
The Rebirth Of The Celestial Of Lust

A young man was living his life as a shut in, spending most of his time playing an adult video game called Endless Fantasy or working on a crazy AI project of his, not minding the world outside. One day as he was playing Endless Fantasy, he decided to finish the only mini-story in the game he hadn't finished yet after getting bored of always playing the main story. Once he completed the mini-story he decided to focus on his AI project when suddenly a suspicious pop-up asked him if he would rather abandon this world for a new one. After trying to refuse and resist the temptation he accepted the insane offer. He then came to find out that he was now one of 7 candidates to rule the whole Omniverse. Now to prove himself he must collect all the world fragments he can get his hands on by going to different worlds and conquering them. Will he be able to win the race to the top? [Tags: Incest, Yuri, Androgenous, Loli, 18+\Lemons, R*pe, Beastiality, Futa, Harem, Netori, Monster Girls, Super Powers, Eye Powers, Sex Slaves, First-Time Intercourse, Fellatio, Rare Items, Mind-Control, Magical Space, Magic, Cultivation, MILF, Beast Girls, Game elements, Hentai, Sex] Disclaimer: I don't own the cover.

Kikinori27 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 10: The church of the Great Seven

"Not even one bit. Don't worry, you'll get used to it, after all, the training begins now." Uncle Ross answered as he approached me with an evil smile. I might have made a mistake by allowing this monster to be my teacher...

Following that, I tried to swing my weapon at uncle Ross another 13 times and was one-shot koed every single time. As expected the gap was too big and I was not going to use my skills aside from <Body control(self)> and other passives, so I was limited to my natural physical ability, and my combat knowledge. While my physical is outstanding, especially considering my age, my knowledge in combat was close to none, so I could only try not to get hit too badly.

"Interesting... Your physique is beyond my expectations, do you have any body enhancement skills?" Uncle Ross questioned as he looked at me intensely.

"Yes." I gave a short answer as I didn't want to get into it.

"I see, and I assume you still haven't leveled up at all yet, correct?" He continued to inquire.

"No." I answer truthfully. Despite having enough experience to level up for a long time now, I didn't because I haven't reached the limit of my attributes yet.

In the EF system, you had to train yourself until your attribute hit its limit for that level before going to the next one. Usually, people have a limit of 5 attribute points per level, but I checked after killing the noble kid, and I have a 20 attribute point limit, something that according to Sophia is due to <Enhanced Condition> and <Gluttony> working together, giving me the equivalent to 4 level of attribute cap per level. Since normally <Enhanced Condition> would only increase the limit to 10.

Right now, all of my attributes are at 16. So in terms of attributes, I'm as strong as a high-tier Wood rank adventurer. It might not seem like much as people who maxed out their attributes for 3 levels should get there, right? Theoretically, yes, but in a practical sense, it's not that easy. Most individuals never raise their stats beyond 1 at each level, 2 being considered above average, and 3 already at the talented point, 4 on a genius level, and 5 a rare prodigy that comes only once in 100 years.

So, how was I able to raise them to 16, if getting it to 5 is so hard? Cause this system works in relation to your limit. The normal limit is 5 so 5 is the prodigy level, but my limit is 20 so 20 is my prodigy level. 1 is given to you every level so long as you do the basic bear minimum, only if you were highly sick, in coma or crippled would not at least get a 1 in your attributes, though a 2 already requires basic work and some effort, as long as you do it at least once per month, you should be able to make it, to reach a 3 in your attributes you just need a lot of work and a constant work routine maintained done at least once a week for a few years, while to reach 4, you require adding mana to that same routine that must now be done at least 3 times a week for a few years, and 5 needs you to go beyond your limits in both your work routine and mana.

For those reasons, most people could never reach that point. The need for constant work put in for years already weeds out most people, but that added with the need to also have a certain level of mana manipulation makes it exclusive. Since most people don't ever learn how to use mana and of those who do, only a small minority, namely, nobles have the resources to start young enough.

Even if it's not impossible to increase your power later, your first level, level 1 is the most important of them all, as it sets a precedence. If you couldn't reach 5 in your attributes during level 1, that's something you lose the chance to do forever because then your limit gets lowered, and it happens again, if you can't reach 4 in your attributes until level 5, it gets lowered again. This keeps happening until level 15 and by then you only get 1 point limit which won't increase anymore even if you start training like crazy, by that point it's too late. That's also when you unlock attribute unassigned points and instead of having to keep training like crazy, you can now distribute your points which are given in accordance with your performance during the past levels.

