
The Reborn Investment Tycoon

[this is Mtl edited so some parts may look a little bit awkward] Now that I am reborn, I will be as rich as Croesus! No wait, I have to find my beautiful wife first. At this point in time, my woman still hasn’t fallen in love with her ex yet, so I had better move quickly! Can’t let that cheap scumbag ruin her…

hacky999 · Urban
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66 Chs

Chapter 13 : why are you so shameless

Company image?

Wei Yong looked dumbfounded! he was Stupefied!

However, Wu Chang did not dare to not listen to his boss.

He walked over to Xiao Huangmao.

"slap! slap!"

one slap on his left cheek and one on the right cheek, he slapped him repeatedly, until his face swolle on both sides.

"Our company collects debts legally and has a corporate image? What did you look like when you collect money in this way? Are you gangstars?" Wei Yong slapped the little Huang Mao again.


Xiao Huangmao was dumbfounded.

Wei Yong is not stupid. He recovered his senses, he immediately reacted when he saw Xue Xiaochan's beautiful face and remembered what his boss said that day. The person Mr. Wu said that we shouldn't offend must be her!

Beauty has always been tightly tied to money and power.

With this look, her mother must be a very beautiful lady . Then, her father must be very handsome and noble!

As for Xia Yang next to Xue Xiaochan, Wei Yong didn't take him seriously. Because that kid is a little bit handsome, and there is nothing else special in him.

He decided that it must be that the rich girl was tired of living a wealthy life of luxurious clothes and food. So She wanted to change her routine. and came to eat Mala Tang for a change. At the same time, she found a poor boy.

I don't understand rich people mindset.

"Sorry! This is a misunderstanding! It's Misunderstanding! Liu Shufang's paid her money off, I promise that I will never come here again!"

Wei Yong quickly apologized to Xue Xiaochan, and he bowed deeply, and then stared at the little punk with yellow hair who was stunned in his place, and yelled: "What are you stupid dog doing? Why don't you come here? And give this beautiful woman an apology!"

"sorry miss! Sorry please forgive me!"

Does Xiao Huangmao dare not apologize? With Wei Yong's temper, if he didn't not apologize, he will be slapped again.

Wei Yong and his group are gone.

Liu Shufang was a little shocked. She didn't expect Xue Xiaochan to have such a great background? In one word, Wei Yong and his group were subdued.

Call the police! If Liu Shufang reported them. it will be useless Because this was dispute to get their money back, .

"Thank you, Xiaochan! I don't know what I would do if you weren't here today!" Liu Shufang was very grateful.

"Second aunt, don't be afraid of these bad guys! next time If they dare to come again, I will call the police!" Xue Xiaochan really thought it was her word that made them scramble away.

"Okay! OK! I will listen to Xiaochan!"

After thanking her a lot, Liu Shufang went to greet the other guests.

"My wife is so amazing!"

Xia Yang clamped a piece of pork belly and handed it to Xue Xiaochan's mouth, applauding in his heart.

Xue Xiaochan ate that pork belly with a single bite, only then did she realize that she was taken advantage of by this shameless guy.

After eating Mala Tang.

Xia Yang looked at Xue Xiaochan with a smile, and said, "Wife!"

"what do you want?"

"The two hundred yuan you gave me last time from a week old, have been used up long ago. So, I don't have money to pay for the spicy meal today!"

With tens of millions in his hand, how could Xia Yang have no money? He just wanted to owe Xue Xiaochan a little bit more so that he could pay her back.

"You asked me to eat Mala Tang, now you want me to pay? why Are you so shameless?" Xue Xiaochan was very angry, but she still took a hundred yuan from the pocket of her jeans.

suffered a loos from this kid again!

"Second aunt, the account please." Xue Xiaochan called.

"Xiao Chan, you helped me so much today, how can I charge you? If came to eat in the future, Your orders will be free of charge !" Liu Shufang said Seriously.

Xia Yang placed the one hundred dollars on the counter and said, "Second aunt, if you don't collect it, then we will never come here again."


Liu Shufang was a little bit embarrassed, and then she thought about it, and said in a low voice: "Then I will give you a discount? If you don't accept don't call me second aunt, then you can't say it was for free! In the future, if you come here to eat, I will only charge you at the cost price. and you have to bring your girlfriend when you come! otherwise, I will not accept your money!"

Xia Yang knew that it didn't make any sense to talk to Liu Shufang, but it would affect her business. So, he smiled and said: "Then thank you second aunt, I promise from now on, as long as I have time, I will bring Xiaochan."

After coming out of second Aunt Mala Tang, Xue Xiaochan looked at Xia Yang with a smile.

