

They claim Melissa is a monster, an evil witch, or a demonic demon cursed. Alison Ferrer, a second-year Walter Academy student, began having a scary encounter when she first saw a mysterious woman. Later on, Alison met David Gomez, a guy who introduced himself as a pure human with no magic; her encounter with David would be the key to unlocking a truth buried in the pit for a long time, a hundred years ago. A secret that will change Alison's life because of Melissa.

rediousinpaper · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Breeds and Familiar

I observed the line of students who are now in the middle, all those lined up under the flag have finished knowing what breed they are, and what's even more impressive is that they have familiars.

Familiars are strange creatures with powerful abilities who serve as mentors for witches and strength and guards.

They should have been notified about this. Therefore it came as a surprise to us. The upper years have no familiars since the familiars have been sleeping for three years, and it just so happens that the familiar spirits are awake this year.

They only wake up when there's a bloody moon, so getting during one is lucky.

I'm even more excited to learn about the breed and which familiar I'll receive. I'd like to see what attitude I can develop over time.

I took another look around. Some people were obtained by spirits of fairies, dragons, and zodiac signs.

I wish I could summon an astral spirit.

"What are the creatures coming out of that circle?" David wondered who was in line behind me because our section was the next one.

"Familiar spirit, they will keep watch over the witches," I answered, facing him.

"Don't expect to have a familiar because people can't call a familiar," I explained.

He burst out laughing.

"You're so rude. It seems like it's a big deal to you that I'm human." I laughed, he said.

"Indeed," I answered, looking ahead once again.

"You know what a pity. If you were a witch, you would have a familiar spirit like us," I remarked, my gaze fixed on the front.

"Do you think if I became a witch, what kind of familiar spirit would I get?" I turned back to him when he asked.

"Hmm, I think you have air spirits," I remarked. I noticed him smiling.

"Really? "How did you say so?" he inquired.

"Nothing, because you're so calm?" I replied, so he laughed even more, and then I looked back to the front where the person in our line would be next.

"What are they up to? What are they doing to themselves?" When he inquired again, I turned to look to the other side, where the contract between the Familiar and the witches was being negotiated.

"That's how witches and familiars work." My response.

"Witches wound their palms and then let the blood drip on their familiar, and the symbol of the agreement between the familiar and the witch will appear on the body of the familiar," I explained.

"That's how it is? We humans just sign the paper when we exchange contracts with one person." He states.

"It's a miracle, Alison. You're talking to David." Wayne, the person speaking in front of me, caught my attention.

"Shut up, Wayne, Alison is happy tonight. That's why," Franxine stated as she stood before Wayne.

"You know what, you, too, make an issue." I then stated.

There was stillness between the four of us as the line in front of us drew closer and closer, my heart racing faster and faster.

Until Franxine decided to find out what breed she was.

We noticed that the magical crystal emblem shone blue, indicating she belonged to a coven. I was pleased when I saw that the wand she had placed on top of the crystal had been updated. She grinned and proudly showed us her wand.

Then, a black cat with a moon-shaped head appeared from the adjacent crystal circle.

"Congratulations, your Familiar is a black cat's spirit," Ariza announced, promising to guide us.

"One of three classes of the most excellent familiar spirits you have acquired." It added and motioned to one of its coworkers. Franxine was promptly led to where her contract would begin.

Wayne was next in line, and he placed his wand on top of the crystal. The crystal gradually turned yellow, indicating that he was a cosmic witch. I was taken aback when I saw his superb wand, which had also been enhanced.

"I wish I could be a cosmic witch too," I said quietly as I looked at Wayne, who was staring at his wand, which was black in color and adorned with a unique diamond.

His familiar, a black dog with unusual fur appeared next.

"A Vulpes, congratulations, you have acquired a very beautiful and powerful Familiar," Ariza smiled.

I turned to face David.

"Let's change," I said. He smirked.

"Why? You're up next." He states.

"I'm nervous," I admitted, and he laughed and swapped with me.

"Where's your wand?" Ariza inquired.

"Ah, I'm afraid I don't have a wand." One of her org members approached her and murmured, forcing Ariza to stare again at David.

"You're the one who got into Walter, the one with no magic." David quickly nodded,

"If you want, you can touch the crystal," Ariza stated with a frown.

Although he is only a person, why does Ariza want David to touch the crystal?

David quickly followed Ariza, holding the crystal as it gradually grayed. I scowled and turned to face Ariza, who was also frowning.

"Go to the side first," Ariza pointed out to David. I'm sure Ariza is aware that the color that emerged from the crystal is the color of the Gray witches.

Ariza gave me a look that indicated I was next. My heart was racing as I approached the crystal and placed my wand on it; I was praying that I would end up in the cosmic breed because it was my dream.

The hue of the crystal gradually turned gray, similar to David's, and I was taken aback by the result.

That makes me a Grey Witch...

I moved to face the circle where my familiar spirit would appear and scowled for a few moments, but nothing seemed to be usual.

I turned to see Ariza, who was frowning as well. I returned my gaze to the portal, and my brow furrowed even more when a hand emerged from it, followed by the body.

"David?!" I was surprised when he emerged from the portal, and when I turned to the spot where he had been standing earlier, he was no longer there.

I returned my attention to the location where David emerged.

"What are you doing?!" I inquired, my gaze fixed on him.