
The Rebirth Of The Celestial Of Lust

A young man was living his life as a shut in, spending most of his time playing an adult video game called Endless Fantasy or working on a crazy AI project of his, not minding the world outside. One day as he was playing Endless Fantasy, he decided to finish the only mini-story in the game he hadn't finished yet after getting bored of always playing the main story. Once he completed the mini-story he decided to focus on his AI project when suddenly a suspicious pop-up asked him if he would rather abandon this world for a new one. After trying to refuse and resist the temptation he accepted the insane offer. He then came to find out that he was now one of 7 candidates to rule the whole Omniverse. Now to prove himself he must collect all the world fragments he can get his hands on by going to different worlds and conquering them. Will he be able to win the race to the top? [Tags: Incest, Yuri, Androgenous, Loli, 18+\Lemons, R*pe, Beastiality, Futa, Harem, Netori, Monster Girls, Super Powers, Eye Powers, Sex Slaves, First-Time Intercourse, Fellatio, Rare Items, Mind-Control, Magical Space, Magic, Cultivation, MILF, Beast Girls, Game elements, Hentai, Sex] Disclaimer: I don't own the cover.

Kikinori27 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 12: What the hell just happened?!

After the discussion with dad, the party continued, and, following that my routine went back to normal. It now consisted of helping mother in the morning with the bakery while taking some time to train magic, training with uncle Ross and finally now working with Dad. The lessons I had before were already just a memory of the past now.

Days passed like that and it was finally time for me to be baptized, just as it was before, many people were there and I joined the line of children. Even though, I know that whatever happens, I'll be ready for it, I couldn't really eliminate this feeling of worry building up in my chest.

It took its time, the same way it had during the past times, but now that I was part of the line myself it was quite stressful to have to wait for such a long time, for something you know will heavily affect your life from that point onwards.

After what felt like an eternity, it was finally my turn, and I kneeled there at the altar as the Grand priest Ark began prayer chanting the ritual of baptism. In the few seconds that felt like years, the baptism status appeared right then and there for all to see.

[Baptism Status]

[Name: Zandrius Tiras Lofn

Age: 14 years old

Sex: Male

Class: Slayer(Normal class/Growth type)

Bloodline: None

Physique: None

Blessings: None

Fate: Only a path full of challenges awaits him]

(Those frikin pieces of shit! Not even a single blessing!!) I couldn't believe they did this, but it seems the Celestials of this planet really want a beating, no problem, I'll hand it to them.

The whole church was rendered silent as the first Lofn, with no talent was baptized. Some people were celebrating and containing their happiness as our family finally had a so-called failure, while others were just surprised that this happened. Even so, the ceremony continued and hours later, I was with my family ready to go home. Though I could see many looks of worry around me, I couldn't care less at this point. The worry I had about this matter had now turned into motivation to beat the celestial of this planet, this was just a setback but not something unsolvable after all, I still had my system and all my EF knowledge.

As we were getting ready to head home, one of the priests approached us.

"I apologize for interrupting, but Grand priest Ark wishes to talk to young Zandrius in private." He said with a smile, but something about his tone made it sound like it was more so an obligation to go.

Before anyone else could say anything, dad looked at me and she asked. "What do you think? Do you want to go?"

"It's fine by me." I respond intrigued by what the grand priest could possibly want from someone supposedly talentless.

She nodded and nobody objected as I followed the priest all the way to the grand priest's office, deeper into the church.

Once we got there, the priest knocked on the door, and we were soon given permission to enter. The inside had two shelves full of books on the left and right wall, while at the end of the room was Ark, himself working on his desk.

" Elijah, you're dismissed. I'll call you if I need anything else." Ark spoke calmly and even had a soft smile on his face, though since his eyes were blindfolded it was hard to tell anything from them.

Elijah immediately bowed and left the room without saying another word.

"Please do sit down." Ark urged me as he pointed at the chair in front of his desk.

