
The Rebirth Of The Dual Element Summoner

Lu fan a strong Summoner encounters a plot that claimed his life in battle.. when he opened his eyes again he realized he was reborn now he is out to gain more power to be able to defeat his enemies. What happens when the world goes into chaos with the invasion of foreign powerful monster

Akinola_Olaitan · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 9 Chasing the Sawtooth Beetle

  Thinking of this, Lu Fan showed a smile, and with a thought, motioned to the giant snowing wolf.

  The Giant Snow Wolf and Lu Fan have the same mind, and once Lu Fan gestured, the Giant Snow Wolf understood what he meant.

  It also knew that the enemy was in front of it, and it was not the time to play its temper.

    It immediately bowed its body according to Lu Fan's intention, and the aura of D-level high-level was completely released. 

    A pair of sharp wolf eyes stared fiercely at the three in front of it.

  In later generations, the strength levels formulated by humans are arranged according to the English alphabet, with A level being the strongest and D level being the weakest.

  And each level is divided into elementary level, middle level, and high level. Although there is only a short level difference, the gap between each level cannot be made up by three sawtooth beetles, and the number is almost doubled.

  The three sawtooth beetles who were targeted by the giant snow wolf's aura obviously also understood this point. 

   After feeling the energy fluctuations of the giant snow wolf, there was a trace of fear in the insect's eyes, and their bodies trembled slightly, and they started to move backwards slowly. 

    Retreat slowly.


  Seeing the sawtooth beetle wanting to escape, Lu Fan snorted coldly and said, 

   "Want to run after pretending? 

   Think I'm a vegetarian!"

  If he had come later, the three beetles might have smashed through the iron door of the infirmary, and the consequences for Jiang Yue hiding inside could be imagined. 

    Because of this, Lu Fan would naturally not spare them!

  "You go to the infirmary first to find Sister Jiangyue, and I'll go and cook these three miscellaneous fish!"

  Lu Fan turned his head and said something to Lu Yingying beside him, then stepped on the back of the giant snow wolf, slapped its wolf head and said, "Let's go!"

  How many times have I said, I'm not a horse!

  The giant snow wolf bared its teeth, although it was extremely reluctant, but who let it be a summoned beast, it has no right to a wolf!

  In the end, he obediently carried Lu Fan on his back and chased after the three sawtooth beetles.

  "Then be careful!"

  Lu Yingying wanted to stop Lu Fan from chasing the beetles, but when she saw that Lu Fan had gone far away, she could only yell behind him helplessly, and finally pursed her lips and ran towards the infirmary.

  The other side.

  The three sawtooth beetles were running in the opposite direction from the teaching building, and Lu Fan chased them with confidence.

  Although the sawtooth beetle's moving speed was not slow, it was not a little bit worse than the giant snow wolf. 

  Even if it ran for a few seconds first, it was still quickly overtaken by the giant snow wolf. 

  The slowest one insect foot was bitten off by the giant snow wolf.

  As time went by, after a sawtooth beetle at the back gave up three insect legs and a horrible wound on its abdomen, they were finally forced to the edge of the school's last wall.

  Dead end!

  There was a wall in front and pursuers behind, and the sawtooth beetles saw that they had nowhere to escape, so they had to turn around.

  Dogs will jump over the wall when they are in a hurry, but they obviously can't. 

  When they are cornered, they can only choose to fight to the death with the giant snow wolf, so as to have a chance of survival.

  When the two sawtooth beetles turned around and turned back, the last beetle had lost three legs and its speed was severely affected, and it had already moved a short distance away from them.

  At this time, the giant snow wolf that had already arrived in front of them opened its sharp teeth and bit it down. 

   Naturally, the dying sawtooth beetle couldn't stop it, and its head was crushed in one bite.

  "Hey! Well done!" Lu Fan jumped off the wolf's back, patted its head, and praised it.

  Hearing Lu Fan's praise, the Giant Snow Wolf raised his head proudly, and just about to howl, Lu Fan slapped his hand on the head 

   "Okay, be quiet, we will have to go around when we attract the insect swarm."  Do you understand!"

  The giant snow wolf that had been slapped spat out two streams of hot air from its nostrils, and gritted its teeth angrily.

  Why didn't you think of this when you beat me just now and asked me to attract three sawtooth beetles?

  Ignoring the resentful giant snow wolf, Lu Fan focused his attention on the two sawtooth beetles that were forced to the corner, and said with a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth,

   "Why don't you run away?

