

If I could somehow make Damon, that jerk, incapable of having offspring, I'd be over the moon. It would only be fair that he pays for the pain he'd caused me.

Sadly though, the slimy bastard was quick on his feet.

"You gonna let go now?" I glared at him coldly

"No way," retorted Damon, showing no signs of backing down.

I was reaching my boiling point. The feeling of being overpowered and losing control of my own body was unbearable. I could think of only one way to fight back and bite him!

I successfully took a chunk out of Damon's arm.

He winced but didn't push me away.

After I'd had my fill and released my bite.

Damon gripped my chin, forcing me to look up. His kiss was like a forceful storm, almost suffocating me

It was a bizarre sensation. I should despise him, resist him, but his kisses always sparked something indescribable within me. Was I a masochist? Why was I feeling this urge to submit under such circumstances?