
The Rebirth Of The Undaunted

Lily and Damon of the Wildfire pack were in love. Damon dies mysteriously on the eve of his wedding to Lily. A devastated Lily runs to the moon goddess, desperate to bring back the love of her life and exchange her life for his. According to the law of life and death, you give up life for a new life. Damon comes back to life but at the expense of Lily’s. The moon goddess pities her and brings her back to life but in the omega’s body of the Duskfire pack. The feud between the wildfire pack and the Duskfire would never end. It runs so deep that a curse is placed to seal it. With the resurrection of Damon who is now crowned the Alpha of the Wildfire and the rebirth of Lily in Ariona’s body in the Duskfire pack the destiny of their life changes. Damon comes alive to hear the death of Lily, he mourns her but he is forced to choose a Luna and quickly at that. Lily, now Ariona, runs to the Wildfire pack in the hope of getting back with Damon only to meet his mating ceremony with her best friend, Alicia. Heartbroken, she returns to the pack only to be treated very poorly. Somehow she hears the curse placed on her former pack and the one she has been reborn into. She runs back to Damon, determined to fight for the man she had exchanged her life for. No one, not even the body she had woken up in would stop her from getting the only man she had loved alive, dead, and alive again.

AmobiOffor · Fantasy
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61 Chs



My eyes adjusted to the bright sun rays that were cascading down on my skin as I was pulled to the field.

I scanned the place, the people on the seats cheering and those on the podium, I looked at the Alpha, the Old Alpha Cassio, he had what seemed like a smirk on his face. I squinted my eyes trying to capture the look on his face then I realised he was watching me.

'Does he know me, am I already in his black book' I tried to wave the thought but his smirk deepened when he realised that I was watching him as well.

'What an Alpha'

Gunshots filled the air, bringing me back to my senses, this is a contest. I looked at my opponent, a male werewolf.

He seemed to be studying me, watching me like a prey, or maybe he was checking me out.

I raised my eyebrows as a smile curled on my face.

"Get fighting and stop flirting with your eyes" the man from the room said. Forgive me, I don't know his name afterall.

I turned to him,

'Was he ordering us to kill each other'

I couldn't believe it.

I turned back to my opponent but he was launching at me, fortunately I dodged it by a little space.

'I don't want to fight'

He turned back to me again, moving faster this time, and soon I landed at the other side of the field on my back. My body ached as I tried to stand up but he was coming at me again throwing me off balance. I flew up colliding with a wall, my head buzzing in pain.

I fell weakly to the floor.

I couldn't recollect my thoughts as he flung me at once to a far distance and I tumbled, rolling over on my tummy till my body came to a halt.

I heard my bones crack. My eyes fluttered weakly as I tried to keep them open, I felt sore all over. I dragged myself off the sandy floor, limping as I stood. Closing my eyes, I snapped my broken bones in place.

The pain was excruciating as low groans left my lips.

Opening my eyes, I analysed my body, bruises covered my arms with blood slowly seeping from them.

"Finish her" the crowd cheered.

An image came to my mind, if I was really Ariona, a weak wolf, they would still finish me off, leaving me useless.

These people seemed to know that I was Ariona, an Omega, the shadow that followed me knew, so definitely they all knew. They wanted to finish me off, or they wanted to get something out of me either way, I won't let them get it.

My opponent had an evil smile on his face, it seemed like he was ready to finish me. I didn't want to fight but he started it and he was happy to beat a lady so I won't spear him either.

I took a step back to gain stamina, a smile involuntarily curling on my face. I gave him the sign with my hand.

"Come if you dare"

Everyone seemed surprised as the crowd cheered louder.

He came at me again, moving fast, out of anger I guess, he was so close to sweeping me off my feet but he still missed, he turned at once to grab me but I dodged causing him to stagger but he was soon on his feet. I couldn't mind. He started it. He drew closer, watching me with keen eyes, maybe trying to decipher where the new found strength came from but I was no ordinary wolf, no Omega as well.

I am Lily

He launched at me again, I took a deep breath filling my insides with air as he launched at me, I moved back at once and grabbed him from the abdomen flinging him again.