Thus I walked there and sat on the chair before looking at and questioning him. "So, why did you want to meet me in private?"

"Zandrius, I'll be very direct with you, to show my sincerity. I'm an Oracle." Ark smiled at me and calmly answered.

Fuck me!! Out of everything he could have said, he said one of the worst. As one might have come to expect from the name Oracle, or even a Seer is an individual who can see the future to a certain extent, and as anyone who understands what that entails would tell you, they are a pain in the ass to deal with; and will definitely lie to you at some point to get the outcome they want. In EF, people who can see the future are some of the most dangerous in the whole Omniverse, because the limitations of their abilities are almost none! It basically boils down to the fact that they can see a limited amount of possible futures, depending on how powerful they are; and how they can't get all the information about what they see, as they can only see the future from their own perspective.

Though there are individuals who can see other people's futures like Diviners and prophets; that's another can of worms. Diviners can't see their own future, while prophets see a general future as if they are watching the world from a third-person perspective.

Then again Seers are more dangerous than Oracles since oracles are chosen by some Celestial to have their future sight, while Seers are born with that ability plus they can see all kinds of paranormal beings.

"What do you want from me?" I keep it simple and clear, as no Oracle would approach you without a plan, especially if they are willing to reveal their identity when there are full-on organizations dedicated to capturing or killing people who can see the future.

"Don't worry, I have no ill intent toward you. I will tell you right now that if you succeed a very bright future awaits you, but It won't be a seamless road, there will be some bumps and holes along the way." Ark said.

"Oh, nice. So, are you answering my question?" I couldn't let myself be led by this guy, then again I might have reacted the exact way him wanted... This shit's why I don't like Oracles, I was tricked by these kind of people a few time while playing EF... If it wasn't for my save files I would have been in deep trouble many times.

The worst is arguable that you can't ever be sure of who has future sight unless you see their status, but because of how dangerous doing so is, nobody with half a brain would claim to be one. Then again it's a very rare ability that's sought out everywhere in the mortal side of things.

"Yes, I will. I want to form an alliance or maybe it would be more appropriate to call it a partnership with you. If you take my offer, many things will be revealed to you about this world." Ark continued to smile and calmly reply to me.

"I see, and how exactly do you intend to consolidate this partnership?" I replied.

"Through a magic contract, though I would be fine making a celestial vow if that is more in line with you." Ark clarified still keeping his smile.

"No, a magic contract works perfectly for me." I answered since magical contracts are the most powerful and reliable binding contracts in the mortal world; breaking them never ends well.

"Great, we can sign it this instant." Ark proposed and stretched his palm towards me.

"I better not regret this or you'll regret it even more." I warn him before placing my hand on top of his.

A bright green light shone as multiple symbols appeared on top of our hands as a partnership magical contract is Initiated.

[Master, Are you sure you want to complete a partnership magical contract with the individual 'Arkeal Ven Hell'?

Yes or No?] As expected the system can interfere in this kind of thing, and it would be possible to break it, but there's no reason to do it. The principle of a partnership magical contract is that both parts can't harm or lie to each other. So it wasn't too bad a deal. If things went south, there were a few ways to get out of this type of contract.

I chose yes and the contract appeared in the green symbols above our hands before disappearing, completely. We both pulled our hands back before I asked.

"So, what secrets did you have to reveal to me?"

"There's quite a bit going on. First and foremost, I'm a fallen angel named Arkeal, Ark is just my human avatar's name; second, the Solar Knights are coming; third, a war is on the horizon with Mormial at the center of it; and fourth the true rulers of Crismentia will soon be free of their restrictions. While I would like to, I can't say much more about it." Ark calmly dropped bombs on me with a smile on his face.

A fallen angel... Oh my, that's already a whole problem on its own. Then you add the frikin Solar Knights to it and well, I might just have an aneurysm... They are fanatics who are... Well... Human supremacists who believe all the other races should be nothing more than slaves, and especially hate demons and half-humans as a curse that should be purged. Their presence will certainly cause trouble.... And I have half-human family...

