
The Rebirth of Crazy Ger

After being a young master for more than ten years, he suddenly woke up as a poor man with nothing. And to add insult to injury, he was still considered crazy! Crazy people were hated in the tribe! He was bullied and robbed, and to make matters worse, he was forcefully engaged to a beastman he didn’t even recognize. Accepting his new reality with trembling hands, Wang Jin started to make use of his new chance to overcome challenges. From being disliked to becoming everyone’s favorite, he regained everything that had been taken from him. As for the beastman he was forced to marry... Wang Jin glanced at the man who had stood by his side. Feeling his gaze, the man looked back at Wang Jin, his once indifferent eyes softening. He reached out and held Wang Jin’s hand tightly, whispering softly, "In this life, I only want you, whether you're a little crazy or not." Wang Jin's heart raced. Well, this man... is quite interesting, so let's keep him! Years later, Wang Jin found himself pregnant, boiling with anger as he looked at the gentle and flattering man before him. "We agreed not to have children!" he growled. A man's word was as unreliable as ever!

dyosagardo387 · History
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12 Chs


As the shadow appeared, Wang Jin remembered his rich past. Watching the man quietly put on his shoes, Wang Jin thought about the servants who used to do everything for him.

He remembered his fancy mansion filled with beautiful maids and handsome guests. But seeing the scar on the man's face reminded him of his new life.

Touching the scar, Wang Jin wondered if the man's hands were really so gentle.

He asked, "Are your hands really this soft?"

The man froze, seeming unsure what to do.

As Wang Jin's fingers touch the rough surface of the scar, he couldn't help but notice the man's handsome features. He thought to himself, "If only this scar could disappear, this man might outshine even the most distinguished guests I've entertained."

Wang Jin remembered getting hurt in the past and going to the pharmacist for treatment. One of the things the pharmacist gave him was the "Bisheng Ointment," which was famous for making scars disappear.

Wang Jin's eyes lit up, as if thinking of something, he said happily: "This scar can be cured, I have Bisheng Ointment."

The man was taken aback for a moment, never expecting that the first sentence this lunatic said when he came to his home was this sentence.

His hands sifted through the man's pockets, but each one turned up empty. Disappointment washed over Wang Jin as he realized the ointment wasn't there, his excitement fading away.

Without long sleeves, there wouldn't be any "Bi Sheng Ointment" in a pocket.

He thought he remembered, but he still forgot...

He's not that rich young master anymore; he has nothing!


The man's face changed suddenly. After some strange movements, he froze, going from happy to shocked.

Surprised by this sudden change, his delicate mouth opened slightly, showing a bit of white teeth, making him look cute.

Unable to help himself, the man burst into laughter and tousled Wang Jin's hair.

Although this person had been acting normal since waking up, he seemed to have some quirks. The man originally thought it was someone else's mistake, but now...

Looking at Wang Jin, the man shook his head slightly. "He's really crazy."

"..." Wang Jin's eyes twitched.

Old Master's lunatic!

Crazy, but kindhearted...

The man pressed the scar on his face with his thumb. The wound had healed long ago, and the pain had disappeared. Who cared about a wound that didn't hurt and wasn't life-threatening? Except for this lunatic...

The man's brows softened a little. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to live with such a lunatic for the rest of his life.

"It'll sting a bit. Bear with it," the man suddenly said.

Hearing his voice, Wang Jin looked over to see the man raising one of his legs, a brown liquid unknown to him pouring onto his hand. After speaking, he applied the liquid to Wang Jin's bruised bruises and kneaded vigorously.

Wang Jin let out a pained "Ow", gasping for breath and struggling in the chair. "What are you doing!"

The man's subordinates continued to move around, softly reassuring him, "You don't need to exert force. Your blood stasis won't disappear if you force it."

"If you can't bear it, don't try to force it! Let go! Let go!" Wang Jin kicked at the man with his feet.

Unexpectedly, the man's entire body was solid; even if he was kicked, it hardly hurt.

Seeing Wang Jin's bruises worsen from his restless movements, the man frowned. He pinched Wang Jin's flailing legs under his arms, grabbed his flailing hands with one hand, and pressed his body against the wall.

"It hurts... it hurts... it hurts..." Wang Jin's tears were on the verge of flowing.

The brother's cheeks were slightly flushed, his hair stuck messily to his face from struggling, and tears glistened in the corners of his eyes.

His tearful appearance softened the hearts of those around him, including the man, whose heart throbbed inexplicably.

Continuing his actions, the man's tone became unusually gentle and soothing: "It's okay, it's okay. It doesn't hurt."

"Don't hurt, you rascal!" Wang Jin stared at the man through gritted teeth.

Ignoring Wang Jin's words, the man persisted with his actions.

Wang Jin's vision darkened from the pain, and he uttered pleas, begging the man to stop.

But it seemed the man couldn't hear, his hands kept working.

In the past, when Wang Jin was hurt, he received care and painkillers. How could he be treated so harshly now?

The more he thought, the more upset Wang Jin became, crying out, "Wow."

His cries were loud, like a child's.

Surprised, the man let go of Wang Jin, feeling confused. "You..."

"You're bullying me!" Wang Jin pointed at the man, tears falling.

The man smirked. "I'm helping your wound heal."

"You're still bullying me!"

The man felt his patience improving, so he didn't get mad.


Wang Jin was crying heavily, his face red and wet with tears. His hands touched the dusty wall, smudging dirt on his face as he wiped his tears, looking pitiful.

Seeing the situation, the man realized he couldn't get angry. Squatting down again, he wiped his hands on his clothes before gently brushing the ashes from Wang Jin's face, his tone now patient. "Okay, it's my fault. Can I say sorry? Please don't cry."

"...Feels like dealing with a toddler," he thought silently, unable to ignore Wang Jin's distress.

Wang Jin was unhappy inside, but he also understood the distinction between himself and a three-year-old child now. However, he just couldn't control it...

The man hesitated, then hugged Wang Jin gently to comfort him. As Wang Jin leaned in, the man patted his back and said comforting words.

Gradually, Wang Jin's crying lessened, exhaustion taking over as he fell asleep in the man's arms. With an amused smile, the man accepted the situation, lifting Wang Jin carefully from the chair.

Wang Jin felt like he was surrounded by white mist. As he walked a few steps, the mist disappeared. He saw an old man with a white beard and hair sitting at a desk with his eyes closed. There was boiling water, tea, and a smoking incense burner on the desk.

The old man seemed to be aware of Wang Jin's approach. He opened his eyes and waved to Wang Jin.

Wang Jin walked over quickly and sat opposite the old man.

The old man looked at Wang Jin kindly, and with a wave of his hand, the teapot automatically poured a cup of tea for Wang Jin: "Come, try it, this is fairy tea."