The crowd turned quiet, shock written all over their faces, that didn't matter to me at the moment, as my opponent sprinted towards me, but I kneed in the gut causing him to keel over in gut wrenching pain.

Falling flat on the ground, he tried to prop himself up with his hands but he kept failing. I watched for a while as he didn't want to give up.

Everyone was anticipating a finishing move from me but I didn't touch him just watching him struggle to stand up. I turned to look at the podium, the Alpha was cheering with a lucid smile on his face.

'Who is he, and why is his pack so wicked'

I wanted to know.

I was swept off my feet, landing on the floor, my head spun, a brown wolf was towering over me, its fangs grazing over my legs, having a murderous intent in its eyes.

Its fangs came at me about to break my feet apart.

Ana tried to surface but the wolf was on top of me, grazing at my feet, obviously searching for the perfect spot to pierce its fangs into.

Panic began to build in my chest,

'I can't die… not now'

I reminded myself.

I felt the wolf's fangs pierce into my skin causing me to wince in pain.

The crowd weren't bothered as they kept cheering.

Then there was a chance, the slightest chance that I thought would never come, the wolf looked up from my legs to take in the pained expression on my face… no Ana's face.

She bit it's neck causing the wolf to retreat a bit. She propped herself up as she dashed towards the wolf, baring her fangs to get a luscious bite.

'Bad wolf'

Well her mission couldn't be accomplished due to the sound of gunshots that filled the air.

Ana stopped in place.

"Alpha has chosen" the man from the room said.

"Take them back" he ordered.

Several guards walked to us, holding guns in their hands in case we misbehaved.

Ana felt a sharp sting on her spine and I felt her weaken, her vision clouding. She slumped.


My body kept dangling, as I slowly opened my eyes.

My mind was blank as I tried to recollect my thoughts.

"What happened?" I heard Ana ask.

I was just as confused as she was; nothing seemed to cross my mind, it felt like my brain was still asleep.

The pain hit me. My head buzzed as fragments of unfathomable images flooded my mind. I winced. It was excruciating, my head was banging as the images surged through my mind. I just couldn't figure anything out.

I raised my hands to rub my temples. Then again, my hands were chained, in silver chains as usual and it was sipping all the strength I thought I had.

"Wicked wolves" I cursed under my breath.

How could they be so cruel and selfish? I wish I could rip off the smile on their faces at the contest.

'Bunch of lunatics'

The pain heightened as all the images became clear.

"Don't fight it" a voice said beside me. I turned to look at the werewolf. She was also chained like me.

I looked down at my body, I vividly remembered being in my wolf state before I was injected but now I'm back and I was wearing a different set of clothes.

'At least they are kind enough to cover me up'

Then I looked around. I realised that we were in a vehicle as it moved nonstop causing us to move back and forth as it climbed over potholes.

The Wildfire pack and Duskfire pack weren't so advanced like this pack, they were mediocre when it came to vehicles.

This pack had vehicles but they were so cruel. I felt the pain again.

"The pain would go away slowly" and painfully, I wanted to add but the words stuck in my throat.

The vehicle continued to move. The driver came to an abrupt stop and we almost flew out of it if not for the doors.Then the ride continued.

"The driver seems untrained," the woman said.

"I agree… I don't think he should drive at all" I replied.

She had her blonde hair cascading down her shoulders and her lips looked pale.

Her face was pale too but her eyes had light glistening in them. I guess she has hope of leaving this place just like me.

"Are you from around here?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Wildfire pack "

My eyes widened. "Wow… you and I" I said to earn a chuckle from her.

"How did you get captured then?" She asked

"Wandering about," I told her.

She chortled. "I did the same," she said.

"My name is Eve" she said and I smiled.

"Ari," I told her.

The vehicle took a sharp bend and we flew to the side, my head almost crashing into the door before the vehicle came to a quick halt.

The door of the vehicle flung open to reveal a man with guards around him, he was dressed in black and had an eyepatch on.

"Welcome ladies," he told us.