        Keep running!"

  Lu Fan can be said to be very proud now, less than half an hour after the end of the world, he was able to run away with three sawtooth beetles, so he will not be against the sky in the future?

  Thinking of this, the smile on Lu Fan's face grew stronger.

  Although the two sawtooth beetles didn't know what Lu Fan was talking about, they could see a hint of complacency in Lu Fan's expression.

     Although they were a little angry, the aura of the giant snow wolf next to them made them dare not make mistakes.


  In order to avoid Ye Changmeng, Lu Fan didn't dare to hesitate any longer, raised his ax and rushed forward with a wave of his hand.

  Wang woof -!

  "Wow woof?"

  Lu Fan, who was one step ahead, frowned slightly when he heard the voice behind him, and murmured with some doubts.

   "Why is there a dog barking?"

  "Wait! Dog barking!?"

  After hesitating for a while, Lu Fan suddenly thought of something, and looked back suddenly.

  He saw that the body of Snow Wolf, who was still fierce and abnormal just now, shrunk extremely quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it changed back to the appearance of Teddy when it was just summoned.


  Lu Fan felt bad after seeing this scene.

  Brother, do you want to be so deceitful!

  Without the Giant Snow Wolf, Lu Fan naturally didn't dare to rush over. 

   He quickly ran back to the teddy dog, pinched its neck and said, 

  "Brother Dog! 

  No! Master Dog! 


   It was my fault to slap you, Change back for me quickly! Otherwise, we both have to die here!"

  "Wow... woof..."

  Teddy's pinched eyes narrowed slightly, his face flushed, he could only stick out his tongue helplessly, and sent some information to Lu Fan through the contract imprint.

  After receiving the message, Lu Fan was petrified there on the spot.

  He roughly understood the meaning of Teddy Dog through the contract.

  It only takes about three minutes to transform, and after this time, it will return to its original shape. 

If there is no other energy supplement, it will take 24 hours before it can be used again, and it just happens to be invalid now!

  click click click...

  There was a sound of footsteps stomping on the ground.

  Lu Fan turned around stiffly, and saw that the two sawtooth beetles that were so scared to death just now had slowly crawled over, opening their sharp teeth.

  Without the deterrence of the giant snow wolf, they would not be afraid of Lu Fan, a mere human being.

  "What, you two uncles..." Lu Fan pulled a stiff smile on his face.

   "What do you think of the taste of dog meat?"

  Teddy: ...

  Sawtooth Beetle: ...

  Obviously, the sawtooth beetle couldn't understand what Lu Fan said, but due to unknown reasons, the giant snow wolf disappeared, So they were a little apprehensive and didn't rush over immediately, just stalemate with Lu Fan.

  "I'll fuck you little Tom!"

  Lu Fan knew that he couldn't procrastinate like this, so he broke the stalemate first, roared, and threw the teddy dog ​​with a confused face in his hand towards the sawtooth beetle.

  "Wow woof woof!?"

  Teddy roared wildly in the sky with a dazed face, drew a beautiful parabola, and smashed one of the sawtooth beetles.

  The sawtooth beetle that was targeted found a teddy dog ​​flying towards it, and was slightly taken aback, then raised its head and opened its mouth wide, ready to catch the teddy with its mouth, and then swallowed it in one gulp.

  Teddy was flying, looking at the sawtooth beetle with a long mouth on the ground, tears came out of the dog's eyes, and he cursed its owner for nothing.

  Just when Teddy thought his dog life was coming to an end, he suddenly felt his body lighten, and before falling into the worm's mouth, his body turned into particles of light and disappeared.

  The sawtooth beetle opened its mouth on the ground for a long time, but it didn't notice that the teddy dog ​​fell down. When it was a little doubtful, it found that Lu Fan on the side had already rushed to it with an axe, and raised the ax to chop down on it.

  The reason Teddy disappeared was precisely because Lu Fan canceled the summoning just at that moment.

  He threw Teddy out to distract the sawtooth beetle. 

  Seeing that the sawtooth beetle was not paying attention to him, he rushed over immediately.

  Feeling the giant ax attack, the sawtooth beetle reacted instantly, and was about to parry, then felt a strange force suddenly acting on his eyelids, and then he lost his vision.

  Click! ! !

  Although the sawtooth beetle's eyes were sealed with mental power, the sawtooth beetle's reaction was extremely fast, and Lu Fan's ax just slashed on the insect's foot it set up.