If you keep yourself at 5 during all levels, you get 25 points to distribute aside from a free 5 points increment to all your attributes per level. If you stayed at 4 or didn't get all 5s throughout the levels, you get 20 points to distribute aside from a free 4 points increment to all your attributes per level. For 3 or not all 4, you get 9 points to distribute aside from a free 3 points increment to all your attributes per level. At 2 or not all 3, you get 4 points to distribute aside from a free 2 points increment to all your attributes per level. Lastly, for 1 or not all 2, you get 1 point to distribute aside from a free 1-point increment to all your attributes per level.

Though you can still get weaker over time if you slack off or because of age, and the world system will place hidden debuffs on you accordingly.

"In that case, it would seem you have the opportunity to become someone very important in the future... Honestly just the fact that your body has the strength of a high-tier wood-rank adventurer, is already very impressive for someone your age." Uncle Ross commented.

"You say that, but I wasn't even close to getting a single hit in." I retorted.

"Well, that's to be expected. You can't shorten the gap between a wood and a gold rank just by having a stronger body. Plus, you're movements are stiff and obvious, aside from the fact you're not using the advantage you have using a weapon with quite a good range. Not to mention how you also give yourself away by focusing too strongly, on the target of your next attack. Finally, to name a few more problems: weak balance, inconsistent stance, lack of awareness of your surroundings, you're also not using your height to your advantage, inefficient usage of your muscles, no proper breathing technique resulting in wasted stamina, lack of creativity in the ways you try to attack, no exploration of gaps or weak spots, and I could go on, but let's not demoralize you too much." Uncle Ross dropped an unexpectedly long list of things on which I have to improve.

"You say that, but you've been defeating me with the same moves all this time... Also, is there really anything else you can still criticize me for?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Most of what I called you out on, only truly matters if you want to be a combat master or if you are in a tough fight. None of those apply to me. Also, yes I still have quite a few things to criticize, like your weak defense, your way too predictable evasion, your non-existent countering ability, the poor maneuverability due to your lack of understanding of what to do with your body in combat, oh we can't forget you-" Uncle Ross calmly responded as he teased me by actually having more to criticize.

"Ok! Ok, I get it. So what now?" Moving on from it, I change the subject.

"It's your sisters' turn to try out their weapons before we start unarmed combat, then we'll proceed with general physical training. After that, I'll tell you more about what we'll do next." He replied before we moved to the side, where the others were.

"Honestly, how can you just keep getting yourself hit like that? You're lucky you're not seriously injured." Crystal was the first to say something, and I guess this was her way to demonstrate worry or maybe she's just being a bitch again, who knows?

"She means she was worried about you, and honestly, are you ok? That looked very painful." Lilian added before I could even answer, further confirming Crystal's tsundere nature while showing her more genuine worry.

"Yeah, I'm good. You two should be worried about yourselves right now." I reminded while pointing at the now-waiting Ermidia behind me.

Shivers could be seen going through their bodies as they looked at the very serious-looking Ermidia, standing there, menacingly.

While those two were trying to build up the courage to be the first one, I was approached.

"Hi, cutie! Let aunt Roshva look at you, and you'll be feeling as good as new in a bit!" She came in with a strong and friendly aura to her, which was unexpectedly quite overwhelming.

Knowing she was a healer I didn't see any problems with letting her check on me. As the process was being done, uncle Ross was trying to get the girls to go to Ermidia quite unsuccessfully. On the side, I could feel Timina's gaze basically burned onto me, as Roshva was inspecting my body.

"Hey, can you take your vest and your shirt off? I want to check your torso for bruises." Roshva requested.

"Ok." At the moment I had a brown vest over a white shirt, equally brown pants, and shoes with white socks. Following her instructions, I took off my upper body's clothing.

".... You're 10.... Right?" Roshva stopped and narrowed her eyes, probably to look at me most likely surprised by my physique considering I'm still quite young.

"Yeah..." I responded.

"How packed with talent this family is... Well, I better get done with this." She commented before looking at me for a bit before giving me back my clothes and saying. "You're good to go, just a bit strained here and there, but that's part of the training. It's better to let something like this heal on its own."

Not knowing much about healing magic, I could only nod my head and take what she said as verdical, before putting my clothes back on. That aside, Timina also stopped gawking at me like a hawk readying itself to attack.

