
Mother of destined children


Death Domain

Charred lands

In the charred lands walked a mysterious. He stood six feet tall, with red eyes and white hair. He had pale skin, cold eyes and a deathly aura. He wore a black tattered robe that concealed most of his body but it could not hide his strong build forged over years of hard work. Slung on his back was a simple black kitana with no sheath. The handguard was a simple square with no other patterns. The man walked towards a bustling city.

The city was filled with exquisite and well furnished buildings, everything was adornished with gold and other rare metals. A large variety of goods could be seen going in and out of the city. The streets where bustling with trades happening evert second without rest. There stood a large surrounding the walls with an army guarding the walls. In the middle to north of the city stood luxurious residences for merchants and other dignified guests to find rest.

The man had stopped walking when he reached a kilometer away from the cities wall." I am in range", the man whispered to himself. He reached steadily towards his katana strapped onto his back with his left hand. Once his hands gripped his katana he brought it slowly to his front. With his katana in hand he positioned himself in a stance. His left foot forward and right foot at 45 degrees, and his katana was raised in the air with both hands gripping the sword. His stance was simple but it was beyond what mortals could do. If any mortal saw him they would call him a sword God, which is not too far off. Maintaining his stance he took a deep breathe in the brought his katana down in a slow swing while exhaling. The swing was perfect his godly image. Once his swing was completed the man came to a complete stop. He looked in front of him where he swung his sword as if expecting something. As if to answer his the air in front of him distorted letting out a sound of glass. Space collapsed in front of him revealing a dark and purple corridor. The man not shocked by the outcome took a deep breathe then slowly walked through the collapsed space into the corridor. When he walked in the space behind him closed leaving no way back. The man slowly walked forward till he reached a small barely discernible tear in the corridor, it was barely the size of an atom but he could somehow spot it. He reached for the tear with his sword and forced it open with his sword. The tear slowly opened revealing a gold door with two men standing besides it. The men wore white body armour and had a sword strapped to their sides. The white haired man stepped out of the space corridor back into the world revealing himself to the two guards. With unmatched smoothness he swung his katana towards the neck of the two guards. His katana as if being an illusion passed through the two guards like air. The two guards as if being awoken by something jumped up finally noticed the presence of the man. The men did not try to reach for their weapons but tried to kneel instead. They were mercenaries and had been so long enough to tell who was a threat and who was not, and that man not only appeared before them without them knowing but he also carried a deathly aura that they could not contend with or discern. They knew they only had one chance to kneel and follow his commands or else they would lose their lives but alas they were to late and the man gave them no mercy. Chaotic spacial tears formed at the throats of the two men. The space expanded and compressed repeatedly. The men could only scream for half a second before their heads vanished in the spacial tear. The year healed after the men were killed restoring balance. The man with haste swung his katana at the golden door but this time it did not bend space, this time the door was just cut perfectly and collapsed. The man walked in the room at a steady pace. In the room there was only a large ornate bed with a small man sitting cross legged on top of it. The man was only four feet tall with a teenage face. He had green hair, blue eyes and pink skin. His skin looked soft and supple and most importantly he had a visible aura of pride in his eyes. As soon as the white man walked in his eyes locked onto the small man. The white haired man's neutral expression turned into one of confidence

He let out a smirk and a heavy intent to kill surged out of him. His eyes were filled with joy and excitement ready to kill the man in front of him. For the first time the man did not swing the katana with ease but swung it down violently and brutally. The katana swung at a speed non could see with an immeasurable force not only that but the space around the katana seemed to gather chaotically around it as if gathering to enhance the strike. All this was done before the small man could even notice his door was opened. The katana did not even strike the man before he died, all it took was the pressure from space to kill him and turn him into mince meat. Though the man was dead the white haired man continued his swing determined to leave not even a cell of him left. The man's swing brought an apocalyptic scene to the landscape. Nothing remained of the building they were in. A large tear could be seen in space and the ground below was perfectly split in two. The man's expression had gone back to neutrality after the swing as if he never had it. The guards of the city swarmed ruined residence with weapons ready to strike the perpetrator. The captain stood in front of them with his hand up signaling the men not to attack. The captain looked at the man as if asking what was his purpose, who was he and why did he need to cause so much damage. The man as if understanding the captain unleashed his aura. The man's aura brought a feeling of death over everyone, it was an aura that brought fear and despair to all who felt it. No matter how strong one got they still feared death and this man's aura was close to it. The white haired man parted his robe revealing a should tattoo. "I am Timothy, disciple of the death sect and member of the extermination squad." The tattoo as if to support him had the image of a skull with deep dark eyes that could swallow mortals. This was the insignia of the death sect one of the rulers of the ten domains, a power that could decide the fate of millions of galaxies. The captain and his men gulped and immediately kneeled before the man. "We greet! The great Timothy of the Death sect.", they yelled in respect and fear."This was the command of the death sect.", Timothy explained. No one said anything else and they all orderly dispersed.