To top it all, there's a war coming... With my country as the center... Great... But what's this all about the true rulers of the continent?

"I know you can't say too much because future, but what's this true rulers stuff all about?" I questioned.

"Actually it's good that you asked, as I was about to show you. We'll be a part of their meeting, now give me your hand once more." Ark without losing his smile responded.

Not wasting too much time, I gave him my hand.

It was then that I felt this weird blurring of my surroundings before my focus came back and were now in a different room with 13 stone thrones on a similar stone circular pillar-like alter, surrounded by a dark stone temple of sorts. In all of this, I and Ark were at the center of the altar.

"Would you look at that, you have some galls to show up like this." A voice came from one of the thrones I looked only to find a man with red skin, long black hair with white tips, a malicious smile like none other, wearing pitch-black armor, and sitting as relaxed as one could be with his face leading onto his hand.

"Hi! It's been a while. Zan, this man is the Demon Moon, Ariz Gotsuvornia. A very dangerous individual and I don't advise getting on his bad side." Ark calmly introduced the man without losing his smile after greeting him as if he was meeting someone from his past.

"Would you look at that, a high human? Those are a little rarer... Is this what you're going to be putting your 'faith' on?... You disappoint me, Arkeal." Ariz smirked before commenting.

"You underestimate him, and where are the others? I thought I had calculated just the right time..." Ark despite still having a smile on sounded confused.

"I'm the only one here, the others found themselves stranded and I have no time to help weaklings." This time after he spoke Ariz looked at me.

Before anyone could do anything else, I noticed that Ariz was no longer on the throne, but instead right in front of me, looking at my face with Ark's head in his right hand.

"Are you sure? He seems pretty average... No bloodline, no physique, no blessing... Though he does seem to be doing relatively well for a human at his age. But is this it? As I thought quite a disappointment Arkeal." Ariz commented looking at me and Arkeal's head interchangeably.

"You judge too soon, you'll definitely regret those words." Arkeal's head began speaking despite being detached from the body.

"Maybe in the future, but as is, this kid is too weak... Hey kid, I don't know if this airhead told you, but the reason why he's talking to you today is because of a vision from 27 years ago, back then this bastard was living like a slave and-" Ariz began by talking to Arkeal before turning to me and began telling a story, then he got interrupted.

"Ariz! How could you simply open the seal?! You know we have a limited amount of time! You should have waited for everyone!" A Human looking woman appeared now sitting on another one of the thrones.

"Don't waste your breath on him, he won't listen to you." This time a man, this one having elf-like ears appeared on a throne.

"Who cares about Ariz... I'm more interested in this little man here... Oh, Arkeal's here, so that's it... Isn't this one bit too weak?" Another man, this one being very tall and having four arms appeared standing behind Ariz and started looking at me.

"Seriously, we haven't even started yet and you all are already making a fuss about everything." Lizardmen appeared and reprimanded everyone.

This led to another discussion starting before.

"SILENCE!... I'm telling a story... Which part was I at again?" Ariz shut everyone up.

"The part where we leave." Ark replied.

"Ah yes, the part where yo-... Don't you da-" Ariz was tricked for an instant before flames appeared on his horn and he was about to threaten us, but once again everything blurred and we were back at Ark's office with his head attached to his body.

"What the hell just happened?!" I had experienced things like this in the game, but the first-hand experience was just a completely different level.


AN: This is the end of what I would like to refer to as volume zero or Prologue volume or something among those lines since I don't consider the axillary chapters as a volume of their own. Basically what I mean is the training arc is over, rather than an actual volume, and more things will be going on from now on.

I feel like Sophia(System) and Vectis(Lust guy) got a bit forgotten, but that's because their moment hasn't come yet. No Haru(NTRed guy) hasn't been forgotten either, as Vectis is a man of his word.

Anyhow, next is the School arc... I know, but it's not going to boring... Probably... Maybe... I hope, but now seriously I have some stuff planned.