

For a split second, I felt the Grim Reaper glaring at me.

I may be brave, but I had never killed anyone, never witnessed such a bloody scene. The chainsaw in my hand dropped to the floor as my grip was lost in shock.

"I've killed three people already, and one more won't make a difference. You've got guts, trying to cut me up with that chainsaw," the murderer sneered, his eyes bloodshot. He raised his hand in a threatening gesture, trying to intimidate me.

I won't lie, I was scared. But I couldn't afford to be. If anything happened to me, my two kids would be done for.

"If you want money, name your price. I'll give you anything you want, as long as you don't hurt me," I managed to keep my voice steady. "The police are after you, and you'll need money to escape. I can help you get out of here, and even arrange for someone to get you out of the country. Think about it."