Once that was done, I was surprised to find that the girls had already decided who was going first and it was Lilian. From where I was, I could see the tears build up in her eyes, but not fully come out as she had a determined face on, and even took a battle stance, as she was holding the blade outwards with both hands. Uncle Ross focused on them as he watched from the side, now taking on the role of referee.

"Begin!" He gave the signal to start.

Immediately Lilian ran at Ermidia and began swinging at her, none of her attacks hit. As she continued to swing time after time, frustration began to build on her face.

This contained for who knows how long before Lilian got exhausted and was breathing heavily. It was stopped there and Roshva went in to get her, while uncle Ross urged Crystal to go in and take her turn.

As soon as Roshva brought her, I went to check on Lilian, and she was fine, just a little bumed out that she couldn't do anything, but I reassured her that it was normal, and eventually it would get better.

Moving on with the training, Crystal had a similar fate to Lilian, unable to get a hit and defeated by exhaustion, without taking a hit. This made me a bit envious of how light they were having it, but then again my body is abnormal, so I guess it's to be expected I would have it harder.

The next part was the unarmed combat training, though it would be more accurate to call what we're doing today an evaluation. Just like the girls, I could not get a single hit in on Ermidia and they weren't any better than the last time.

After that, we began to start the general physical training, which consisted of a training routine similar to my prior one, but a bit more extreme for me, as the girls started by doing a tenth of what I had to do. It was 300 push-ups, 300 sit-ups, 300 squats, a 30 km run, improvised weight lifting, flexibility training, and 1 hour of meditation.

"Ok, that was much better than what I expected when I was asked to do this, and I actually believe that all of you can become much stronger and maybe even suppress me if you put in the work. Now, let me just say that for the next 6 months, we won't be doing any weapon training, and will solely focus on unarmed combat and general physical training. For today this is all, let's go back home." Uncle Ross explained.

We were all very tired and satisfied to get to go home, finally.

From then on the days, would start with the morning stuff like the lessons and the work at the bakery, then from there, it would be training with uncle Ross and his party until it was nighttime. As I had decided previously, I started working on training my magic in my mind space, while I worked at the bakery.

This continued for 3 months, and our physical ability and close combat improved a lot during that time. Also, Lilian become 13 a few months ago.

It was now time for Crystal's 14th birthday, which was considered adulthood in the kingdom of Mormial, our country, and honestly probably in the entirety of Crismentia, our continent, or even maybe all of Larfirth, the planet we live in.

Whatever the case, the important part was that we as a family were all attending the monthly coming-of-age ceremony at the church of the Great Seven, which happens on the last day of every month for all who had reached the age of 14. The purpose was to unlock one's class, activate bloodline, awaken physiques, and see if they would gain any blessings from the Great Seven or even a fate given by the Great Seven.

Everyone had to dress fancy for the occasion, and luckily there was a church of the Great Seven in our town, otherwise, it would have been bothersome to go to another town or even one of the cities just to get this done.

Once we arrived, the church was already very busy, and many kids who I assume are 14, were already lined up with nervousness licking off them, and Crystal had to join in the line while we sat with the rest of the people.

About half an hour later, the grand priest apparently named Ark, had his presence announced, and I was a little surprised to see a blindfolded man with long golden hair wearing the church's robe walk in. It was quite something as he had a strong presence, which outshined the poor children who were supposed to be the focus of today.

Even still, the ceremony proceeded, and a bunch of people had part of their status revealed, fortunately only the part related to the ceremony appeared. Nothing too special happened as a bunch of average people one after the other had their baptism taken care of.

Finally, after a rather long 5 hours wait, Crystal finally got up there, and grand priest Ark began prayer chanting, until the information is displayed on a floating screen.

[Baptism Status]

[Name: Crystal Tiras Lofn

Age: 14 years old

Sex: Female

Class: Rapier Ballerina(Special class)

Bloodline: Hellhound Hybrid(7 stars)

Physique: Hellhound Hybrid(7 stars)

Blessings: #%@?@

Fate: So long as she remains on the path of self-improvement, she will someday have a great husband, who will help her use her talents and fulfill her dreams.]

A commotion broke out because of Crystal's Baptism Status, as even I didn't expect her to have a 7 stars bloodline, much less a hellhound one... Not only that, she has a special class, a blessing and a fate? Gosh, I feel sorry for all those who came before and were nothing to write home about, but those who come after her are just pitiful souls. Though I have to assume the husband referred to in the fate to be myself... Also, this fate message seems different from the usual, which leads me to believe this was made to make things work in the future... Oh well, as I'm right now I can't really do anything about it anyway.