Death Domain

River world

In the middle of a large field stood a man with stairs blue and white eyes.He was six feet tall, had a lean build and had pitch black hair. He held a large and warm smile. His face was perfect what some would call godly. A beauty not seen unless one's body was cleansed and perfected. The man's name was Azel Rend. He was a simple farmer. His parents had been path walkers that retired in this land. They both built the farm alone with their unnatural strength. They have birth to him and raised him with the basic principles needed to survive and kindness. He grew in a happy household. That was until both his parents passed away when he was 20 forcing him to takeover and manage the farm. Though it felt a bit early he quickly moved on from their death and moved on knowing he now had their legacy, their farm in his hands. He was a kind, intelligent and well-mannered man to all who knew him.

River world


A woman lay in bed cradling two children in her arms. The scene would look normal if the children were not complete opposites.

The women cradling the children was Scarlet Night a retired historian, librarian and geographic expert of the kingdom. Contrary to her name she was born on a suuny and peaceful day and delivered to a kind and loving orphanage. She had a happy childhood and adolescent life with the only problem appearing being her beauty. Scarlet had deep dark eyes, dark hair, full lips and pale skin. She had a lean build from working and a sharp jawline. All these came together to make her attractive even as an adolescent. When she grew up and her hips and breasts developed she became someone men would die to touch. She struggled with men because of this bit did not let it deter her and strived to help her orphanage and grow her career. With her hardwork she achieved her goals and retired to the peaceful countryside after a decade of hardwork. In the countryside she found the father's of her two children.

Her first child Azreal Night was a 9 month old boy, he had black hair, pale skin and blue and white eyes. This was all inherited from his father Azel. Azel was the love of her life the man she married out of love but unfortunately he died a painful death. He died in the hands of a troupe of traveling women who came to town. They were enchanted by his beauty and kidnapped him. He was then tortured, raped and killed before he was found and his perpetrators were killed. Her son was 8 months after that day. He was kidnapped 9 months before her son was born. She had to struggle with his death and her pregnancy by herself.

Her second son was only a day old, he had inherited his white hair and red eyes from his father but still had her face. Her second child came from a traveler named Timothy, he came a week after her first son was born. The village was scared of him because though no one knew who he was they could tell he walked a path and was not mortal like them. He was looking for a place to rest before his next journey and our town was his stop. No one would let him stay and the only one who could accept him was her. She did not let him stay for free though she asked him to restore her health in return for him staying there. She wanted to get rid of her weakness from birth so she could take care of her children. He agreed and provided her a fruit that would restore her back to before birth and make her a bit stronger. The fruit however would kill her since she was a mortal unless she dispersed the energy in her body. She could do this by exercising or engaging in other activities. She chose to sleep with the man tobrelaese the energy. This was because she was feeling heated. She saw from his eyes that he did not see her as anything else but another human which was refreshing and his mannerisms were cold which meant he would not grow attached to her. He was also a man of honor who would keep his promises which was proven by the fact he did not force the villagers to accommodate him in their houses and he did not go back on their deal. There was no harm in sleeping with him. She had lost some of her needless manners and shame in her depression. She needed to curve the loneliness of raising a child alone. She wanted to sleep with a man that did not just for her just once and be celibate for the rest of her life again. In the end they did sleep together and he left a month later unfortunately he also left his unknown child with her Xavier Night her second child.

This was how her two children were born. Her two births were not special to anyone else but she noticed that their identities were a bit extraordinary and from history she knows those with stories like this usually have big destinies. She had a premonition her children would not be normal.

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