Xia Yang was too familiar with this look.

, this is his Wife your demonic side!

"Last time you borrowed two hundred yuan, and today you borrowed another one hundred, a total of three hundred yuan. Your student certificate is not enough as guarantee. You have to add this bicycle too." Xue Xiaochan quietly said and revealed her extremely pure and charming Smile.

"Second aunt gave us a discount so it's only fifty not one hundred." Xia Yang retorted quickly.

"It was only fifty? What about the remaining fifty? in wich pocket is resting right now?" Xue Xiaochan asked.

After receiving the fifty yuan that the second aunt gave, Xia Yang subconsciously took it into his pocket.

They are a couple, whoever puts it in his or her pocket, it doesn't matter!

"it doesn't matter in Which pocket it's? Don't care about it that much, OK?" Xia Yang said shamelessly.

Xue Xiaochan stepped on the bicycle directly, and sped away.

"The bike is pawned to me, I will not give it back! Little bastard!"

Damn it! This woman, is too ruthless? Still scolding me as a bastard? Are these words used to scold your husband?

"Wait for me, I don't mind sitting in the back seat!" Xia Yang shouted while chasing behind.

"I mind!"

Xue Xiaochan speeded up so that he would catch up with her.

The bike ran so fast, That Xia Yang couldn't catch up and ended up breathless .

This wife of mine is too fierce!

Xia Yang was depressed in his heart.

after thinking back then, after marrying that lady, even if she wanted to just tease him, she would be definitely waiting for him in front.

This Woman, ha ha!

When he reached the intersection, Xia Yang's were taken aback.

his wife did not leave, she was there waiting for me.

Xia Yang trot over and sat down on the back seat.

"Let's go!"

"Are you not embarrassed to let a girl drive you?" Xue Xiaochan gave Xia Yang a blank look, she gave him the steering wheel, and said, "I'm tired, come and drive."

Let this person do the physical work of driving a bicycle.

Otherwise, what is the use of men?

He sent Xue Xiaochan back to the girls' dormitory, and he leisurely drove his car back to the dormitory .

The other roommates all went to study at night and did homeworks. Liu Chao was alone in the dormitory, staring at the computer screen intently.

"Fatty, what are you doing?" Xia Yang said happily.

"The snack street is going to be demolished. I have to find a new shop for my mother. But the price of these shops are too expensive. I can't buy it with the small amount of money that I have. If I rent, even if my mother work hard for a month. she wouldn't even earn the rent." Liu Chao said, pointing to the screen.

"Aunt Sun just fell ill, and you want her do business? Really such a Pious son!" Of course, Xia Yang knew that Liu Chao was not that kind of persone, he was just joking with him.

"It takes at least two or three months to make a restaurant, from finding the shop to the official opening. I am preparing in advance. At that time, I will only let my mother collect money. I will graduate anyway and go to find a job. , I won't make thousands of yuan a month, so I might as well inherit my mom's barbecue stall." Liu Chao explained to Xia Yang very seriously that he was not joking, And he really was thinking to do that seriously.

In his previous life, his friend had planned this too. Unfortunately, Sun Mei has died at the time. so He didn't open the barbecue restaurant, because he was thinking of his mother.

Opening a small shop and sell barbecue with his mother.

This was Liu Chao most important wish in his life.

although it was Simple wish, but it will make him happy.

"How much do you need for your snack street?" Xia Yang asked.

"830,000! When I earn money, I will pay you 500,000, Brother Yang. If not, I will go find a cheaper shop." Liu Chao said.

"this 500,000 yuan is debt you will give me back when I marry. Don't worry about it now. You can find the lot first and start the business. You have to make money. Later, when I don't have money, I will borrow it from you!"

Xia Yang patted Liu Chao on the shoulder and said with a grin: "My half million is cheap, but it's not so easy to take. Then, so you have to double it back for me? So, you have to use this Eighty hundred and thirty thousand, and find a place to expand the business. When the time comes, you should hire someone. When the business succees, you and my nephew will be the bosses, isn't that great."

"Okay! Don't worry, Brother Yang! I will save one million, and I will lend it to you when you will my sister-in-law." Liu Chao said, patting his chest.

In this case, Xia Yang always felt that there was something wrong with it. However, he didn't go deep into it.

Xia Yang knows Liu Chao's temperament very well. Let him make money, and save some for his marriageit. For this promise, the kid will definitely go all out to repay this debt.

Sun Mei's grilling skills, coupled with Liu Chao's hard work, their shop will definitely be booming.

I hope you all liked the translation and feel the improvment in your reading quality, If you have any advice to improve the reading experience please tell me in the comments.

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