. I just stared back and him and he seemed to be thinking. "Fine," He said, "my kind are demons. I myself am a high-ranking demon, but there is talk amongst all since you had encountered one. As for who I am..." He trailed off as we began walking closer to me. There was something about him that made me freeze. Then he was gone again and before I realized it, he had knocked my sword from my hand and had grabbed my chin to tilt it toward his face which was very close to mine. My heart was racing and my face felt hot. He looked even more attractive up close. The man smirked. "I am the Devil." ——————————————————————————— Nyx is your average 20-year-old, full-time university student, but she also has a trivial side job. She’s a hit-woman. An assassin. And she’s good at it. But something, or someone, has taken notice of her. Something that it not human. Something with an evil side, and he knows something that she doesn’t. However, with him having taken notice of Nyx, so have other non-human creatures. Her life is about to get a hell of a lot more dangerous and filled with an unexpected, long winded series of adventures. ——————————————————————————— Warning: Violence, suggestive content, sex, murder, suicidal ideations Thank you for everyone that reads!! Feedback is always appreciated! It means the words to me!

redpheonyx · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


The fight had ended as quickly as it started, and with me being kidnapped by the demons. The three of us began battling the demons that had shown up, but did not realize they were the only ones.

I was excited to get the chance to use my sword. It was still engulfed with the dark red flames. I initiated the fight by running toward the one in the middle. Asmodeus and Livius each took one of the demons on the side. I enjoyed every slash that went through the demons flesh and watching his blood splatter. I loved listening to his agonizing screams from both the cut of my sword and the simultaneous burning from the hot, flaming blade. I dragged the fight out as long as possible. I was having too much fun torturing the ugly creature.

I finally decided to take a final strike. I leapt into the air, bringing my sword above my head as I gravity pulled me back toward the ground. Then I stopped, mid-air. In confusion, I brought my sword down and noticed I could stand on whatever I was floating on. Except I wasn't floating on something, I was floating in something. I was encased in some sort of bubble with a purple hue. I tried to push my way out but the bubble was strong and it sent an electric shock through my body when I tried to escape.

"Asmodeus! Livius!" I called from the bubble. I tried to push my way out again, but it was difficult. I then noticed that the three demons had retreated from their fights.

"There's no use in trying." A female voice called from below. I looked down. I didn't recognize this woman. She had extremely long black hair that reach about knee height. In contrast, the black dress she wore was quite short. Her skin was pale, which made her dark coloured eyes stand out.

"Who the hell-" I began.

"Hecate, what the hell are you doing?" Asmodeus snarled from below me.

"I'm following the your fathers orders, of course, you idiot. I'm his wife. I do what he asks of me." She stated.

That's their mother?

"No, she isn't. Our mother died giving birth to Asmodeus. She's a horrible excuse for a replacement." Livius replied out loud to my thoughts in a bitter tone.

Ah, that would make more sense as to why they don't seem to get along.

The bubbles suddenly started to move and I found it difficult to steady myself. Hecate brought the bubble to float by her side. She looked at me, intrigued.

"Hm, you definitely are something, huh?" She muttered.

"Let me go!" I yelled, banging my fist against the bubble.

"No can do. I want my husband to stay alive, so I need to bring you with me so he can slaughter you." She explained with a smile.

Within moments, both Livius and Asmodeus were sprinting toward us. They looked furious. They both had a little settled on their faces. They wanted to kill.

"Hm, good try. Boys!" Hacate called, and the three demons reappeared, "Take care of these two."

She then began walking away, making my little bubble follow her while the demons kept Livius and Asmodeus occupied.

"Dammit! Hacate, you bitch!" Asmodeus growled as he slashed through one of the demons, but another popped in his way.

"Stop! Let me go!" I screamed, trying to push my way from the bubble once more.

"Stop that, you brat!" She snarled as she began sprinting.

"Livius! Asmodeus!" I called, but they began to get smaller and smaller as I travelled further and further away.

I was furious. I tried every way possible to escape the bubble but nothing was working.

"It's no use. You can't escape from there." Hecate said as she continued on with my bubble following.

"I don't care. I won't stop trying." I snarled. Gripping my sword, I tried to force my energy into it, but it wasn't working. Fuck, what's wrong with me?

"I told you, it's no use. That bubble suppresses your aura, your energy." Hecate stated as she slowed down to a walking pace, "No one can trace you now that your aura is hidden, including the boys."

Shit, they won't be able to find me. I'm fucked. There's no way I can get out of this. I shoved my sword into it's sheath in my robe belt and sat down in the bubble. There's no use in standing if I don't have to.

"You lazy bitch." Hecate mumbled then stopped walking. My wrists were then tied together with some kind of energy, the same purple colour as the bubble, and the bubble popped which causes me to land on my butt on the ground.

"Ow!" I grumbled when I hit the ground. Hecate chuckled. She then whistled, which summonsed a few smaller demons.

"You guys are in charge of making sure she doesn't get away." Hecate said, and began walking again. The few demons surrounded me as we began walking. I felt extremely uncomfortable. We eventually reached a small log cabin.

"You can sleep in the little shed over there." Hecate said, pointing to a small shed next to the cabin that had several holes in the roof and several planks of wood torn from the side walls.

"Oh, how wonderful!" I claimed sarcastically then rolled my eyes.

She turned around from walking towards the cabin, "Hm, you know what? You boys have so what you'd like with her tonight. I won't tell the Devil." She winked.

The demons started to chuckle and come closer to me, touching me in spots I didn't want them to touch me. I screamed for help. My hands were still tied together. I was terrified. I shut my eyes, wishing it would stop.

Then it did. I opened my eyes and looked around to find the bodies of the demons laying on the ground. Did Livius and Asmodeus come to find me? I became excited and my heart rate sped up.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're safe, my love! I can't believe she would treat you like that! Luckily, I'm here to save you!" I turned behind me to find Adephagia walking toward me.

"Uhm, thanks." I said, shocked and scared.

"No need to thank me! That's what mates to, protect each other!" She said cheerfully as she stopped in front of me.


"Hush. Now, we should go before Hecate comes to check on what happened. Oh! Here let me-" She said, then she touched the ties around my wrists and they disappeared.

"Oh, wow." I whispered, a little amazed.

"Let's go! We're going to convince my dad not to kill you because I want you to be my mate! Trust me, he'll be okay with it!" She hummed. Adephagia then grabbed my hand and began running, forcing me to stumble after her.

What the fuck kind of day has this been?